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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

The old anti semtitic based fascism is simply now out of date within modern euro fascism. It doesn't even carry much weight or value amongst members. I am sure there are a few fash about who still think Hitler was great lets face it aif the mebership and its supporters were convinced that holocaust drenail had some currency no amount of prompting from Griffin etc not to mention the war would have made any diffrenec.The threat for the far right isn't any link to being exposed as holcaust deniers but the state itself. The BNP managed to become the biggest opposition to Lib Con Lab despite opponents trying to use the Nazi tag.

i think the infidels are still using anti-semitism - tho calling it 'zionism' which is a byword for antisemitism - and there are still a clutch of deniers on shirtfront as well as a bunch of 88s, 28s, 18 etc. the bnp and fuffies have tried to get rid of deniers like batty barnes as most voters find nazis repellent and the 2nd world war as morally correct. street fascism has focussed away from the jews - mainly because of assimilation and a tiny visible presence of hassidim/orthodox in UK - and on to 'muslims' - a byword for 'pakis.' they say islam is not a race so we're not racist, but its odd that the majority of 'visible' muslims all happen to be brown. what a coincidence! as for the state thing steps, to use old CB Radio terminology - i 10/4 that good buddy! over and out!
Just to add to Mal's reply to senor 39thStep - I've noticed recently that a lot of so-called "national anarchists" in Europe (particularly in Germany) have taken the lead from Troy Southgate and used "anti-Zionism" as an entryist tactic to disseminate coded anti-Semitic propaganda (and also what they call their version of "anti-capitalism"). Whilst I'd definitely agree with senor 39th that Islamophobia is still way, way more popular within Euro-fascist circles, this new form of coded anti-Semitism is a real and very worrying development indeed...
Whilst it is obviously extremely tactically sensible for fascists to put the old anti semitism into the background whilst they major on Islamaphobia in Europe generally - given, as has been said here, the low profile of Jews in Europe nowadays . It is nevertheless VERY difficult for the fascists to now dispense with anti semitism as a core element of their ideology. Anti semitism , whether simply the "Jewish banker" stereotype, or the even more paranoid USA Militia style "ZOG" ie "Zionist Occupation Government" stuff , and "secret World Government" paranoid stuff - still drawing on the old "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" nonsense, has bitten so deep into the world fascist viewpoint that the ideological flexibility of pre wwII fascism has to an extent been lost. It's now quite difficult to write the Jews OUT of this core villain role in the world fascism "story" - and of course the current world banking crisis gives all the old poisonous stuff credence yet again. So I don't think we'll actually see anti semitism fade from fascist ideology - it will remain more as the "big secret" to which recruits drawn in around anti muslim prejudice will next be indoctrinated into as they move deeper into fascist organisations.

For the fascists I actually think this is a major problem - because although the existing anti semitic ideology is internally reasonably consistent (barmy and wrong but nevertheless part of a clear "narrative" with deep historical roots), it robs fascism of flexibility, and acts as a "red warning marker" as to the true nature of a particular organisation - a very BAD thing for populist movements trying to ride waves of popular discontent, without provoking a harsh "response" from the anti fascist Left. The NF in France does appear to have managed to bury this core anti semitism in its political posturing , to its advantage, but I assume (with no direct knowledge whether this is so) that the higher echelons of the NF are still saturated with all the old anti Semitic stuff.
briefly, ayatollah, i still think visibility is key to prejudice on the far right. most jews are assimilated in the UK, the more obvious/orthodox have a tiny presence in all but a few places, golders green (obviously!), manchester etc whereas the 'everyday racist' can see the asian community and focus their resentment on them. this is on the microscale but on a macroscale the zog thing - which is bizarrely contradictory (jewish communism & capitalism???) is still held onto by hardcore but obscure to many.
You are obviously correct , Malatesta, that for the general grass roots supporter of populist Far Right movements , it is the most visible "outsider group" that the movement will focus on in its "building on prejudice" campaigns --- can be Asians, blacks, Gypsies, Poles. Gays, etc, etc. For fascism as a long term movement with a coherent world view, an ideology, however, all these short term prejudice-based campaigns tend (or have done since the ideological hegemony of German anti semitic Nazism in the late 1930's) to revolve around the "core" world villain concept of the "World Jewish Conspiracy.

Thus fascists may campaign against black communities, black immigration - but once the casual bigot is drawn into the movement it is made clear that it is World Jewry which has imported blacks (Muslims, etc. etc) into the West to "mongrelise the White Race" (The Jewish "race" keeping itself "pure" in contrast). The "plot" of "World Jewry" against ther "White Race" is seen as the permanent core dynamic of history, far more significant than the economic features of "Communism" or "Capitalism" - both of which are seen merely as fig leaves for Jewish control - hence no ideological problem for fascism as seeing the Jewish commissar in the Kremlin and the Jewish banker as allies in the trans historical racial struggle of Jew against the White Race. It's such a different frame of reference to that of the Socialist Left, that it is actually often hard to grasp how fundamentally different the true fascist viewpoint is from ours. The ideology seems obscure to us, and the average bigot too - but it IS a coherent and powerful ideology, that in periods of crisis , like now, provides disgruntled citizens with a world view which APPEARS to explain things like the banking crisis, the perceived threat to white communities presented by multiculturalism, Britain's failing status in the world,the failure of the major political parties to deal with the concerns of unemployed or simply frightened white people. etc. So I wouldn't dismiss anti semitic fascist ideology as some obscurantist hangover from the past - it is still a potentially powerful and dangerous counter ideology to that of radical Socialism in a economic and social crisis.
Just spotted a book called:The Menace Of "Anti-Fascism": Behind The Rhetoric Of AFA (October 15, 1994)

Never heard of it before. Does anyone know the story behind it? It's written by a Alexander Baron.
I take it the picture of the Red Action 'Join the IRA. Fight the common enemy' sticker in it is fake?
Might not be fake, join or support? Red Action did produce stickers with a slogan along those lines, can't remember the exact wording.
briefly, ayatollah, i still think visibility is key to prejudice on the far right. most jews are assimilated in the UK, the more obvious/orthodox have a tiny presence in all but a few places, golders green (obviously!), manchester etc whereas the 'everyday racist' can see the asian community and focus their resentment on them. this is on the microscale but on a macroscale the zog thing - which is bizarrely contradictory (jewish communism & capitalism???) is still held onto by hardcore but obscure to many.

i think ultimately in britain that's a dead ideology as there are so few jews in britain.

i'd disagree with the assessment of scumfront as irrelevant, agree re: in britain but not so much in other countries, america especially.
It looked fake. Looked like the top of a real RA sticker with text put beneath it. Text looked wrong. Had a sillouet (sp? On my phone) of a person with a gun on it. It wasn't an image either, you could highlight the text which shouldn't happen of it was an image, should it?

It did say join too.

Beneath the sticker was some factually incorrect information about an RA convicted of Republican terrorism too.
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