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BNP leader faces jail!!

Hang on, you accuse me of being a BNP supporter after i had to point out to you that you were wrong about BNP policy and somehow i'm in the wrong? You call me a racist and i'm the one whose has to make amends?

Look, if you appear like that then you cannot be surprised people may think that, and indeed post it. You cannot then drama queen and ask for apology as if you are in the right 100% all the time. That's jus arrogance.
makes perfect sense playing down the seriousness of nazi policy? Come on be honest if they ever got power do you think they would settle for VOLUNTARY repatriation? Say all the asians etc REFUSED the deal, would they just then say "oh ok, fair enough we'll leave you alone" ?

This makes perfect sense to me Trev.

Butch is doing his 'wilfully blind' approach to this I fink.
Look, if you appear like that then you cannot be surprised people may think that, and indeed post it. You cannot then drama queen and ask for apology as if you are in the right 100% all the time. That's jus arrogance.

"you are in the right 100% all the time. That's jus arrogance."

Nail on head. Complete sectarian. Obsessed.
By 1948 we'd had North African, sub-Saharan African, East African and West African, Canton and Manchu Chinese, West Indian, Laskar and Malay communities (small, to be sure) in Britain for at least 100 years.
The BNP are, and ever shall be, ahistoric fuckwits.

Lets be clear, the BNP in power is a fantasy and there are international laws that would make most of their policies impossible. Any fringe party can make popularist or radical election promises in the knowledge that they'd never get to enact them. But it may influence some to support them as we have seen in recent years. By 1948 the non white population was tiny in comparison so it wouldn't be a bad yardstick for the BNP to use.

You shouldn't take argument against incorrect assertions as indications of support for what is being argued. That way lies primary-school playground fights.

It's the manner in which it was done against lets say the way you made the same point.

So what? I choose not to respond and thusly highligh the nature of such idicoy. Show me your ID card.

Prove to me that you're not BNP Do fuck off.

Prick.... I asked you for your position, opinion, thoughts. You just made your self a self righteous cunt.
The idea, when deploying a scalpel to surgically dissect an opponent, is not, as you appear to have done, to start with stabbing yourself with the aforementioned scalpel.

Oy fucking vey. The meshuggas is strong in this one! :facepalm:

there's an upside to the schwartz and a downside
You went though all my posts and came up with the idea that i was BNP. That's your failing, not mine.

But then we are back at square 1;

"It is easy to see where that p.o.v. can come from though isn't it.

All you seem to do is big up their policy and say how effective they are.

It is not suprising when you read it to assume that you are an apologist for them, as you keep the ANTI BNP part so very well hidden."
I see the standard of debate here has hardly improved, thus justifying my decision to post very little (if at all). There is a complex and sophisticated debate to be had about the relationship between BNP policy statements and their core ideology, and Griffin's 'war of position'. Sadly, the very fact this thread has descended into inane know-nothings asking Butcher's Apron to 'prove' he is not a fascist tells me all I need to know about the capacity of U75 to entertain serious reasoned debate. Or not...As you were,...

Hail Larry - you are 100% right all the time on everything.:facepalm:
But then we are back at square 1;

"It is easy to see where that p.o.v. can come from though isn't it.

All you seem to do is big up their policy and say how effective they are.

It is not suprising when you read it to assume that you are an apologist for them, as you keep the ANTI BNP part so very well hidden."

This is why i'm taken seriously on the BNP and you're not.
Lets be clear, the BNP in power is a fantasy and there are international laws that would make most of their policies impossible. Any fringe party can make popularist or radical election promises in the knowledge that they'd never get to enact them. But it may influence some to support them as we have seen in recent years. By 1948 the non white population was tiny in comparison so it wouldn't be a bad yardstick for the BNP to use.

It's the manner in which it was done against lets say the way you made the same point.

Prick.... I asked you for your position, opinion, thoughts. You just made your self a self righteous cunt.
Wasting breath again. "There is only ONE path to opposing fascism, and salvation,,,,,,,,," according to butchers, vp, pick etc. "Anybody who does not follow this path is to be attacked, as in collusion with the state, or some other conspiracy theory."

Best off taking your own advice.
I see the standard of debate here has hardly improved, thus justifying my decision to post very little (if at all). There is a complex and sophisticated debate to be had about the relationship between BNP policy statements and their core ideology, and Griffin's 'war of position'. Sadly, the very fact this thread has descended into inane know-nothings asking Butcher's Apron to 'prove' he is not a fascist tells me all I need to know about the capacity of U75 to entertain serious reasoned debate. Or not...As you were,...
Wasting breath again. "There is only ONE path to opposing fascism, and salvation,,,,,,,,," according to butchers, vp, pick etc. "Anybody who does not follow this path is to be attacked, as in collusion with the state, or some other conspiracy theory."

Best off taking your own advice.

So your problem is someone's got a coherent political position and can defend it? Envy is not an attractive quality in a person. Ask TBH, he's our expert on the human touch round here.
So your problem is someone's got a coherent political position and can defend it? Envy is not an attractive quality in a person. Ask TBH, he's our expert on the human touch round here.

TBH I think 'coherent political positions' are a fallacy and an illusion, an imaginary holy grail if you like.

Infact, they are very often used by those without any base in the working class, those without any praxis, and without class struggle (and of course the IWCA is not class struggle:eek:). Outside of class struggle it is ALL worthless, 'a mere academic exercise' as Karl Marx said in the Theses on Feuerbach.

You know, after all these years of quoting Marx I cannot remember how to spell 'Feuerbach', that's the human part of me admitting imperfection, as it should be.

The Theses for those who want to know;
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