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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

Seems to be a lot more social media outrage about BLM protesters last week than the fash this week, despite the BLM people committing far less violence and making much more effort to wear masks/socially distance. :facepalm: I'd go as far as say there's some sort of silent right-wing/racist majority in this country.
I'd go as far as say there's some sort of silent right-wing/racist majority running that country.
Nationalism rearing it's ugly head in North Wales as well.


Its backwards, in more ways than one.
everytime the far right get a bit of momentum and manage to attract people from outside their own little toxic swamp, they out themselves as drunken, racist fuckwits with a hard on for violence and nazi symbolism. Don't think I can recall a time when they have shat their own bed quite so impressively as this weekend though.
Pisser bloke needs to take lessons on bladder control from Dominic Cummings's son.
'dad, i need to pee.'

'not now, son'

'but youre doin it, dad,'


you're pissin on people all the time, you're pissin on lockdown policy right now.'

'...here, use this empty bottle, we'll just chuck it out by barnards castle or some war memorial or something... or maybe i could flog it to boris, call it a limited edition rare vintage, his tastebuds are fucked from covid anyway..'
Seems to be a lot more social media outrage about BLM protesters last week than the fash this week, despite the BLM people committing far less violence and making much more effort to wear masks/socially distance. :facepalm: I'd go as far as say there's some sort of silent right-wing/racist majority in this country.
The DM has chosen to focus on the Churchill statue. Among everything that has happened this weekend, that is the thing that they are getting people riled up about. It feels dangerous, as though people are now seeing Fascist and Anti-Fascist as equivalent opposites and it's okay to just pick a team. Not just from Daily Mail headlines, obviously, but as a general comment. 'But the statues!' seems to have become the rallying cry of the brain-dead against anything they perceive to be left wing.
I shouldn’t worry, in forty years time a more enlightened society will be using the rubble of Churchill’s statue as aggregate in the construction of the northern part of HS2. Its just a waiting game.
Nationalism rearing it's ugly head in North Wales as well.

Which ever idiot sprayed that up clearly doesn't realise that's it's a clockwise swastika, meaning it's not a nazi one. Also, since when has the swastika been a celtic symbol? It's anglo-saxon/germanic surely, not welsh! Still unpleasant for this family though I know.
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