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Death in Paradise... problematic?

Is tv censored in jails or is everyone free to watch whatever they like regardless of how gruesome or supposedly inappropriate?

BBCs 1 and 2, ITV, Channels 4 and 5 plus a weird collection of freeview channels. All uncensored and if you're enough of a long termer to get Enhanced status, you can get a dvd player though censor screws are picky bastards on what they allow in, same when you get a games console, all of which have their ability to connect to internet removed.
I like to think I'm as woke as the next guy but find it hard to get worked up about this. It's a very silly program that relies on the 'stuffy brit' fish out of water trope, not really on racial dynamics. He's got to be good at solving the crimes to justify his presence there, where he clearly doesn't belong. The boss character is black and is in most episodes meant to be more impressive than the white detective. It's good if they're getting more representation in the brit detective role, since not all brits are white men, but beyond that is it really worth reading much into it?
The modus operandi are quite amusing. They're so tortuous and contrived. It would be far more sensible to just stab the victim in the heart and run away. Less likely to be found out, too.

:D The MOs are the best bit of the show.

Why stab someone when you can suffocate them in a secret vault that nobody else knew existed; or affect a cardiac arrest by inducing an unheard of anaphylaxis, last suffered in ancient Rome!

Apparently nobody has ever been killed the same way twice, which is quite the achievement for a production that's been running for 10 years.
Heading in the right direction. And call me cluelessly optimistic, but we might yet see the first female British inspector by S15, the first French police officer to be trusted to take over the supposedly French overseas territory from the British by S17 and, forgive me if I’m being impossibly naive, even a serving native police officer being elected to Chief Inspector eventually, thus negating the need for Europe’s finest to continue lending one of their own to save the day :)
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