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Brixton hackspace

Hack South? Make South? Making South?

Creation Station (but has to be said in a Jamaica accent really)

I think you might be stuck with hacking as there is lots of make names (Makerhood, Remakery) around already.
I'm quite tickled by Creation Station :D
I also have a weakness for portmanteaus, so am envious of those existing names you mention...
I'd go for name and think of the branding at the same time. So I'd use a name that stands out and makes it easy to create a strong identity for. But that's the graphic designer/marketeer in me.
I'd go for name and think of the branding at the same time. So I'd use a name that stands out and makes it easy to create a strong identity for. But that's the graphic designer/marketeer in me.

I wish the marketeers we deal with had your philosophy - most seem to choose the most godawful descriptive names which are impossible to register as trade marks.
I wish the marketeers we deal with had your philosophy - most seem to choose the most godawful descriptive names which are impossible to register as trade marks.
In the past, I've been brought in to develop websites for companies and ended up renaming them!
I like CDT club :D
Lots of good ideas here, thanks everyone.
PS: No "Hack" names remember
Can anybody give a general update about the state of play with this project? Where is money coming from? What spaces are being looked at? I work in Brixton and would like to help out.
Can anybody give a general update about the state of play with this project? Where is money coming from? What spaces are being looked at? I work in Brixton and would like to help out.

There's a core of half a dozen people (I'm one of them) pushing the project forward to reality, but something like 100 followers on google groups and facebook.

We were going to move into The Artworks project at Elephant, but the fire & reconstruction at the Cuming museum/archives next door has delayed it. They're now moving up the road but are also increasing the rent.

I've been talking to people at Lambeth, who've put me in touch with Network Rail about some railway arches in Loughborough Junction. We are meeting, along with Lambeth's representative, on Monday to view the space. Although I have no written confirmation, it's been heavily hinted to me that this space can come rent free in the short term. We'd be forced out within a year, by which time we should be self-sustaining at market rents.

As for money, so far it's just been a tenner in the tub each time we meet. We need a bank account to start taking membership fees, but we need to be a business first, which means we need to choose the name, which is a matter for committee...

I imagine we'll have a meeting some day after the site visit on Monday. I'll try and remember to post here, but you can also keep an eye on https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/brixtontinkerspace
I do wonder if you're not running before you can walk a bit here by committing to setting up as a business and seeking rental agreements, but perhaps I'm tainted by a long and bitter experience of people dropping out of projects they professed immense enthusiasm for.

I naturally wish you the very best of luck with this, and hope my Private Frazer words will prove laughably ill-founded.
I do wonder if you're not running before you can walk a bit here by committing to setting up as a business and seeking rental agreements, but perhaps I'm tainted by a long and bitter experience of people dropping out of projects they professed immense enthusiasm for.

I naturally wish you the very best of luck with this, and hope my Private Frazer words will prove laughably ill-founded.

The important thing to realise is that the attraction of maker spaces comes from the spaces themselves. Very few people want to come to meetings to talk about setting up such a thing, they want to come and make things. But you can't easily get a space until you have the membership required to pay for it. Which is why we've been hunting out low/free-rent locations to bootstrap things. As soon as we have a space that's more useful than people's lounge or shed, we will start attracting members. As soon as we have members, we want to start taking money off them so we can build up a pot of money for the deposit on a more permanent home. In order to be able to take people's money and to have them covered by liability insurance whilst in the space, we have to be a registered business. Getting that registered and opening a bank account is not free, but it's money we're happy to spend for now.

It *is* a big first step, but we are not the first to do this sort of thing and have taken advice from others who've been down the same path. The LHS was an official company when it had just two people chatting in a pub, and now it's the largest such organisation in the world. And yet they have barely anybody trekking across from South London to use their facilities. The demand is definitely there and we've done our sums.
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