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Brixton hackspace

You'll need a lot of cling film :D I may well toddle along to this as my other half is, so if I do you can wrap me up :D :D
Hi there, am interesting in getting involved and have joined the mailing list but obviously have lots of questions as to what shape this will take - is this the best place for those questions? will this take place regularly on thursday nights from now on?
Re the Dogstar, last time I was there, the lighting was non-existent and made it very difficult to see what you were doing. So we may need to bring our own.
So no venue at the moment? Any other options? Would the gentleman from Brixton East let us use his place? I did go down to check it out but it was closed and there were no contact details in the window.
I'm on the case!
Brixton East is a good call too although it's a very large space - I have the guy's contact details.
Oh Hai !

Was really good to meet you guys last night, yes I vote get it booked up - ohhhh looks like a community is forming :p

I'm interested in fielding what kind of things I could help by bringing along and also hoping that people have random electronic junk they can bring in that we can rip apart / hack.

My name is Morris, I was the fat dude at the front preaching about how London Hackspace is awesome - warts and all.
might well be able to help with electronic junk, any type in particular you're after?
also, would this be take apart and rebuild or make totally different stuff with?
I couldn't make last night as it was the other half's birthday - will this be a regular weekly occurrence? If so I will set aside next thursday
is there a way to get reminded? Not sure I can make tonight, but I want to make things/come have a nose :)
Makerspace then?

tinkering (present participle of tin·ker) Verb: Attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way, often to no useful effect.
Not what it's about!
It's a common word, although the word "hack" has negative connotations for some (which is why the people who chose "tinker" didn't choose it). I think I prefer "make" as it covers everything.
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