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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

The Pope Must Pie

Pope Francis is separated from his security detail and pursued through the streets of Rome by a grinning lunatic who is determined to smash a pie in his face.
Swatch - Unscrupulous boxing promoters, violent bookmakers, a Russian gangster, incompetent amateur robbers, and supposedly Jewish jewellers fight to track down a worthless stolen watch.
Once Upon a Lime In America

story of how the lime industry boomed as the brit navy discovered what scurvy was. Americans learn of this and mock us
Suicide Squid

The US government recruits a team of the ocean's most dangerous cephalopods to make wisecracks, feel remorse for their troubled pasts and occasionally fight evil or something.
The Grill On The Train

Emily Blunt as an alcoholic short order chef working in the restaurant car of a sleeper train and having trouble with her gas lights
The Malteser Falcon

Underemployed private eye kills time by sculpting birds of prey from lunch snacks
Harlem Tights. Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor hide out in 1940s harlem dressed in tights under their sharp suits, because its cold and theres no shame in it.
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