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Black Lives Matter demos and protests UK, 2020-2021

Oh this is by no means the only statue that needs the Colston treatment. It's a very good start though.
It's kind of funny because the MVs only recently had their first bit of positive spin in ages - bringing on board corporate lawyer Marti Burgess (from the well-known local family which owns Lakota and various other interests) as the Society's first ever black member....
It's kind of funny because the MVs only recently had their first bit of positive spin in ages - bringing on board corporate lawyer Marti Burgess (from the well-known local family which owns Lakota and various other interests) as the Society's first ever black member....
It's excellent how all these shitcunts have come to wider attention. I'd never heard of them until yesterday.
It just came up in my socially distant afternoon drinking group...and almost immediately & surprisingly received complete support.

It feels momentous.
Even my (likely tory-voting) mum thinks it's great :D

Some Tories are fine with politically motivated vandalism anyway.
I just searched for them on twitter and you get a big list of the various academy schools they run etc. So many fingers, so many pies.

the city of london version apparently no longer active but you wonder how many of the other livery companies that are fulfil a similar role
I understand what you want to say but all this persons don´t stand for an whole time period. So there is no resaon to give them an statue.
these are individual Events. If Charles Manson startet an time period for over 100 years or so, i think you could discuss it.
There are also some statues of bad events, nobody wants to tear down a plague column. Every war memorial is bad for one side and "good" for the winning side.
You're kind of missing the point,.
Edward Colston lived in the second half of the 16th century and was considered a fine upstanding gentleman by his fellow Bristolians, he earned a large fortune through international trade and spent much of that money generously on philanthropic causes in his native city so much so that they named stuff after him and put up a statue a 170 years after he was dead.
If you stood on the streets of Bristol in 2020 and declared slavery wrong and immoral, everyone in earshot would agree with you, if you had done it in 1720 everyone in earshot would consider you daft, shipping Africans to America was no more immoral than shipping any other livestock which is what they were considered.
No-one is angry at Colston, he and every slave he shipped are long gone to dust. People are angry that his statue was still standing in a city as a visible reminder that whilst slavery may have gone, the world is still an unequal and unjust place and much of that injustice is directly tied to the colour of someone's skin. A purely physical trait that no-one chooses.
Saying it is just a statue has got White Privilege written all over it (I'm white but I still get it) there is no emotional connection to slavery for white people so to us it is only a statue, to others it is a representation that they are unequal now not then and inequality then can't be forgiven until there is equality now.
Oh yes forgot I wanted to post this - I live near a tiny and deeply tory town in hertfordshire and yesterday noticed in the little square there were abandoned protest placards (3) and home made posters sticky taped to the bus stop. And one of the flats above the high street has painted BLM in massive letters on their windows. It takes courage to do that stuff in a place like that, which is massively racist and i imagine everyone knows everyones business. Just the fact that it reached here shows how not normal this time is imo.
I understand what you want to say but all this persons don´t stand for an whole time period. So there is no resaon to give them an statue.
these are individual Events. If Charles Manson startet an time period for over 100 years or so, i think you could discuss it.
There are also some statues of bad events, nobody wants to tear down a plague column. Every war memorial is bad for one side and "good" for the winning side.

Which returner is this then?
I noticed BLM signs on people’s windows in Hartlepool last week when I was at work on my travels.
meanwhile we have to put up with this lowest grade time-wasting thread garbage trolling
What is your problem?

This is the second time you have quoted my posts without actually saying anything direct to me. Is everyone as welcoming as you here or are you just the paranoid one? I've sent you a message asking you the same but you've ignored that. I'm interested in the subject of the thread, you seem more interested in disrupting it with crap like this.

What's your beef chump?
All of them?
I'm sure that there were some proto-Urbs muttering darkly into their tankards about him but I suspect a poll of the Bristol Ale Houses in 1721 (when he died) would return generally positive comments on Edward Colton, splashing cash around has always been fashionable.
I'm sure that there were some proto-Urbs muttering darkly into their tankards about him but I suspect a poll of the Bristol Ale Houses in 1721 (when he died) would return generally positive comments on Edward Colton, splashing cash around has always been fashionable.
I think you need to read up on this a bit more. This is a good start point.

I'm sure that there were some proto-Urbs muttering darkly into their tankards about him but I suspect a poll of the Bristol Ale Houses in 1721 (when he died) would return generally positive comments on Edward Colton, splashing cash around has always been fashionable.
I'm not sure, maybe Bristol historians have something to add, but I expect the majority poor rarely were full of admiration for their ruling elites, and reasons to resent them plentiful
It might get a bit spicy if these luckless dork-muppets actually show up.

Hundreds of football hooligans from across the country are making plans to descend on London next Saturday to confront anti-racist demonstrators attending the next Black Lives Matter protest. Organised by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance, a football hooligan network which emerged after the 2017 terrorist attacks, hooligans from as far afield as Sunderland, Yorkshire, the West Midlands and East Anglia are intending to surround war memorials and other statues in central London.

not exactly a user of tiktok, but from what the kids are showing me coming up, seems to be a stronghold of furious red faced patriots. I though it was just for kids?
With so many racists claiming today to have cleaned up the Churchill plinth it's surprising that the graffiti is still so visible.
"Blue Collar Conservatism" :rolleyes:

It might get a bit spicy if these luckless dork-muppets actually show up.

I have a feeling that hundreds will translate into tens this will be a bit like the Brexit march and the rally in Glasgow where you couldn't actually see protesters for the cops stood around them.
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