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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

but his da would kill him


tbf it is a little harsh but he admitted being drunk and disorderly and public indecency
and was a pissed up twat at the protest were he was suppost to be protecting statues of the state

not sure if a BLM protester knicked for being anywhere near a Statue would of gotten of so lightly
but his da would kill him


tbf it is a little harsh but he admitted being drunk and disorderly and public indecency
and was a pissed up twat at the protest were he was suppost to be protecting statues of the state

not sure if a BLM protester knicked for being anywhere near a Statue would of gotten of so lightly
if it'd been someone from eg class war or whatnot they'd have been looking at the wrong end of a six month stretch: if not longer - i see the maximum sentence is an unlimited fine or prison sentence
Sentencing usually takes into account previous, yes? So no idea what is tough/lenient without that context. He‘ll have had some credit for turning himself in and pleading guilty.
The black group who held the area around Trafalgar Square are very critical to put it mildly if the leadership of BLM , the middle class left, most of London Antifascists about not turning up on Saturday .
The black group who held the area around Trafalgar Square are very critical to put it mildly if the leadership of BLM , the middle class left, most of London Antifascists about not turning up on Saturday .

Do you have a link for them? I was wondering who they are.
The black group who held the area around Trafalgar Square are very critical to put it mildly if the leadership of BLM , the middle class left, most of London Antifascists about not turning up on Saturday .

Interesting to hear London Antifascists are middle class left as sure I’ve read reports claiming the Seattle CHAZ mob are made up with trust fund privileged white kids. Seems to be a correlation occurring.
Which ever idiot sprayed that up clearly doesn't realise that's it's a clockwise swastika, meaning it's not a nazi one. Also, since when has the swastika been a celtic symbol? It's anglo-saxon/germanic surely, not welsh! Still unpleasant for this family though I know.

Its a fairly standard Solar wheel symbol.

Also the Battersea shield says hi.

They make the point that they were joined by white w/class kids from estates and some antifascists. I’d also make the point that anti fascists turned up to local demos across other parts of the country .
Should have been given community service cleaning up the shit left outside public toilets that have been shut. 16 pints is a fair bit even if on marching powder.
Who benefits from him being banged up? Maybe his cell mate but the bloke is going to be seen as a cunt even by his mates. Mind you I hope he enjoys his porridge. He will be disliked by the far right for showing them up. It was bad enough for them that a black man rescued one of their own. A shower of shite as a protest & I bet 'Tommy' is glad he stayed away.
e away.
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