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Bridgend MP Jamie Wallis arrested

I think he's deleted the tweet in question, but his timeline is still full of tweets supporting trans rights.

Makes me wonder with it happening so close to this if there's some tory switcheroo to outflank Labour on it or something though
Polling of the backwoodsmen says no:

So the night he crashed isn't the night of the rape if I'm reading the timeline right? Initially thought it was which would make fleeing understandable but look to be a couple of months apart, he's saying it was because of the PTSD?
I'd initially got the impression that it was all on the same night but yes, I think you're probably right and that they were separate incidents. FWIW from what I understand he was wearing women's clothing at the time of the crash, which I guess would be a reason for him to want to flee. Don't think that would cut much ice with the beak, though.

E2A: missed the bit upthread where his sentence was posted. Hadn't realised he'd appeared in court. Seems incredibly lenient so no surprise there.
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I don't want to defend Wes but I think that is a credit to him to be honest. His first statement doesn't say he can't be supportive of rape victims or indeed people who want to transition.
Oh come on, he knows exactly what he's doing here - this is what centrists call 'triangulation' isn't it? And to that audience. He's an idiot, but he's not stupid.
Oh come on, he knows exactly what he's doing here - this is what centrists call 'triangulation' isn't it? And to that audience. He's an idiot, but he's not stupid.
I don't think what he's doing is stupid or some tricky plot. While I may not agree with his views on trans people ( I don't know what they are at the moment but I can guess) but it doesnt mean he's some monster who wants them to be raped and/or prevented from transitioning or indeed feel scared to come out.
The Tory voters are in denial that a Tory could be trans. Some of them are are saying that he said " trains ", and that what he said was that he wanted to be in the transport department.
I wonder if an ordinary working class person used this defence to explain why the fled the scene of a crime what would happen and I wonder what will happen to this Tory MP.

Guess we'll find out.

Presumably George Galloway will be along soon to say that it wasn't rape but bad sexual etiquette.
I wonder if an ordinary working class person used this defence to explain why the fled the scene of a crime what would happen and I wonder what will happen to this Tory MP.

Guess we'll find out.

Presumably George Galloway will be along soon to say that it wasn't rape but bad sexual etiquette.
It helps having the money and connections to get good legal representation.

Being charged with driving without due care and attention is a good result over being charged with driving whilst unfit.
A treatment order and a small fine is what ordinary people seem to get for these sort of offences:

Not exactly an identical case - there is no suggestion that he was drunk or on drugs while driving and he wasn't charged with careless or dangerous driving (meaning he wasn't presumed to be at fault) or leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position. He didn't provide a justification for fleeing the scene.

In any case, that's not my point, my point was it will be interesting to see if they gets any leniency based on the PTSD plea.
Given he was involved in a claims management company, I'd be surprised if he didn't know at least some of the magistrates. South Wales is a small place.

My money is on a fine and 6 points max as he recently got three for being over a solid white line (there's maybe a euphemism there as well) as they wouldn't want to ban the cunt.
So he's pleaded not guilty at the initial hearing. I can only assume that as already mentioned he's going to play the victim card hard by means of mitigation as the facts on the ground seem fairly indisputable.
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