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Beauty products that actually work

right well I read the blog and I am totally and utterly confused. I don't even know what half that shit is and I do always wash my face in the shower, which is apparently wrong. I'd like to get into a little routine and sort my skin out - it's not terrible but showing it's age. I made a note of the things sojourner recommended from Boots. I don't have a skincare routine other than I occasionally use a facial wash/scrub in the shower. On the rare occasions I wear make up I use those make up removal wipes - and actually I tend to wear tinted moisturiser only and if I'm going all out, some powder on top. I do like mascara though. In all honesty, i'm not going to do that lady's routine - just isn't going to happen. So what's a very very simple skincare routine? I don't cleanse my face at night at all, or put on moisturiser - so I suppose I should do that maybe?

I am the same. I only wash my face in the bath with a clean and clear facial scrub (every other day).
I too use face wipes in-between to remove any make up I might be wearing but if I only have mascara on then I usually sleep in it :oops:
I do moisturise well whenever I wash or use wipes. I use Body Shop Vitamin E stuff and I really love it. Light, not greasy but really soaks in to the skin well,
Also i find I scar and and don't heal very easily from spots etc so the vitamin E really helps. I notice the difference in that when I use something different if I run out.

But I will be following whatever advice you get gaijingirl as I do really need to start taking better care of my skin but it has to be easy (and not to expensive) or I am just not going to do it.
Try and get one with hydraluronic acid in it - Lidl do a day cream and a night cream with it in which is quite good and non-spendy. I also like Lidl's Cold Cream as a cleanser. If you use a flannel, that will exfoliate you as well.

ah..I do actually have a Lidl moisturiser which I put on after my swims... let me go and check it.

yes.. it's Intensive Anti-Wrinkle cream with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and UV Filter (it stings a bit when I put it on) - so is that what I can use for the moisturiser bit of this routine then? It doestn't say day or night on it, so could I use it for both?
Stop using the facial wipes and get a balm or oil cleanser. Take it off with a flannel. Use a serum and a moisturiser. Maybe an oil at night (after serum) - sweet almond oil is good and cheap.

OK. So say, at night, you put this oil/balm cleanser on, take it off with a flannel (hot?), then put on serum and then and oil...?
That sounds like a lot on your skin.
But tbh I trust you MsT as you have lovely skin.
ah..I do actually have a Lidl moisturiser which I put on after my swim... let me go and check it.

yes.. it's Intensive Anti-Wrinkle cream with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and UV Filter - so is that what I can use for the moisturiser bit of this routine then? It doestn't say day or night on it, so could I use it for both?

Night cream is just richer than day cream as it's got more time to absorb. If it's not too heavy, I'd use it day and night, but I wouldn't use night cream during the day, ifyswim. If it's not very rich, I'd layer an oil over the top - see above.

I'm really not an expert though!
yes.. to be fair to myself, people are usually surprised when I tell them how old I am and my mum looks great at 70! Being a non-smoker and fat helps too though I think. (Although my mum is not at all fat). So hopefully the genes thing will come through. I just promised myself I'd try and look after myself a bit better this year.
yup, zero skincare here. makeup comes off when the new lot goes on - currently with wipes from the poundshop. never remember to moisturise at night and if i do it in the morning it makes my foundation fall off. however, i'm lucky enough to have quite young skin, and the bits that are ageing, around my eyes - that's not anything potions would have prevented.
OK. So say, at night, you put this oil/balm cleanser on, take it off with a flannel (hot?), then put on serum and then and oil...?
That sounds like a lot on your skin.
But tbh I trust you MsT as you have lovely skin.

