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The Death of Stalin

Dunno about Stailinism, never been an anarchist, never been to orivate school lol - Am sure I sent you me number, giz a bell if yer up..
Oh, it's Frances the cartoon lumpen, being the 'edgy' performing monkey for the middle class posters who have never had to live next door to the sort that throws rocks at black women walking by with their kids. Were you wearing a tracksuit when you sent me the 'My dad is harder than your dad' PM?
Oh, it's Frances the cartoon lumpen, being the 'edgy' performing monkey for the middle class posters who have never had to live next door to the sort that throws rocks at black women walking by with their kids. Were you wearing a tracksuit when you sent me the 'My dad is harder than your dad' PM?
On about, dicky? Don't remember that PM I'm not sayin it didn't happen, but I don't remember..'evs though- And your calling me a "monkey" is racist in itself isn't it? We can talk though. Phone me, ya got me number - I'm not the awful stereotype you've painted me as anyway, & listen to yourself though - Once you realised I'm not a middle class wanker, then I must be a "Lumpen" not proper workin class, blue labour would have me in the gas chambers or sumat, yo? Phone me, mate? You won't though coz yer a squealing inadequate.
On about, dicky? Don't remember that PM I'm not sayin it didn't happen, but I don't remember..'evs though- And your calling me a "monkey" is racist in itself isn't it? We can talk though. Phone me, ya got me number - I'm not the awful stereotype you've painted me as anyway, & listen to yourself though - Once you realised I'm not a middle class wanker, then I must be a "Lumpen" not proper workin class, blue labour would have me in the gas chambers or sumat, yo? Phone me, mate? You won't though coz yer a squealing inadequate.

I'm actually wearin a trtacksuit now though - Olive green Puma with matchin trainers- Wank away if yas want - it's gotta be better than the supermarket uniform though?
Oh, it's Frances the cartoon lumpen, being the 'edgy' performing monkey for the middle class posters who have never had to live next door to the sort that throws rocks at black women walking by with their kids. Were you wearing a tracksuit when you sent me the 'My dad is harder than your dad' PM?

Ya no one lol, it's only a phone call ffs - Or have ya no credit lol - I'm lettin you off the hook there so.. ok.
You mistake a dim view of people who are poor going around shitting on other poor people as some kind of intra-class snobbery, but I can't abide that kind of behaviour. People shouldn't have to put up with it.

It's part of the 'look' isn't it, the ruffian-intellectual image you tried to cultivate among the naive. Carry on being a racist third-rate Irvine Welsh. Like with Idris2002, I take your own snobby jibes as a compliment, although his aren't inverted.
saw this the other night. thought it was really good. Conveyed the insanity, inhumanity and absurdity of the stalinist terror state really well - how these people were trapped in it and forced to do ridiculous things in order keep their place in the pecking order - which also meant staying alive. Good companion piece to "Chernobyl".
Tried to re-watch this recently and Mrs Frank (who is Russian) didn't last fifteen minutes. The portrayal of Beria seemed to be a particular problem. If you're going to play a monster like that for laughs, firstly you should try and write something that's actually funny but more importantly if all the jokes are at the expense of the victims then that's not really satire, more just 'being a cunt'.
Tried to re-watch this recently and Mrs Frank (who is Russian) didn't last fifteen minutes. The portrayal of Beria seemed to be a particular problem. If you're going to play a monster like that for laughs, firstly you should try and write something that's actually funny but more importantly if all the jokes are at the expense of the victims then that's not really satire, more just 'being a cunt'.

