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Cardiff City /Cardiff Dragons/ RedBlueDragonBirds 2013-2014, Bluebirds Unite and related chat

Its always a concern. Like when Sam Hamman bought a load of ex-Wimbledon players without consulting Lennie Lawrence. I felt sorry for Gareth Ainsworth who was disliked by the manager through no fault of his own and could have made more of a difference for us if he'd been given a fair chance.

That's life as a city supporter for you. Past and present.
Just a 'concern' then. :facepalm:
Only just now looked at the score. 1-0 to City with 5 minutes injury time added. Be good to beat the Jacks.
Can't deny that Cardiff rode their luck very well indeed.

Swans were better for long periods, but in the end ... <makes no further comment :hmm: :( >
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Here's something else to possibly concern you or give you the opportunity to generate more excuses for this egotistical twat's actions:
Cardiff City owner Vincent Tan refuses to comment on Malky Mackay future - despite derby win

Cardiff City owner Vincent Tan said he had "no comment" to make when asked directly whether he fears losing manager Malky Mackay amid continued off-field issues at the club.

Moments after Mackay masterminded a historic South Wales derby defeat of rivals Swansea City, the controversial owner still refused to back his manager, just weeks after the controversial exit of head of recruitment Iain Moody.

And he declined the opportunity to explain to fans just what had been going on behind the scenes in recent weeks.

When asked about the circumstances behind unknown Kazakh rookie Alisher Apsalyamov replacing Moody, Tan said: "I don't want to explain now. I will explain when the time is right.

"I don't want to add fuel to the fire.

"I will explain when I need to explain and when I am ready to explain."

On reflection, I revise my earlier reaction -- Swansea were not playing well (hardly) at all. They kept possession well for a fair bit of time and passed nicely, but if you can't fucking score, that's no good on its own. Also Cardiff upped their tempo big time in the second half. That Gary Medal looked a pretty good player.

<reluctantly concedes that Cardiff deserved that result :( >
"As a Cardiff fan, think back to your first memory of the club. Stood (gone) on the terraces (gone) at Ninian Park (gone) watching the Bluebirds (gone) take to the field, a sea of blue shirts (gone) impatiently expecting their heroes to play for the badge (gone), for your beloved club (...gone?). With all that removed, what is there left to love? Fleeting success? The Premier League?
Cardiff may have won the battle yesterday, but the more you hear of Vincent Tan's ownership, the more it becomes apparent that they're losing the war"

From F365
imo he doesn't get how football works, thinks he does and thinks he can sort it as already a successful businessman, just another business init
also he is used to being the BIG man, number one and everyone that works for him has to bow (sometimes literally) to that
so with Malky he sees someone with the respect he thinks he deserves and is owed and is not getting it
obviously he can't have that! it is HIS club saved with HIS money so where is HIS respect
never mind Malky has earned it for a variety of reasons
Tan probably feels impotent and would love to get rid of Malky to 'shut everyone up' and to 'show who's boss' but maybe and hopefully is getting strong advice that things would get worse and not to do it.
just imo
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What's the most offensive thing you can do in Malaysian culture? Find out and see if you can get at least half of the home crowd to do it during a game.
"butbutbut then he'll take his ball (and money) away and we won't be in the premiership and and and boohooo etc :("
Even Risdale thinks what's happening at City is up the creek.
Former chairman Peter Ridsdale says recent events at Cardiff City portray a lack of logic in the club's running.
Owner Vincent Tan replaced head of recruitment Iain Moody with 23-year-old Kazakh Alisher Apsalyamov, who has since stepped aside from his role temporarily over a visa issue.
Ridsdale described Moody as boss Malky Mackay's "right-hand" man and hopes the manager's position will be unaffected.
"There doesn't appear to be a lot of logic," said Ridsdale.

"You've got the best young manager there, he's got his own staff... football managers need and want their own staff.
"And then suddenly he's got his right-hand man taken away from him and somebody who doesn't appear to have any qualifications put in place.
"So I think the football world have been raising their eyebrows at a time when, frankly, Cardiff City could do without that sort of publicity."

What's the most offensive thing you can do in Malaysian culture? Find out and see if you can get at least half of the home crowd to do it during a game.

Possibly something to do with shoes? Seems to be a massive cuss in a number of Muslim countries. Imagine - a sea of blue shoes being waved towards the Director's box :cool:
To sensible Swansea fans too.

Not all that convinced those idiot tossers are especially representative of Swansea fans in general. I'm not one myself, and I don't have any particular reason to defend anything or even argue the point much. Just posting as a Swansea resident who's been to a fair few home games on and off since I moved here (only ten mins walk away from deb's house, after all).

IME you get at most one or two 'union' flags and a lot more Welsh ones, solely club-themed ones, etc. Only trying to be fairminded here.
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