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Brexit - impact on musicians, touring and the music/events industry

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Luckily, every human has an innate capacity for music. I personally do need music in my life, that's why I learned to sing and play. Anyone who needs music probably does the same, it's called being a musician. If the need is great, it's easy enough to satisfy as well.
Credit where it’s due, this is kind of genius. When I next feel the pangs of longing for live music I’ll just sing, sorted.
Credit where it’s due, this is kind of genius. When I next feel the pangs of longing for live music I’ll just sing, sorted.
make sure that if you've an audience they're likely to be appreciative. you don't want to go all wildman fischer when those about you want freddie mercury.
Luckily, every human has an innate capacity for music. I personally do need music in my life, that's why I learned to sing and play. Anyone who needs music probably does the same, it's called being a musician. If the need is great, it's easy enough to satisfy as well.

And you were accusing editor of being snobby!
Credit where it’s due, this is kind of genius. When I next feel the pangs of longing for live music I’ll just sing, sorted.


And you were accusing editor of being snobby!

Snobby? So it was a gotcha, was it? Music is important but anyone who does it for themselves is better than others who don't?

By the way, I never said that but you seem to be implying it. It's rubbish.
First time I've ever heard the idea that more people should sing and play music themselves described as joyless but there you go.
I think it's brilliant, takes the whole self sufficiency thing to a whole new level. Puts the grow yr own potatoes & sew your own clothes people in their place.

Well, no. It's just singing. But it's the same just singing when anyone does it.
By this logic though just think we could get rid of all professional sports too, think of all that pointless travel that would no longer be necessary. :thumbs:

I'm not even starting on professional sports and the celebration of the ubermensch we enjoy so noisily.
Why not make your own bulletin board then, and spend the days arguing with your own self.

I have an eight-year-old living with me, I don't need to argue with myself.

I ought to confess too, that the vast, vast majority of the musicians I know who are currently up in arms about this have spent the last few years calling a lot of other people racist thickos and steadfastly refusing to understand why they would want to leave the European Union. This has considerably depleted my sympathy reserves.
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I was in a band that played Europe when we were all on the dole. We had to nick food from service stations some days to eat. It's entirely possible with a bit of effort and imagination. I'm sorry none of your bands managed it, but there's plenty of bands with little money who have.

Similarly, I've put on bands from Europe at my Brixton shows and made sure that they've been able to make limited ends.
Apart from the fact that you're not allowed to busk right now, not everyone is capable of busking, or has the right gear.

Or do you think there's an unlimited space and an unlimited lucrative audience waiting to throw money at non-singing drummers, bass players etc?

And this notion that every musician is capable of busking is nonsense too. Busking is a talent and a skill that requires heaps of confidence and the ability to play the kind of crowd pleasing music that people will give money too.

Oh and I'm sorry if you think I 'verbally abused' because I neither meant to or think that I did. It was your ideas and sweeping statements that I was attacking, not you.
This goes back to my question about whether travelling musicians pay tax in the countries they play in or the countries they came from.
This goes back to my question about whether travelling musicians pay tax in the countries they play in or the countries they came from.
Surely the band's fee is taxed at source when they're paid by the venue?

I declare all my band earnings on my tax return anyway. Maybe I'm paying too much.

I imagine it's all going to get a lot more complicated now anyway.
Even if you takes the costs out of the equation the impact of brexit on the cultural landscape of europe and the uk is shocking. What good does it do to anyone stopping artists sharing their skills around the EU? Defending the impact on the basis that people can busk at home spectacularly misses the point.
Even if you takes the costs out of the equation the impact of brexit on the cultural landscape of europe and the uk is shocking. What good does it do to anyone stopping artists sharing their skills around the EU? Defending the impact on the basis that people can busk at home spectacularly misses the point.
sharing their skills, teaching people you mean?

presumably for money. sounds like fom to me, and you won't be seeing that again in a hurry.
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