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Brixton hackspace

Makerspace is good as hackspace doesn't have the right connotations when associated with scissors.

I think I may be guilty of tinkering though...
I think we all are, but it's not something to strive for :D
I think I'll raise the issue on the mailing list.

Oh, and it sounds like the name of a fairy.

Just an idea for a rather project if anyone's interested. Last year I created a Bono-o-Meter for the Albert Christmas Party, and we're looking to put on a similar show this year - but we want it to be bigger and better.


I'd love to have a new, all-improved interactive Bono-o-Meter - perhaps with LEDs and a sound meter for applause/boos so was wondering if anyone with an interest in electronics fancied getting involved as it might be fun, no?
Meeting tonight (and next Thursday too). This is a bit of a toe-dipping exercise, as Christmas is going to get in the way of a proper campaign, but hopefully in the new year we can start giving this some proper momentum. Please come along tonight or next Thursday night for a show and tell :)


We have booked the downstairs hall at Brixton Community Base tonight and Thursday next week.


Which is exactly here:


Please come along for a show and tell. Bring your projects, whether they're just an idea on a scrap of paper, a box full of parts, or a completed thing that you're proud of. Let's show each other what we do, and talk about how we could do it better with a place to do it in. Yes, it's the run up to Christmas and it's cold out there, but please try and make the effort!

We'll pass the tin round to pay for the space, but don't stay away if you're broke. People are more valuable than money.

Hope to see everyone there!
I'm bringing my newly made corset if anyone is interested.

Currently the group is mostly people doing things with electronics, but the idea of 'room to make stuff and people to make stuff with' should be of interest to the low tech crafters too.
Understandable. It's a busy time of year. Be sure to like our FB page for updates :)
Love the idea, but as long as I've got my city and guilds going on, can't really commit more making time. But I shall observe with fascination and I hope it thrives.
Cheers for the link. Those long gmaps URLs love getting mangled in copy and paste!

We've got a special rate for the room, so don't want to make it public, but it's not that expensive so long as a dozen or so people turn up. We've got a lead on a space we can use for free in the new year. Of course the aim is to be self-supporting in our own space, rather than hiring community halls by the hour!
I got an email from the main London Hackspace today saying that they are looking to move to bigger premises. Would it be worth looking at working with them directly to pool resources for a Southern branch to take some pressure off the main space?

Note - I say this as someone who loves the idea of the hackspace but has made it there a grand total of once over about 5 months of membership :oops:
Next Thursday is upon us and we'll be having our last meetup of 2012, before coming back in January with renewed vigour. So, if you're making something or have made something and would like to meet other making people, then come along this Thursday 6th December at Brixton Community Base, from 7:15pm.

https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=London SW2 1AS&ll=51.459038,-0.11081&spn=0.000879,0.001628&client=opera&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest&hnear=London SW2 1AS, United Kingdom&gl=uk&t=h&z=19

We're keen to get things moving in 2013, so all voices are welcome to help us plan it out. Hopefully we can have a permanent shared workshop by this time next year :)
Get in touch when you're done and I'll let you know if it's worth your time coming out.
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