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Best death scene in a movie


A Lie will set you free
I go for Die hard "Yippe Kye Aye Motherfucker" (sp?)

treefrog called in her vote for Roy Batty's death scene in Blade Runner

will dirtyfruit stand by the electric laser mesh thingumy from resident evil?

Tune in to find out...
Mulholland Drive. The whole film is based on a death and hinges on the few seconds around the actual event.

As for death scenes, well, I wouldn't big up Saving Private Ryan in any other way but the scene where the yank is killed with a knife by the big German is pretty chilling.
ooh ooh... I like the baddy's death from Who Framed Roger Rabbit when he gets run over by a huge steamroller and dropped in the boiling pot of green goo. Yikes! :eek:
Major TJ King Kong in Dr Strangelove
Burt Lancaster in Zulu Dawn
The girl who gets run over in Final Destination
All the baddies in Raiders
ooh ooh and there's a scene in 'Coffy' where this pimp double crosses some mob guys...but he's really innocent and has been framed but he's an arsehole anyway so we dont shed a tear, but he 'takes a lil ride' with these mob dudes. At some backwoods, told to get out with a noose around his neck... which is still attched to the car...

He gets dragged around the road. :( ... but it's great when all you see is a dicapitated dummy flying around like a balloon. Pure jokes.:D :oops: :(
Not strictly a movie but I did like alf roberts scene in coronation street. Just dies quietly in a chair surrounded by the party go-ers.
sundance and butch is a good one.

i've been wracking (or gentle taping my brains ) to come up with a decent death scene in Star Wars or the Matrix.

Boromirs death in LOTR is quite cool, but not as good as the fight scene after.
Rutger Hauer in Bladerunner... lotta cool death scenes in that actually... but rutger's topped em...
gabi said:
Rutger Hauer in Bladerunner... lotta cool death scenes in that actually... but rutger's topped em...
thats two votes for rutgeur hauer, treefrog and gabi....

I still stick with die hard...
I think the Pris[Darryl Hanna] death scene is the best one in Bladerunner. Over the top android gyrations.

The Joe Pesci and brother Dominic death scene in Casino: baseball bats in a cornfield.

Col. Kurtz in Apcalypse Now, where his death is edited together with the sacrifice of a bull.
Dante said:
thats two votes for rutgeur hauer, treefrog and gabi....

I still stick with die hard...

Best death in Die Hard is the body that flies out the window, and lands on the windscreen of the limo.
dylanredefined said:
Blade runner is cool .No one mentions leon "for matildha ":) .
Ooooh I hadn't thought of that. I was going to say the really gory ones in Final Destination 2 (crap film, very cool deaths) but now I think I'm going to have to vote for Leon :)
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