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Is there anywhere which won’t be totally mobbed and hence an option to grab some food in?

During a Rugby international?
Not mobbed?
Doesn't exist.

Get in a taxi and drive to the suburbs.
The town centre will be mobbed from one end to the next.

Embrace the chaos of St Mary's Street post international. It's why many love our national stadium.
Actually Club 29 and Pen and Wig aren't too far away from where you staying.
You could try them.

Tiger Tiger, Yates and Steinbeck (along Greyfriars Road) are closer but still might be rammed.
Cheers Cardiff folks, some useful info there - I suspect by the time we leave the ground we will be so pissed we won’t be much able to hold onto a coherent plan.

I am not really a fan of either crowds or city centres on nights out so it will be interesting :)
Yes, it will be completely mobbed, but as others say, that's the joy/pain of having a stadium smack bang in the middle of the city. If you do decide the face the city centre The City Arms, Tiny Rebel, and the bars on Womanby St are good but will be packed. There are good food options near the stadium that would need booking (Bar 44, Curado Bar, Cafe Citta, and tons of more chain-y options) or you could embrace the chaos and get chips on Caroline St.

Like many locals, I completely avoid the centre when there's a match on, but a fairly short walking distance from where you're staying is Cathedral Road, which has some pubs which might be quieter. I doubt you'd get a cab easily after a match but both City Road and Cowbridge Rd are streets in the inner east and west suburbs respectively which both have a ton of good options for eating. Maybe 20 mins on foot, half a hour if you're pissed.
Cheers Cardiff folks, some useful info there - I suspect by the time we leave the ground we will be so pissed we won’t be much able to hold onto a coherent plan.

I am not really a fan of either crowds or city centres on nights out so it will be interesting :)
How did it go for you?
How did it go for you?
It was good thanks.

Having looked at my bank statement we went to a Mexican place called La Pantera which both had space for us and food for a few drinks. Fortunately in the time we were there the crowds dissipated a bit.

After that we went to a pub and finished up in a bar until about 11 when everyone was knackered. I couldn’t tell you the names except they were still very much in the centre, the first had some iron maiden posters up, the second was fairly commercial. Everyone I ended up talking to seemed very friendly. I dare say we’ll be back for 2024
Had a lovely stroll around the Wenallt on Christmas Day...




Jesus. It seems like Cardiff takes a constant hammering these days. I mean, obviously venues come and go everywhere, but the amount of decent music places closing vs the amount of fucking gin bars and high st restaurants.

(Obviously, I mean clubs/bars rather than music shops. Though this seems emblematic. And the last time I went into Gamlins it didn't seem too healthy.)

Does anyone know if there are new places countering this drift?
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Carpe Noctem (where Minsky's was) has gone to shit already, they dug themselves a hole with ill advised responses to a social media post where someone said they were uncomfortable there
and the last couple of times i've been they had nothing on draught and limited other stuff, not many there
It's a great shame tbh

Milgi's on city is currently Paradise Garden and they've had a good run, some good nights but they only have til March as building being sold, they had Gruff Rhys and Don Leisure playing last night and DJ Guy tonight

Buffalo upstairs is open again and the downstairs is opening as "buffalo lounge" soon if it hasn't already
Scaredy Cats bar on the Hayes is good but shuts early
There's a new club where Glam was on Greyfriars Rd that is called "District" and have had some interesting nights, not been but a mate went last week and said it was good, 3 levels including roof terrace
Rhostio on Crwys rd near corner of City rd does gigs but also shuts early, nice roof terrace there too

There's always the dependable Moon of course! Still going and needs supporting
Think I’m dj’ing at Lo Bar down the bay this summer. Any good as a venue?
ooooh, get yooo :p is that for Fixate?
seems a bit try hard/glitzy/duck face and pricey from the stuff i've seen advertised
Played down there when it was "World of Boats", good spot and location with decent outdoor bit
Would like to play there again but doubt possible under this moniker
Just to say I appreciate the roundup ddraig ! Nice one.

I went to the new Minsky's place just before Christmas, was basically very OK - shame about the social media stuff and other shiteness.

Anyone up for a Cardiff meetup in the next month or two?
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Had a lovely stroll around the Wenallt on Christmas Day...

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That last pic...Im sure I went to a rave type something right at that spot..90s-ish I think
New chicken place 'Chick Star'in St Mellons is the absolute dog's bollocks!
Chomping on a huge wodge of succulent fried chicken last night and it genuinely put a smile on my face. Lovely crispy coating and none of than slightly manky taste you get with most fried chicken joints. Hot wings were OK, but not really spicy enough.

They're not on the delivery apps yet and aren't advertising but they're located in a good spot (the precinct round the corner from Tesco St Mellons). Looked busy enough. Cash only, at the moment (!)

Worth a takeaway sortie for anyone on the East side of Cardiff.
Just to say I appreciate the roundup ddraig ! Nice one.

I went to the new Minsky's place just before Christmas, was basically very OK - shame about the social media stuff and other shiteness.

Anyone up for a Cardiff meetup in the next month or two?
i might lurch along to a meet.
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