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Change UK: Chuka Umunna resigns from Labour party and launches Independent Group

It's like he's fucking forgotten that it was the Lib Dems sucking up to the Tories that got us to where we are now, the pathetic, spineless careerist twat.

He probably hasnt forgotten, but he looked at the recent election results and concluded that enough of the electorate had forgotten or had those concerns trumped by bigger concerns.
(((((tigger))))) :(
(((((tigger))))) :(

Pooh: Chuka what on Earth are you doing here?
Tigger: Hi Vince, I've made myself homeless again, don't suppose you've got somewhere for me to stay?
Pooh: Oh bother ... alright but you can't do the po...
Tigger: Hurrah!
The blunderful thing about tiggers
Is tiggers are blunderful things!
Their ideals are made out of rubber
Their loyalties made out of springs!
“You can’t trust a word the Lib Dems say”: here is an entirely accurate summation tweeted to the world in 2013 by the new Liberal Democrat MP for Streatham, Chuka Umunna. Announcing his second defection in four months, Umunna last night posed alongside Lib Dem leader Vince Cable, whom he once astutely declared “can’t run away from his record as part of the Tory-led government or try to pretend Tory policies have nothing to do with the Lib Dems”. Just two years ago, he bitterly declared he “can’t forgive” what the Lib Dems have “done to my area”; indeed that he “could never countenance suggesting voters support Liberal Democratic or Conservative candidates on account of their Remain credentials – this would require turning a blind eye to the cuts to our local schools, the NHS and other public services instigated by both parties in government from 2010 to 2015”.

Everyone is entitled to shift their opinions: as John Maynard Keynes once put it, “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” But what facts have changed about the Lib Dems since 2017? Both Cable and Jo Swinson, the frontrunner to replace him as leader, are unrepentant about the austerity they imposed on the country, and which Umunna all too recently passionately condemned them for. It gets better. At the end of April, a leaked document from Umunna’s Change UK revealed his then-party’s plans to wipe out the Lib Dems as an electoral force. Umunna has gone from seeking to politically extinguish a party to becoming its enthusiastic parliamentary representative in the course of seven weeks.

In the meantime, enough of this farce. Umunna was elected to parliament wearing a Labour rosette, on the back of a Labour manifesto, just two years ago. When the Change UK European parliamentary candidate David Macdonald defected to the Lib Dems a month ago, Umunna said it was “disappointing that this candidate has chosen to pledge allegiance to another party – he has let down his fellow candidates and activists”. The same goes for a man who, in part, owes his parliamentary salary to the Labour activists who sacrificed their precious time pounding streets, knocking on doors, and delivering leaflets to get him elected. Umunna is now in his third party within four months and, rather than insulting the voters who opted for a Labour candidate, he should go back to the people and give them a final say. That he won’t is both cowardice and hypocrisy – and is exactly why Umunna is so emblematic of our broken politics.
Chuka Umunna’s self-serving hypocrisy is emblematic of our broken politics | Owen Jones
Chuka had the sense to ditch the no hope Labour party who haven't got a cat in hell's chance of ever achieving power under the present Marxist leadership. He tried to form a new party which didn't work (this was the same story with the old SDP, shame that there seems to be no chance of forming new parties) so as a centrist he has joined the LIbDems who currently occupy the centre
Good for him, a realist
Chuka had the sense to ditch the no hope Labour party who haven't got a cat in hell's chance of ever achieving power under the present Marxist leadership. He tried to form a new party which didn't work (this was the same story with the old SDP, shame that there seems to be no chance of forming new parties) so as a centrist he has joined the LIbDems who currently occupy the centre
Good for him, a realist

Chuka had the sense to ditch the no hope Labour party who haven't got a cat in hell's chance of ever achieving power under the present Marxist leadership. He tried to form a new party which didn't work (this was the same story with the old SDP, shame that there seems to be no chance of forming new parties) so as a centrist he has joined the LIbDems who currently occupy the centre
Good for him, a realist
Hello Brian. Welcome to the boards. It's traditional here to bait and ridicule people with opposing (wrong) political views. So don't be surprised when you get cunted off eh?
Chuka had the sense to ditch the no hope Labour party who haven't got a cat in hell's chance of ever achieving power under the present Marxist leadership. He tried to form a new party which didn't work (this was the same story with the old SDP, shame that there seems to be no chance of forming new parties) so as a centrist he has joined the LIbDems who currently occupy the centre
Good for him, a realist
I'm not a Labour or Corbyn supporter and I've posted ad nauseam about their failings. However, in terms of day to day politics, the one single thing that held Labour and Corbyn back/provided ammunition for their enemies/allowed the tories to get away with it, was Chukka and his cronies.
If you think Chuk is a realist I would hate to see your version of a deluded person.

I would start with any of the current Labour party politburo (Corbyn, McDonnel et al) and their supporters who are deluded enough to think they would ever achieve power
My Labour lies with New Labour who won three consecutive elections
I would start with any of the current Labour party politburo (Corbyn, McDonnel et al) and their supporters who are deluded enough to think they would ever achieve power
My Labour lies with New Labour who won three consecutive elections
ah, your labour is lying labour

you support lies like the 45 minutes bullshit

you can stuff your labour where the sun don't shine
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Chuka had the sense to ditch the no hope Labour party who haven't got a cat in hell's chance of ever achieving power under the present Marxist leadership. He tried to form a new party which didn't work (this was the same story with the old SDP, shame that there seems to be no chance of forming new parties) so as a centrist he has joined the LIbDems who currently occupy the centre
Good for him, a realist
by realist you mean cunt
I'm not a Labour or Corbyn supporter and I've posted ad nauseam about their failings. However, in terms of day to day politics, the one single thing that held Labour and Corbyn back/provided ammunition for their enemies/allowed the tories to get away with it, was Chukka and his cronies.

The only thing that holds Labour back is Corbyn himself along with his loony Momentum support
The only thing that holds Labour back is Corbyn himself along with his loony Momentum support
With Corbyn's victory, there was a chance the party could return to some kind of revamped social democracy. That's not my politics, but it looked like there was a route out of the Blair years. I've been critical of Corbyn/Momentum for their insufficient engagement with the working class, their failure to organise, to resist, certainly. But the likes of Chuka Umuna were never on board for anything other than the cold dead managerialism and neoliberalism of the Blair years. In terms of Labour functioning as an efficient social democratic project, they were the real enemy.
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