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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

I go to one of two pubs I can walk to. One is about 50 yards away, the other is a mile and a half.

Next one after that is 4 miles, craftbrewery/taproom thingy on a farm. I'd like to go but when it comes down to it, I like just crossing the street and not having to worry about it.

Edit: None are listed as RLW, but then if I was running a non chain pub, I mightn't sign up even if I was paying well, seems like a lot of faff.
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also a snide little attempt at call-out trolling that adds nothing to the discussion and sails very close to breaching the T&R in FAQ
Lets at least try not be a hypocritical gatekeeper, that sort of snide comment is the bread of this place, the accepted regulars make such comments often.
Lets at least try not be a hypocritical gatekeeper, that sort of snide comment is the bread of this place, the accepted regulars make such comments often.
Yes and no - I think longstanding posters know where the lines are, whereas others just seem to like trying to goad others for lolz or just sheer nastiness. There have been some nasty exchanges on this thread over the years. But also trying to have a dig at someone when they've clearly stepped away for a break it's just unnecessary in my opinion. Also not the first time it's happened.
Lets at least try not be a hypocritical gatekeeper, that sort of snide comment is the bread of this place, the accepted regulars make such comments often.

Interested to know editor opinion on this? Although not sure if allowed to ask as it is questioning a moderator decision, which is probably also against rules?
I have said I am sorry and won’t be rude to another member again.
I did wonder if the warning had something to do with me being falsely accused of being the police previously.
I go to one of two pubs I can walk to. One is about 50 yards away, the other is a mile and a half.

Next one after that is 4 miles, craftbrewery/taproom thingy on a farm. I'd like to go but when it comes down to it, I like just crossing the street and not having to worry about it.

Edit: None are listed as RLW, but then if I was running a non chain pub, I mightn't sign up even if I was paying well, seems like a lot of faff.
Actually whether or not people's favoured pubs are listed is not the main point. It's that they have no idea how the staff are paid. They've never thought about it or asked, let alone look it up on an accreditation register. But get all outraged when Brewdog stop paying beyond the statutory living wage that most places pay. This is the kind of mob behaviour that social media facilitates.
Actually whether or not people's favoured pubs are listed is not the main point. It's that they have no idea how the staff are paid. They've never thought about it or asked, let alone look it up on an accreditation register. But get all outraged when Brewdog stop paying beyond the statutory living wage that most places pay. This is the kind of mob behaviour that social media facilitates.
Come off it. Most of us have thought about it and will assume that the staff are paid badly.
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Actually whether or not people's favoured pubs are listed is not the main point. It's that they have no idea how the staff are paid. They've never thought about it or asked, let alone look it up on an accreditation register. But get all outraged when Brewdog stop paying beyond the statutory living wage that most places pay. This is the kind of mob behaviour that social media facilitates.
And do you only frequent places where staff are paid a decent wage for the job they do?
Come off it. Most of us have thought about it and will assume that the staff are paid badly.
Yes, this is what the sensible, reasonable and well informed among us will assume, unless we know otherwise, for example, if it's a Brewdog pub. But we've seen comments on this thread that demonstrate many people think that if it's not a chain pub they'll "hopefully" treat their staff well.
I trust you would buy the sticker from a reputable living wage paying stationary company though Not say, Amazon. ;)

I'm the same as everyone else here and pay little heed to what other people are paid. It would be nice if all bar staff were paid as well as Brewdog used to pay and probably still do, but they just aren't.
You're always bloody whinging about this place, if you hate it so much, why don't you just fuck off, and give the rest of us a break?
So the original complaint about someone making a snidey comment wasn't a whinge? Yet me calling it out was?...thanks for illustrating my point about the overwhelming hypocrisy in here steered more by the rep of the user rather than what he writes, its playground stuff
So the original complaint about someone making a snidey comment wasn't a whinge? Yet me calling it out was?...thanks for illustrating my point about the overwhelming hypocrisy in here steered more by the rep of the user rather than what he writes, its playground stuff
Maybe start working on your "rep" by getting back OT, eh?
So the original complaint about someone making a snidey comment wasn't a whinge? Yet me calling it out was?...thanks for illustrating my point about the overwhelming hypocrisy in here steered more by the rep of the user rather than what he writes, its playground stuff

I don't know you but I assume from the reaction to you here, and the distribution of 'likes' since you posted, that you've pissed someone off elsewhere :D

You're right, of course. The man is played far more frequently than the ball on these boards generally but that's part of the deal, and this thread in particular has become something of an outlaw one, polarised into two camps and consequently more about the players than the topic. It might as well be about crochet now. Most people who aren't involved in it, have it on ignore or treat it as invisible. There's been an influx of never/rarely seen posters here 'liking' posts and making one or two comments over the past 48hrs or so, probably led here out of curiosity to see why Krtek flounced. It's a social experiment (aka bunfight) rather than an exposé of Brewdog, which is why it exercises some people unduly, and individual comments of support or condemnation might seem misplaced to non-regulars.
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Spy, I don't think I've pissed anyone off that would be a member here except by my posts actually in here, but who knows.
Cupid might not be very bright but he is right, no good reason for me to be here.
I think it became habit forming during lockdown and though there is a lot of informed debate I never make the mistake of confusing "well informed" with 'wise'

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