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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

The Bards
Bodega bay's singer-songwriter community is acting strangely, be very afraid.
Flay Misty For Me - sentimental old rancher Clint Eastwood hasn't the heart to skin his old pony himself.
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Digby Goes Down
Dan Dare's old batman falls on hard times after he is demobbed from Space Fleet.
Canderella - a humble servant girl is magically transformed at midnight into a bag of sugar

National Lampoon's Vocation - low brow American comedians undergo religous conversion and join the priesthood

299 - a Spartan warrior's alarm clock fails to go off
Fatman - a fat dude in a cape and a mask gets out of breath while chasing criminals that he ultimately fails to apprehend on account of his bad knee and asthma
Shakes on a plane. Alternate ending to leaving Las Vegas. Nicholas Cage actually leaves Las Vegas, on a plane, in alcohol withdrawal and eventually overcomes his demons. and leads a fulfilling life.
watershit down... A documentary on the benefits of watering down your alcoholic beverages(kids call all kinds of stuff ''shit' e.g ''water that shit down, it will last loonger''')
Shakes on a plane. Alternate ending to leaving Las Vegas. Nicholas Cage actually leaves Las Vegas, on a plane, in alcohol withdrawal and eventually overcomes his demons. and leads a fulfilling life.
I would've thought Michael J Fox would be a shoo-in
Forrest Dump
All-ursine cast - Yogi, Winnie, Paddington, Gentle Ben, Superted - attempts to break free from early careers in kids' TV with most scat movie imaginable
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