i dont think he was played for laughs or that the humour were at the expense of the victims. he was portrayed as a monstrously and monotonously vile individual who killed, tortured and raped as easily as breathing. Id argue that the treatment of the story as black farce exposed these monsters as fundamentally weak, pathetic people - but with huge power over others. Not evil genius, or artful, machiavellian schemers - but dangerous fools.
Tried to re-watch this recently and Mrs Frank (who is Russian) didn't last fifteen minutes. The portrayal of Beria seemed to be a particular problem. If you're going to play a monster like that for laughs, firstly you should try and write something that's actually funny but more importantly if all the jokes are at the expense of the victims then that's not really satire, more just 'being a cunt'.
Totally agree with KakaTim here. You're not invited to empathise with Beria and laugh at his victims. Exactly the opposite, in fact. But he did do what he did in plain view - his casual rape and torture were well-known to those around him. And nobody stopped him. The evil absurdity of that situation is really well exposed in DoS, I think.
Stalin has passed away. RIP u will live on forever. Cant believe it. I wanna run to u. Really cant believe this
Totally agree with KakaTim here. You're not invited to empathise with Beria and laugh at his victims. Exactly the opposite, in fact. But he did do what he did in plain view - his casual rape and torture were well-known to those around him. And nobody stopped him. The evil absurdity of that situation is really well exposed in DoS, I think.

Comes down to what my initial response was tbh, the movie doesn't seem to know if it's supposed to be a comedy or a drama and consequently fails as both. Buscemi and Tambor are acting in one movie, Isaacs and Beale in another. The decision to cast Cockney Wanker out of the Viz as Stalin himself doesn't help in the slightest.
Comes down to what my initial response was tbh, the movie doesn't seem to know if it's supposed to be a comedy or a drama and consequently fails as both. Buscemi and Tambor are acting in one movie, Isaacs and Beale in another. The decision to cast Cockney Wanker out of the Viz as Stalin himself doesn't help in the slightest.
It is what KT calls it. Black farce. And the fact that so many details in it are actually true makes it ripe for such a treatment, imo. How else could you do it?

I thought the casting of Stalin was spot-on.
I thought it was a good film. You got the feel for what it was like living under that regime but at the same time there was the black humour and I think the film conveyed the absurdity of life under the regime aswell. Yeah, it was grim but there were blackly comic moments, which I don't think were inappropriate (as far as I can remember). And I was certainly left with a feeling of relief at the demise of Beria at the end of the film.
FWIW I felt similar to SpookyFrank - I'm not averse to black humour, but it didn't feel like they'd quite nailed it with this so it felt a bit off. Not really in a way I could put my finger on though.

(I went to see JoJo Rabbit last week and had a similar feeling about all the jew jokes in that tbh)
The sad thing about this Ianucci has to go back to the 1950s soviet era to do some decent satire . Current western politics simply defies the genre .

What ??? No... all he has been doing is satirizing western politics. In the loop and Veep ????

I love Ianucci... and I love this film :D especially the way it winds up people with a soft spot for state based communism.

Making him a John Wayne fan was a stroke of genius :oldthumbsup:
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It's amazing how much of it is true when you look it up. Sure, it's been condensed in time and space for dramatic purposes, but the main thrust is true.
We watched this the other day and I didn't enjoy it at all. Mr W thought it was great. I didn't find any of it funny, thought the script was tiresome and found the subject matter unsurprisingly grim and difficult to watch. I fell asleep towards the end as a defence mechanism.
saw this the other night. thought it was really good. Conveyed the insanity, inhumanity and absurdity of the stalinist terror state really well - how these people were trapped in it and forced to do ridiculous things in order keep their place in the pecking order - which also meant staying alive. Good companion piece to "Chernobyl".

I think it was Moshe Lewin who talked about there being a problem of 'perpetual Stalinism' when looking at Soviet history.

The film itself was naff.
I found the film funny in a flippant and irreverent way, perhaps a bit inappropriate given the subject matter. I’ve even rewatched it a few times.

Simon Russell Beale’s acting and Jason Isaac’s overacting were a joy to watch.
I agree that it was kind of stuck between two chairs.
the hypocrisy and maneuvering and paranoia of everyone is hilarious and disturbing, he should have left out the bit about the 'real world' because we already know that and it felt a bit redundant explaining to us that Stalinism was dangerous for Russian people.
I really liked the intention and a lot of the performances, it just didn't quite land
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