Exactly that. But we all have different skin. Mine is normal but dehydrated and ageing. I don't tend to get spots either. If I do, Aesop Spot Treatment is amazing stuff! I also use an acid toner morning and night (post-cleanser) and a retinol treatment at night.
Well, I would add that I didn't do much to my skin at all until last year, and still had quite good skin. But it's definitely loads fresher now. And I am older than most of you!
ok so it's like this;

Lidl's cold cream - rub on face
Wet flannel with hot water and take it off again
Put on serum
(maybe put on sweet almond oil - actually Manter gave me a really lovely oil for my birthday which says it's meant for the body and stretchmarks but presumably I could put it on my face)
Put on moisturiser

:D I'll have to go to bed a whole lot earlier!
ok so it's like this;

Lidl's cold cream - rub on face
Wet flannel with hot water and take it off again
Put on serum
(maybe put on sweet almond oil - actually Manter gave me a really lovely oil for my birthday which says it's meant for the body and stretchmarks but presumably I could put it on my face)
Put on moisturiser

:D I'll have to go to bed a whole lot earlier!

Moisturiser then oil. If it's highly scented I'd be wary of the body oil but you can give it a go. You can get sweet almond oil from Brixton Wholefoods btw.
Sorry :D
I thought I would ask as it was very cheap and I thought maybe it was just for aromatherapy, not really for your face.

I'm using something similar atm. Rosehip oil is also good. Use sparingly though. And don't blame me if it doesn't work!
Once you get into a routine, it quickly becomes second nature, and doesn't take more than five minutes. My job is pretty full-on and the hours are crap, so I feel like I need more help these days!
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OK I have ordered a few pretty cheap bits (including cotton face cloths) and will see how I get on with actually doing it at night first, if I get on with it then will look in to getting some better bits.
What's the problem with your face?

I have spots at various points in my cycle that I never used to get before and I can't do much about it as I am still breastfeeding and the good stuff is verboten :mad:

gaijingirl glad you like it :) I'd be a bit cautious about using it on your face as it is quite smelly and it may cause breakouts....
What is the good stuff?

I've got really horrible acne, doesn't seem linked to my cycle or other hormones. I've no idea what it's to do with. Possibly being overweight? Hoping docs can shed light.

Reading the last couple of pages though, seems I'm not doing my face any favours, but I have hypersensitive skin so trying new things can be expensive, ugly and painful. I'm still a bit lost about what would be a good regime.
I was on Dianette for years. Basically it's a spot treatment with contraceptive side effects so it's licensed as a contraceptive then you have to fight to get it. Plus it's not licensed for long term use in the uk so I had to resist annual attempts to take me off it. But it's actively contraindicated for breastfeeding, not just not tested. But my skin is shit and getting worse. Are spots a decent reason to wean the boy :hmm:?

Could be stress linked? Mine goes bonkers if I am stressed
Last couple of times I've seen you your skin looked fine.

My eczema goes bonkers with stress, but I've read that acne isn't linked to stress (well, it's pretty stressful, but isn't caused by it).
Sorry for derail, this isn't exactly linked to beauty :facepalm: I was reading about people's regimes with interest and trying to work out what I could try.

I basically use facewash and a very light moisturiser, don't often wear make up because of my skin. Not quite worked out what a serum is yet :oops:
I was on Dianette for years. Basically it's a spot treatment with contraceptive side effects so it's licensed as a contraceptive then you have to fight to get it. Plus it's not licensed for long term use in the uk so I had to resist annual attempts to take me off it. But it's actively contraindicated for breastfeeding, not just not tested. But my skin is shit and getting worse. Are spots a decent reason to wean the boy :hmm:?

Could be stress linked? Mine goes bonkers if I am stressed
if you want to, then yep.
Serums are lighter than moisturisers, and contain concentrated amounts of stuff that is good for the skin - depends what your issues are as to which one you choose.
Sorry for derail, this isn't exactly linked to beauty :facepalm: I was reading about people's regimes with interest and trying to work out what I could try.

I basically use facewash and a very light moisturiser, don't often wear make up because of my skin. Not quite worked out what a serum is yet :oops:
Maybe stick to brands you know you won't react to. What is it that your skin doesn't like?
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