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Can someone give me a link that helps me to prove the the Freeman on the land bullshit is nonsense.

There is much in our rag-bag constitutional procedure that gives comfort to these moonbats.

There is, but AFAIK (and longdog will no doubt correct me if I'm wrong!) the whole FMoTL thing originated in the states and is stronger over there than here. Idiots will find an excuse to be idiots, regardless of the constitutional set-up!
In the US they tend to call themselves 'Sovereign Citizens' but it's the same thing in essence.
Defendant tried to submit a document to the court claiming copyright on his name. I'm sure these people are nobs but I can admire the chutzpah.

Any use of Mr. Meads’ protected names:
DENNIS LARRY MEADS© — including any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling, i.e. DENNIS LARRY MEADS, MEADS DENNIS LARRY, DENNIS L MEADS, MEADS D LARRY, D L MEADS
means a person owes Mr. Meads $100,000,000.00:
That's a big ask, they're somewhere between David Icke and UKIP. I've been drafted in by a friend to convince her best friend that this is all bollocks. Her boyfriend who got her into all this recently told her the court let him off his debts, although she did not attend this hearing. So my simple explanations as to difference between statute and civil law have fallen on deaf ears. She is now banging on about a magic cheque book that can pay off all your debts.

I met a FMOTL UKIPper (she was quite friendly and I'm normally a model of politeness but when she told me that I let out an involuntary "Oh God") while walking the dog. She said she'd used FMOTL stuff to get her husband let off bank debts after he'd been charged silly amounts of money in bank penalties.

I asked her how and she said that she'd demanded that the bank produce a copy of the original agreement between him and the bank, and the bank hadn't kept a copy. So actually a triumph of contract law rather than FMOTL bollox.
I know that the whole thing is an epic logic fail, but sovereign citizens when they don't have a monarchy???!!!

The word is being used as an adjective

adjective: sovereign
1. possessing supreme or ultimate power.
"in modern democracies the people's will is in theory sovereign"

rather than as a synonym for monarch.

The theory* is nonsense, but at least the terminology is appropriate.

*I guess it's derived from Hobbes or Locke who derived their theories of state authority from the idea of individual sovereignity, IIRC.
Any use of Mr. Meads’ protected names:
DENNIS LARRY MEADS© — including any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling, i.e. DENNIS LARRY MEADS, MEADS DENNIS LARRY, DENNIS L MEADS, MEADS D LARRY, D L MEADS
means a person owes Mr. Meads $100,000,000.00:

This is one of my favourite freeman tropes. Apparently you can charge people an unlimited amount of money for taking up your time as well, so if someone from the council rings up asking why you haven't paid your council tax, you can bill them £1000 a minute or whatever for the time you spend talking to them. All you have to do is say 'by continuing to speak to me you agree to my service charge of £1000 per minute' or something, after which point your interlocutor enters into a binding verbal contract to pay up. How this verbal contract is supposed to be enforced given that all contract law is invalid is never adquately explained.
The word is being used as an adjective

rather than as a synonym for monarch.

The theory* is nonsense, but at least the terminology is appropriate.

*I guess it's derived from Hobbes or Locke who derived their theories of state authority from the idea of individual sovereignity, IIRC.
It's still an epic fail, considering they pick meanings for words that are all over the place.

Thanks for the explanation though.
To whom it may concern,

Anyone who reads the posts of the Urban75 poster "Favelado", hereby agrees that they owe him 100,000,007 pounds and thirty five pence per post read , as well as a strawberry flavoured "Chupa Chup" lollipop and the meal of his choice at any South London branch of the franchised business known as "Morley's Fried Chicken".

Yours extremely seriously,

Freeman Favelado.
To whom it may concern,

Anyone who reads the posts of the Urban75 poster "Favelado", hereby agrees that they owe him 100,000,007 pounds and thirty five pence per post read , as well as a strawberry flavoured "Chupa Chup" lollipop and the meal of his choice at any South London branch of the franchised business known as "Morley's Fried Chicken".

Yours extremely seriously,

Freeman Favelado.

Ha! Fishfinger's agreed to that already.
It's still an epic fail, considering they pick meanings for words that are all over the place.

Thanks for the explanation though.

Yeah, the whole thing is an epic fail, so for me to pick out one little aspect which isn't, at least not in the way it might appear, kind of goes against my general inclination merely to point and laugh
how was it impressive? did they get the person off?
are you a bit of a one?
would make sense! :D

They actually dismissed the case, convened a common-law grand jury and arrested the judge for treason.

This is the official FMOTL version of what happened but...

In reality the case was adjourned, four people were arrested for contempt (three bound over, one jailed) and no judge was arrested. The 'freemen' like to post videos of the Birkenhead incident on YouTube to show this great footler victory but sadly for them the content of the videos never come close to agreeing with their interpretation of events. It all centred on the activities of legal 'expert' and freeman guru Roger Hayes who has a 100% unbroken record of failure in court.

He was also the man who, through his wide ranging legal expertise managed to get one of his clients, a lunatic by the name of Liz (of the family) Watson, jailed for seven months for contempt http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Fam/2011/B15.html

Watson subsequently came to her senses, or at least pretended to, and was released when she purged her contempt with the aid of a real lawyer. Naturally enough she refused to pay the lawyers bill and got sued so she employed Hayes to get her off... With predictable results...

Watson is one of the more poisonous footlers who tries to browbeat anybody who exposes her bullshit with accusations of being a paedophile.
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A Fremen On The Land recently:


'His name is an expensive word'
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