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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

The Untorchables - In England in 1556 a secret group of alchemist priests work to create a potion that can make them resistant to fire. When they learn that one of their number is to be burnt at the stake for great heresy, they can only hope that their efforts come to fruition in time.
The Dram Busters

a group of skilled alcoholics get together to defeat hitler by drinking him under the table in the very same munich beer hall that he launched his first abortive putsch from
The May of the Triffids

PM Theresa May is transformed into a slowly lumbering lethally poisonous quasi-sentient vegetable.... ( insert own punchline here )
The Irony Lady

Turns out that Thatch didn't really mean any of that union-busting, privatising, sabre-rattling stuff, it was all just a bit of bantz that got out of control. No, really.
The Irony Lady

Turns out that Thatch didn't really mean any of that union-busting, privatising, sabre-rattling stuff, it was all just a bit of bantz that got out of control. No, really.
...starring Alanis Morissette as Margaret!
The Iron Lardy - When Mrs Weston bakes her usual batch of lardy cakes for the village fete, Josh Wheatly a new member of the parish who has recently moved up from London criticises them as being too heavy and old-fashioned, suggesting she might like to produce some cup cakes instead. Furious that anyone would question her traditional cooking, Mrs Weston has the blacksmith forge a replica cake out of pig iron. The sleepy village comes alive when she takes this round to Mr Wheatly's house and hurls it at his head.
The Ion Lady

Speculative fiction in which Margaret Hilda Roberts pursues a career not in chemistry, but in physics...
Miami Hice

....some upper class poshos buy a holiday home in Florida....
Where Eagles Bare

faced with another humiliating wait at the dole queue in a post industrial northern town, Glenn Frey decides to get the band back together to do a tour in their all together.

wins a sundance award and the guardian calls it a brave exploration of what it means to be a late middle aged man in modern britan.
Turf Nazis Must Die

Irish Nazi Justin Barret tries to infiltrate rural turf-cutting community. Hijinks ensue as a motley crew of bachelor farmers organize against him. Stars Pat Short.
The Enfarcer

Ruthless maverick cop Brian Rix cleans up the mean streets of LA by making villians drop their trousers and run hilariously in an out of cupboards

The Tron Lady

Thatch is sucked into one of those massive computers from the 80s and must do battle againt foes like Lord Spreadsheet, Solitaire and Wordstar for Dos


A darts based remake of Sly's classic.

Plight of the Navigator

When the front seat passenger realises he has to completely refold a 25,000:1 OS map in the dark, danger lurks at every corner.

And all of these :D :D
Slight of the Navigator

One man is the only person to know how to use a sextant and a nautical map. Hilarity ensues because he is a bitingly sarcastic dickhead to the passengers
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