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Brexit - impact on musicians, touring and the music/events industry

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You have to sell an absolute shitload of records to make a living off selling music on the internet tbf. The idea that it can somehow fill in for the lost opportunities to make money via touring is ludicrous, just so far away from reality that there's not really any point in arguing with someone who'd try to claim it.
UK bands touring Europe is surely the same kind of thing as US bands touring North America, not UK bands touring North America.

UK bands not being able to tour Europe is like a US band being unable to tour outside their own state. The UK voluntarily walling itself off like this is absolutely bonkers.
You have to sell an absolute shitload of records to make a living off selling music on the internet tbf. The idea that it can somehow fill in for the lost opportunities to make money via touring is ludicrous, just so far away from reality that there's not really any point in arguing with someone who'd try to claim it.

Talking past other posters is nice. And the only venues where gigs can be played are inside the EU.

This is all going great.
For posterity.
It's true. We have an entire generation now who view listening to music at home as something that is free*. They use the net to find and listen to bands. The ones they like they then go to their gigs. Once at gigs, they buy a t-shirt, a mug, some stickers, a signed 12", whatever.

Of course there are exceptions. But the overall industry trend is well established now. There are a lot of people on this thread who are right in the middle of it trying to explain this.

*or the cost of a Spotify/Apple Music/Tidal subscription at best
Talking past other posters is nice. And the only venues where gigs can be played are inside the EU.

This is all going great.
I think you've got in too deep and are just arguing any old crap at this point tbh. I think you even had a point at the beginning, but I doubt you even know what it was now.
Maybe music being a luxury commodity is the problem.
The point is that it is the opposite of a luxury commodity now; it is totally free! So people who make music have to hustle money somehow, whether it is by busking or selling t shirts at gigs in europe. Having any of those hustles cut off (eg banning busking, or making travelling to europe impossible) is making musicians lives harder.
I think you've got in too deep and are just arguing any old crap at this point tbh. I think you even had a point at the beginning, but I doubt you even know what it was now.

No, I know what my point was. The fact that everyone's actually ignoring it is neither here nor there really. It's easier to just laugh at the prick who thinks musicians plying their trade in public is a stupid idea. I think it's better than not playing at all, FWIW.

Can you tell my mates synthwave band how to busk then? Their stage setup is one electric guitar into a rack of FX/loopers, around 6 synths, a couple of drum machines and a theremin.

Go acoustic or invest in batteries. Next.
Go acoustic or invest in batteries. Next.
You're being flippant, but this is the whole problem with what you're posting. You're telling people to just go and do it differently if the way the were doing it is no longer possible. It's a very Tory way of looking at things. How is it different from Norman Tebbit telling people to get on their bikes?
The point is that it is the opposite of a luxury commodity now; it is totally free! So people who make music have to hustle money somehow, whether it is by busking or selling t shirts at gigs in europe. Having any of those hustles cut off (eg banning busking, or making travelling to europe impossible) is making musicians lives harder.

Sorry but luxury commodity doesn't relate to how much other people's music costs, but how much people need it in their life.
Tea is a moot point. Tea is a luxury commodity but it gets is treated as a staple in some places because of cultural factors.
You're being flippant, but this is the whole problem with what you're posting. You're telling people to just go and do it differently if the way the were doing it is no longer possible. It's a very Tory way of looking at things. How is it different from Norman Tebbit telling people to get on their bikes?

Well, because I'm not Norman Tebbit.
You're being flippant, but this is the whole problem with what you're posting. You're telling people to just go and do it differently if the way the were doing it is no longer possible. It's a very Tory way of looking at things. How is it different from Norman Tebbit telling people to get on their bikes?
if the way something was done is no longer possible then obvs people have to do it differently. unless you know better, like.
Really? You don't think we need music in our lives? It's one of the most basic drives and needs that we have. And yeah, sometimes other people's music is exactly what we need.
humans have it seems four fundamental biological drives (acquiring, bonding, learning and developing, since you ask). and no matter how important music is, it's not one of them.
Really? You don't think we need music in our lives? It's one of the most basic drives and needs that we have. And yeah, sometimes other people's music is exactly what we need.

Luckily, every human has an innate capacity for music. I personally do need music in my life, that's why I learned to sing and play. Anyone who needs music probably does the same, it's called being a musician. If the need is great, it's easy enough to satisfy as well.
Luckily, every human has an innate capacity for music. I personally do need music in my life, that's why I learned to sing and play. Anyone who needs music probably does the same, it's called being a musician. If the need is great, it's easy enough to satisfy as well.
you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need.
I disagree. I think the misunderstanding is not mine.

Additionally, I hinted that with US-UK trade deals still to be done, the relative expense in future of tours to NA may well fall.
You are seriously so far off the mark with all of your comments it is embarrassing.
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