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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

Seeing as Sat wasn't a BLM demo and the statue protecting is only a bit related would be worth a separate thread or not filling this one with things about FLA/DFLA??
Might be a bit late now of course
Actually there was a BLM demo at Trafalgar Square , a very brave one as well , it took place despite the 'official leadership' and their celeb backers decision to pull out and may well be pivotable in the direction that BLM plays out .
The Pisser going to prison looks like it may have to do with the gov finding some way to shore up their support, in any case trying to keep the focus on defending the honour of bits of stone and metal is great for them.


With the benefit of hindsight, do you still think this? Leave these fash boneheads to their own devices and they sieg heil whist defending Churchill, fight with the police and urinate next to a plaque honouring an officer stabbed in a terrorist attack. If a large BLM counter-protest had been present, the inevitable fighting that would have occurred would have been the media's focus and on top of that anti-racist activists could have suffered injuries and state repression. Staying away was very wise.
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With the benefit of hindsight, do you still think this? Leave these fash boneheads to their own devises and they sieg heil whist defending Churchill, fight with the police and urinate next to a plaque honouring an officer stabbed in a terrorist attack. If a large BLM counter-protest had been present, the inevitable fighting that would have occurred would have been the media's focus and on top of that anti-racist activists could have suffered injuries and state repression. Staying away was very wise.
yes....choose your battles...I'm sure Churchill would agree
TBF that was one of the things he was good at.

It really was not, the Greek campaign, the Chindits, absolute fucking waste of lives, the Greek campaign would especially have major repercussions for the ability to fight in North Africa. Then there's his pretending he had nothing to do with RAF bomber command meat grinder and atrocities.

He liked his daring dirty tricks but many of his ideas were farcical when it came to a sustained modern war.
With the benefit of hindsight, do you still think this? Leave these fash boneheads to their own devises and they sieg heil whist defending Churchill, fight with the police and urinate next to a plaque honouring an officer stabbed in a terrorist attack. If a large BLM counter-protest had been present, the inevitable fighting that would have occurred would have been the media's focus and on top of that anti-racist activists could have suffered injuries and state repression. Staying away was very wise.
Yeah I reckon so. The two enduring images of the weekend - the fash pissing next to the plaque and the fash having his arse saved by Patrick Hutchinson.
It really was not, the Greek campaign, the Chindits, absolute fucking waste of lives, the Greek campaign would especially have major repercussions for the ability to fight in North Africa. Then there's his pretending he had nothing to do with RAF bomber command meat grinder and atrocities.

He liked his daring dirty tricks but many of his ideas were farcical when it came to a sustained modern war.

That's with the benefit of hindsight, though. Plus I'm saying he was a good war leader, not a good person. A lot of the stuff he did was inexcusable, but it would be really really hard to find a leader during a major war who didn't fuck some of his people over or make some errors that cost a lot of lives. It's part of why getting rid of Churchill's statues is more controversial than outright slavers.
Just posting these comments for information....

From Malcolm X Mvt FB page
We stood strong, lots of learning but we defied the #sellout, got attacked and fought back thousands of fascists. #BlackPower.

Those who oppressed & sold us out today but we defied & asserted our Black working class militancy: the Brit state w ministers threatening “24hrs to jail” for ‘violent protestors’, all the fascists, the most famous ‘concious’ rappers, the colonial media, the left, BLMUK, Akala.

These forces and others actually told people over many days to hand over london for free to the fascists, they actually and EVEN THROUGH today demanded ppl leave us to deal w the fascists and police today. Extraordinary, as is the resistance that broke through.

London Black Rev FB page

Following the weekends successful resistance by 100-200 hard-core black working class drillas and crews, which was then joined by over a 1000 brothers and sisters responding asap and coming to central to back us.

The DFLA has officially demobilised against defending statutes and monuments in London having been heavily countered and repelled, despite having 10:1 if not more out numbering the anti-racist response.

This was the intention from the first minute, have a big enough response which will force the fascists to back down, and its been the same pattern since the inception of the EDL and FLA. Giving them space to breath will let them grow.

Now its onto comrades nationally to disrupt any grassroots fascist activity.
Keep connected to your brothers and sisters in the ends incase something like this happens again.
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