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Best death scene in a movie

I'd like to say that one in Resident Evil (I think) where the guy is walking down the corridor and the lasers come and slice him into little cubes which all slide off bit by bit, but that would mean admitting to actually watching it, which I am not prepared to do.

I think you're thinking of the opening scenes of Cube, which I was going to nominate as one of my best movie death moments ever.

Cube was good, though.
Casino- one of the casino bosses getting hit in the face with a lead pipe and then gets a bag over his head to suffocate in his own blood.

OHMSS- the Blofeld henchman that doesn't quite jump the gap and falls straight into the snow blower.

Ghost Ship- the cruise passengers getting machine gunned by the stewards in the swimming pool and then the stewards themselves get killed.

Runaway Train- when the prison officer tries to board the locomotive from the helicopter ladder. He stumbles, crashes straight through the cab window and slides out and falls under the train with a split second shot of his head going under the wheels.

Poseidon- the scene with the lift shaft. Chilling.

An American Werewolf in London- the bus passenger that falls out of the upper deck window to be flattened under the taxi. Likewise the copper that gets sandwiched between the two crashing cars.

Goodfellas- Tommy getting whacked. And the scene when Stacks gets shot by Tommy and the whole bed gets instantly covered with blood.
What's that one where everyone is on the deck of a ship and all get cut in half except for a girl who bends down or is too small or something?

I guess it wasn't that memorable.
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