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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

Yep Top guy and so was A from the same area. Owens was pissed off he never got a mention in NR cos he claims he caused us all sorts of problems...he didnt..and fair play to P if he had the better of him....

joey 'everyones searchlight apart from me!' owens has managed to piss everyone on the liverpool far right 'scene' off including infidels, bnp and nf. i think it was P who caused him to lose a tooth in 1 L'pool confrontation whoch he omitted from his memoirs. the liverpool fash seemed to have achieved little apart from attacking the radical bookshop and threatening vulnerable folks. liam pinkham is off a similar stripe.
scrool down to read about him 'grooming' a 15 year old.
joey 'everyones searchlight apart from me!' owens has managed to piss everyone on the liverpool far right 'scene' off including infidels, bnp and nf. i think it was P who caused him to lose a tooth in 1 L'pool confrontation whoch he omitted from his memoirs. the liverpool fash seemed to have achieved little apart from attacking the radical bookshop and threatening vulnerable folks. liam pinkham is off a similar stripe.
scrool down to read about him 'grooming' a 15 year old.
PInkham....has he fallen out with Wigan Mike
The notion that Crane was a match-going Cockney Red seems implausible. Given his size and general appearance it would be impossible for him to hide his identity. As a consequence had he been on that circuit we would have certainly heard about it very quickly.

Moreover, during one trip to OT in the mid-80's an acquaintance of his - another nutter incidentally - (he was done for attempted murder after chucking some fella of a scaffold for making remarks about his missus) spoke warmly of Nicky; of his time with him in the jail and so forth, but never once in the conversation did he mention that Crane was a Utd supporter.
This guy was helping the neo nazi 'Sweden for the Swedish' in Stockholm. He was living there circa mid 1980's and I took some video of him at a rally as well as this photo. This showed the clear links between them and the NF. The video Ill try and upload or get someone to do it (Redstorm/Mal) There is a brief clip of my video on Youtube..what a bunch of drunken losers...but in the background some very dangerous players.....Ill find the link.(tag November 30/ Stockholm/demonstration)( This was during a speaking tour on behalf of Searchlight in the mid 80's ) I met and became friends with Steig Larsson and his partner Eva during this period. Anyway to the photo....his name was Tommy something..might have been a scouser...anyone know if he's still around?


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Yep thats the one....I have about 30 mins of this stuff...the guy in black coat holding flag going 'grosse communismen' is the scariest looking fash Ive ever come across,,..This edited stuff must've come from a Swedish TV channel who I made a copy for at the time.

Joe - Crane was definitely a United fan and he had MUFC tattooed across his knuckles. Ian Stuart Donaldson was also a United fan as well, by the way.
rather interesting exAFA response to owens' made up memoirs of 'nationalist triumph' in liverpool:

Interesting comments underneath the article by the chap himself. Sounds like he pretty much admits the BNP defeat at the hands of AFA etc. and says that most of his rumbling was done with SWP and Militant anyway.

Still, it's a bizarre statement for him to make that "the Nationalist will" was triumphant.

A bit like suggesting that German victory at Stalingrad was secured in 1942....without mentioning that they were surrounded and annihilated in 1943.
I'd agree with that. I always felt many of CW and other Anarchists in the Midlands were just as key in the organizing (along with ourselves as RA members). It was simply a case of whoever had the requisite skills for the job at hand. It was true on occasion you may have had a couple of folks who needed a metaphorical boot up the arse, but I'd like to think that when things became serious everyone mucked in together.

The Paul Stott speech (in my own opinion) is certainly "wishy washy". Perhaps removal from the more street level politics of Anti-Fascism to (in his own words) work and pursue a PhD, has given him the world view of someone who comes across as a UAF spokesperson. Like they say "perception is everything". Although I agree with some instances where he highlights the way the State creates division and tension due to its handling of minority groups, I can't help thinking that his argument that a 'No Platform' policy cannot be enforced in a serious manner is elevating so-called "internet activism" to a level it doesn't deserve.

It's true that the internet provides a double-edged sword where access to information and dissemination of propaganda is concerned. The unfolding of any political initiative will ultimately take place within our communities, and back on the streets. As anti-fascists we can attempt to counter the propaganda of fascists over the internet through either pure argument (as he suggests) or perhaps, others may claim, even through 'Anonymous' style hacking attacks. But the activities of Fascist and Far-Right groups will always need to be tackled in the strictly non-virtual arena where "reasonable debate" is not often possible, nor acceptable.

Also, his citing of the Welling case as being indicative of the so-called failure of militant Anti-Fascism is not strictly correct either. Naturally developing police surveillance techniques, tactics and resources are the things that people must be aware of and learn to counter when involved in any form of direct action or political protest. But if it's the case that advances in technology etc have given the police an edge, it's also certain that it's provided a benefit to political activists too. Of course another argument along similar lines, is that if the police choose to go high-tech then do the reverse. For instance, it's impossible to bug or track a mobile phone if nobody uses them.

I've known Paul on and off for years and can definitely say your perception of his character lacks clarity!
Breaking News. Just heard there's been a tussle between Fascists and Anti-Fascists in Liverpool prior to the Republican march there today. I'm currently trying to get more details, but if anyone knows anything (facts not fiction) can they post it up? Cheers.
Thank you to all who have shared their stories and continue to do so.
It took me a while to read the entire thread but it was well worth it.

Hopefully i can get a copy of the book in a few weeks.
Respect where it's due to those who put their blood, sweat and tears into these events.

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