Shirley not..?Saltburp
Must've been too much Pepsi...
Oh shit. My apologies. Unintentional mistake.One letter?
Very good!The Fan Who Fell to Earth.
Huge Bowie lover disillusioned after seeing him act.
Yes!A Blockwork Orange
Alex and his droogs inflict a bit of the old ultra-violence on some crypto bros
Thought this was going to be a Minecraft tribute.A Blockwork Orange
Alex and his droogs inflict a bit of the old ultra-violence on some crypto bros
The Zine of Interest
Chilling drama following the seemingly normal everyday life of someone who occasionally makes a cheap photocopied DIY publication in their spare time.
Saltburp: Shocking black comedy exploring what happens if you drink a whole jar of brine.
Must've been too much Pepsi...
'Zine of Interest
Following a bedroom based teenager who documents the black metal scene in lower Upper Silesia, but isn't nazi-adjacent in any way shape or form, honest.
In which a group of overprivileged and underinhibited young people party at the beach and swallow too much sea water. The dystopian aftermath on the sands has been critically acclaimed as major artistic achievement.
We should start a support group