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Change UK: Chuka Umunna resigns from Labour party and launches Independent Group

God it must be hard backing Blairism these days though, a creed based on the "win power at any cost, fuck principles" mantra which hasn't won anything in years and has been thoroughly booted into touch in 2019, so can only be justified by manically denouncing anyone with principles, even principles as anemic as those of late-model Corbynism.
God it must be hard backing Blairism these days though, a creed based on the "win power at any cost, fuck principles" mantra which hasn't won anything in years and has been thoroughly booted into touch in 2019, so can only be justified by manically denouncing anyone with principles, even principles as anemic as those of late-model Corbynism.
then again

I'm not a Labour or Corbyn supporter and I've posted ad nauseam about their failings. However, in terms of day to day politics, the one single thing that held Labour and Corbyn back/provided ammunition for their enemies/allowed the tories to get away with it, was Chukka and his cronies.

With Corbyn's victory, there was a chance the party could return to some kind of revamped social democracy. That's not my politics, but it looked like there was a route out of the Blair years. I've been critical of Corbyn/Momentum for their insufficient engagement with the working class, their failure to organise, to resist, certainly. But the likes of Chuka Umuna were never on board for anything other than the cold dead managerialism and neoliberalism of the Blair years. In terms of Labour functioning as an efficient social democratic project, they were the real enemy.

Every month at my Branch or CLP there is something on Palestine, etc, they have a collection for a food bank, but seemingly no practical action, most energy is on electoral campaigning, which is inevitable I suppose.
Given that recent Council ward by election in Chukas constituency almost saw a Labour Council seat fall to LDs Chuka might reckon he is in with a chance of keeping his seat if general election happens.

LDs have gained a lot of votes in Lambeth due to Brexit.

This despite the Lambeth Labour party and the Labour run administration supporting second referendum. Being clearly Remain as are roughly 80% of Lambeth voters.

Chuka is Labour MP in area in which most Labour supporters are Remain.

His defection to LDs is inexcusable.

TBF, Thornton has a Lib Dem history. Not surprising they came so close, and Labour only really held on because every Lambeth Labour activist and cllr got roped into door-knocking/canvassing from the ward seat becoming vacant, onward.
Chuka had the sense to ditch the no hope Labour party who haven't got a cat in hell's chance of ever achieving power under the present Marxist leadership. He tried to form a new party which didn't work (this was the same story with the old SDP, shame that there seems to be no chance of forming new parties) so as a centrist he has joined the LIbDems who currently occupy the centre
Good for him, a realist

Piss off, flims.
I did wonder how long it'd be before that kind of article was released :D

If the LD's even consider it before he wins a legitimate seat at the next GE they'll massively shoot themselves in the foot.
When he quit the Labour party he claimed he wouldn't face a by-election because his values hadn't changed, the party had moved away from him. Nonsense on stilts from my perspective, but a position he could plausibly claim as legitimate. This time he's joined a party he has actively campaigned against, attacked, slagged off and urged us, who live in his constituency, to vote against. He has no credible reason left to avoid a by-election now, except cowardice. Please don't offer him a shred of encouragement by talking of him hanging on until a GE. We want rid now.
When he quit the Labour party he claimed he wouldn't face a by-election because his values hadn't changed, the party had moved away from him. Nonsense on stilts from my perspective, but a position he could plausibly claim as legitimate. This time he's joined a party he has actively campaigned against, attacked, slagged off and urged us, who live in his constituency, to vote against. He has no credible reason left to avoid a by-election now, except cowardice. Please don't offer him a shred of encouragement by talking of him hanging on until a GE. We want rid now.

Valid point :thumbs:
Is it? I never knew what it was!
There was talk about it here, but I can't remember if anyone with any inside info spilled the beans.

It can't be doing Class As though, or he'd have gone straight to the Tories and stood for leader there, given that appears to be a pre-condition for entering the race...
When he quit the Labour party he claimed he wouldn't face a by-election because his values hadn't changed, the party had moved away from him. Nonsense on stilts from my perspective, but a position he could plausibly claim as legitimate. This time he's joined a party he has actively campaigned against, attacked, slagged off and urged us, who live in his constituency, to vote against. He has no credible reason left to avoid a by-election now, except cowardice. Please don't offer him a shred of encouragement by talking of him hanging on until a GE. We want rid now.
Not only will he hang on until the next GE, he will do everything in his power, like voting for the government in VONCs, to postpone the evil day for as long as possible
There was talk about it here, but I can't remember if anyone with any inside info spilled the beans.

It can't be doing Class As though, or he'd have gone straight to the Tories and stood for leader there, given that appears to be a pre-condition for entering the race...
Rumour I heard was similar to the rumours there used to be about Jason Donovan (which to be fair to the aussie Bell end were not true in his case). Not especially damaging and only a cunt would care.
"Vince Cable talks about increasing the minimum wage, but you can't trust a word the Lib Dems say."

This tweet from Chuka Umunna. Need I say anymore.
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