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Best death scene in a movie

I'd like to say that one in Resident Evil (I think) where the guy is walking down the corridor and the lasers come and slice him into little cubes which all slide off bit by bit, but that would mean admitting to actually watching it, which I am not prepared to do.

Also on the subject on people being sliced up, the opening bit from Ghost Ship on the dance floor with all the cables flying around was pretty bloody good, but mainly pretty bloody..:)
Spacey being shot in the final scene of Se7en.

"Whatever you hear, stay away. John Doe has the upper hand."

Moe Greene in the Godfather, to Schubert's Ave Maria..

From a less violent point of view, (well, apart from her getting shot in the head in the first place) the bit in Bourne Supremecy where they crash off the bridge and he gets her out the car under the water, tries to give her mouth to mouth, then lets her float off into the murky depths. Quote moving that I thought.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Best death in Die Hard is the body that flies out the window, and lands on the windscreen of the limo.

Not technically a death scene, as the guy is already dead before he gets chucked out of the window.
Final Destination 2.

A woman is trapped in a car wreck with a huge wooden spike just behind her head but she is fine otherwise.

The fire brigade use one of those things to bang the door open to get her out which sets off the airbag which throws her head back, impaling her brain on the spike.

I haven't explained it very well.
I reckon the 'Jesus wept' fish-hooks all over the place death from Hellraiser.

Cube and the sequels have some classics departures too.
PacificOcean said:
Final Destination 2.

A woman is trapped in a car wreck with a huge wooden spike just behind her head but she is fine otherwise.

The fire brigade use one of those things to bang the door open to get her out which sets off the airbag which throws her head back, impaling her brain on the spike.

I haven't explained it very well.

As novelty death scenes go that film is unbeatable.
Boromir's death in Fellowship of the Ring is also good. The way the arrows just thud so heavily into him. It's astoundingly brutal and violent for a PG-rated film :cool:
For some reason the scene in Robocop always sticks in my head for being pretty unpleasant. The bit when the guy drives into a vat of toxic waste and then comes out melting as all his skin and organs turn into goo. Then he gets splattered by a van. Lovely.
goldenecitrone said:
For some reason the scene in Robocop always sticks in my head for being pretty unpleasant. The bit when the guy drives into a vat of toxic waste and then comes out melting as all his skin and organs turn into goo. Then he gets splattered by a van. Lovely.

Hte first scene of robcop, when Murphy is wasted I know he doesn't technically die but still pretty cool
foreigner said:
Seems that some people think a good movie death should be a jolly good gore-fest, which is fair enough.

I'm of the opinion that a good death scene should bring a tear to your eye, and yet make you feel kind of inspired, deeply touched sort of thing.

The double-suicide in House of Sand and Fog was magnificently sad, my girlfriend was inconsolable.:)

How about Broken Sword and Flying Snow in Hero then?
Or Orson in Citizen Kane (rosebud)?
Or Penn knifing Robbins in Mystic River?

For gore fests Kingsley's spluttering in Sexy Beast is good.

I thought of some more good ones earlier, but they're gone. Annoying that.
foreigner said:
Seems that some people think a good movie death should be a jolly good gore-fest, which is fair enough.

I'm of the opinion that a good death scene should bring a tear to your eye, and yet make you feel kind of inspired, deeply touched sort of thing.

The double-suicide in House of Sand and Fog was magnificently sad, my girlfriend was inconsolable.:)

Paul Newman in Road to Perdition. Best part of the film. He has the only line in the whole scene and it's all just perfect.
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