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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

Resovoir logs - moving documentary following a father and son team of lumberjacks moving their fresh cut timber from one side of a massive manmade lake to the other. While rolling the logs across they gaze down on the flooded forest below and ruminate on man's eternal conflict with nature.
Jack! Eh Brown.

Bio on the fractious relationship between Jack Straw and Gordon Brown.
Reservoir Doge

The elected-for-life leader of Venice puts together a team of black-suited men known only by colours to undertake the construction of an artificial lake intended to store water. Things go rapidly downhill when it becomes clear that one of the men has betrayed the plan, and the members of the team die in a succession of ever-more gruesome and blood-thirsty ways
You had me here:

...but lost me here:

An heroic failure methinks :D

My understanding was that Venice is in a lagoon.They still need somewhere to store their fresh water though, don't they?

Anymore nonsense from you and you'll get your ear sliced off with a razor...
Hat - bizarre mid-90s arthouse film starring many major actors, De Niro, Kilmer, Pacino etc, all taking it turns to wear a hat and therefore lend gravity to their stalling careers.

Tagline - "When the hat is on..."
Cool run ins. Comedy about ex flat mates who fell out over bills and keep bumping into each other at mates of mates parties.
High Loon

Recovering from anxiety - (& a feeling of being an utterly worthless piece of human trash that has no right to pollute gods good earth with her poisonous bile) - Katie Hopkins retreats to the 85th floor of The Shard
Gove, Actually

Hugh Grant plays Gove in this fawning biopic that is likely to make anyone stupid enough to watch it gouge their own eyes out

Gove and other catastrophes. Light hearted indie Rom com about Cameron's 1st term.

In the mood for Gove. Said no one ever.
It's disqualified because it's more than one letter, but the Bjorn Identity. Matt Damonn is a secret agent with Amnesia who thinks he's a member of a Abba tribute act.
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