The council have made a decision on the Pop Brixton site and International House:
Unsurprisingly the differences in the deal with the developer, London Square, are:
- Reduce social housing by 10%
- Reduce overall amount of commercial floor space
- Seems like they are keeping the same amount of affordable commercial floor space
- I think they are selling (leasing) the land for less money overall now
- Remove the councils right to first refusal on buying affordable homes to then rent out
Seems like a bad deal overall to me.
From the email I got:
On the affordable workspace. Now I have re read it yes less overall workspace but ( at this time) keeping the original amount of affordable.
Workspace: Reduce minimum
requirement for delivering 6500 sqm
GIA of employment floorspace to a
quantum aligning with the principles of
Lambeth Local Plan Policy ED1 (D),
paragraph 6.7 concerning mixed-use
development schemes with significant
public benefits.
As outlined in this report, the office market has shifted
affecting office values and the overall viability of the
indicative scheme. Lambeth Local Plan Policy ED 1 (D)
supports mixed use regeneration schemes which
deliver significant public benefits where full reprovision
of existing commercial floorspace cannot be achieved,
subject to viability testing at the planning application
stage. Paragraph 6.7 clarifies that the amount to be
provided is expected to be no less than 50% of the
existing floorspace. Whilst a reduction in the
anticipated commercial floorspace within the scheme,
this level of workspace still represents a significant and
permanent contribution to Brixton’s wider workspace
ecosystem and a significant driver of jobs and other
employment and skills opportunities.
Revise minimum
requirement to deliver 20% of the
workspace on affordable terms with a
discount of at least 35% on market
rents over a 25-year period to a
requirement to deliver a minimum of
1,300sqm GIA of affordable
workspace at the same discount level
and for the same time period or an
affordable workspace on different
terms which amounts to equivalent
This protects the expected quantum of affordable
workspace originally required to be delivered when a
larger workspace was anticipated - this is an important
public benefit in the Brixton context. These changes
also allow for a more flexible approach to delivering the
affordable workspace, e.g. a smaller quantum could be
provided at a greater discount (e.g. 50% discount or
more on market rents) which may respond more
effectively to local needs. This will be addressed
through pre-application engagement and the planning
Land receipt: Reduce the expected
land receipt in line with financial
modelling undertaken.
This is necessary given the impa