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Cake vs Biscuits

Cake vs Biscuits

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Over sweet & sickly shop cake with loads of vile sugar icing or marzipan - YUCK.
A nice moist homemade cake with a cup of tea (but not dunked obv) - perfect
Biscuits for dunking but loads of biscuits these days are rank.
So basically, depends. How can you choose :rolleyes::confused:
How can you ask a Libran a question like that!...we can't make decisions, it's written in our stars...

Libra Astrology September 23 - October 22

Libra Strength Keywords:
- Diplomatic
- Graceful
- Peaceful
- Idealistic
- Hospitable
Libra Weakness Keywords:
- Superficial
- Vain
- Indecisive
- Unreliable

Cake..oooo no biscuits. I don't know, is tea involved? :facepalm:
I prefer cake to biscuits.

Fruitcake at christmas because I love fruitcake but it has too many calories for year round eating.
I only like biscuits if they are chocolate biscuits, otherwise I'm not interested.
Last week I bought some plain chocolate Tunnocks Teacakes, I class them as a biscuit and they are the only biscuits I've bought this year.

Not sure if Betty's Fat Rascals are cakes, I suppose they are. I bought two of those yesterday and every time I go to Ilkley. I only eat one though, two would be greedy :)
Previous cake and biscuit threads have demonstrated that a significant proportion of the active Urban membership are quite unable to discern the difference between cakes, biscuits and general chocolate confectionery.

So your poll is fucked from the outset...! :p
I'm finding the idea of having to choose quite upsetting. It's like those childhood games where you have to choose whether some imaginary assassin kills your mum or your dad. But if one had to be purged from existence, it would have to be cake :( And obviously dad.
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