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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

We've all heard of political dark arts. But the newly recruited adviser to Dawn Butler has taken it to a another level. According to a recent interview she boasts of actually "practising voodoo".

Previously she had insisted "all white people were racist".

But that did not prove any deterrent to being welcomed into the ranks. It is only after she announced she was "a witch" that Labour began to check her references.

Social democracy is collapsing across Europe. It is self-destructing here too. But in a comically different way.
I remember talking to other posters about this on this site and others. Amazing when you think how long AFA went for , despite arrests, the organisation was never broken.

An odd article. I wonder if all those involved gave their permission to have the video footage used like this.
An odd article. I wonder if all those involved gave their permission to have the video footage used like this.
Do they have to? Most of it must be in the public domain. What did you find odd about it btw? The info in the article tallies up with what we knew when the trials started.
I remember talking to other posters about this on this site and others. Amazing when you think how long AFA went for , despite arrests, the organisation was never broken.

Totally different circumstances, totally different in terms of ambition, and totally different in terms of personnel.

Gathering Intelligence counter-surveillance and counter-interrogation were priorities. Antifa seemed to have zero regard for any of them: a toxic mixture of hubris and amateur.
Inevitably once even a small number are arrested, and with no support network to fall back on and no de-briefing, the very real danger is that it becomes every man for himself then and thereafter.
Which from the outside looking in is what appears to have happened here.
So blaming it all on state surveillance and so forth, is at best, telling very much less than half the story.
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A couple of years ago Jews were fleeing France in record numbers out of fear of Islamist violence. Some of them fled here. Now the Jewish community here is forced to hold public protests against an anti-Jewish instinct in an otherwise virtue signalling Labour Party. Yet another sign the European Left is utterly adrift.
Looking forward to getting my hands on new limited edition badge of the classic design..

Totally different circumstances, totally different in terms of ambition, and totally different in terms of personnel.

Gathering Intelligence counter-surveillance and counter-interrogation were priorities. Antifa seemed to have zero regard for any of them: a toxic mixture of hubris and amateur.
Inevitably once even a small number are arrested, and with no support network to fall back on and no de-briefing, the very real danger is that it becomes every man for himself then and thereafter.
Which from the outside looking in is what appears to have happened here.
So blaming it all on state surveillance and so forth, is at best, telling very much less than half the story.
Yeh. Being as there's things not mentioned in the article, such as events earlier in the day and material produced in discovery during the trials of the 22 tried for welling, supporting the surveillance story your looking from the outside isn't seeing the whole picture. In addition to which a support network did support all the accused throughout the lengthy legal process and all the convicted throughout their time inside, helping too when they came out. Your claim about every man for himself not borne out by the behaviour of any of the antifa activists on trial.
Your claim about every man for himself not borne out by the behaviour of any of the antifa activists on trial.

What about the bloke who turned state? My recollection was that his touting wasn't enough to avoid being charged, or have I misremembered that? As for the state surveillance, whilst the CCTV may have been of some importance in securing convictions, it's equally the case that the participants' blyth disregard of the likelihood (certainty, in fact, if anyone had bothered to do their homework) of the station being camerad-up was what allowed the footage to be used in the first place. That degree of amateurism was something that was far from new to a couple of the participants - a fact which, whilst it might not have led to their getting lifted the first time around, may well have been a factor in their being on the radar in this instance....
What about the bloke who turned state? My recollection was that his touting wasn't enough to avoid being charged, or have I misremembered that? As for the state surveillance, whilst the CCTV may have been of some importance in securing convictions, it's equally the case that the participants' blyth disregard of the likelihood (certainty, in fact, if anyone had bothered to do their homework) of the station being camerad-up was what allowed the footage to be used in the first place. That degree of amateurism was something that was far from new to a couple of the participants - a fact which, whilst it might not have led to their getting lifted the first time around, may well have been a factor in their being on the radar in this instance....

Are you saying that one of those charged turned state witness in that trial? Not sure that's true.
Red About Town - I used to know the Harlow lot, and once spent a night drinking with RA at the White Horse.

Do I qualify for that badge, and, if so, where do I send my wonga? :thumbs::oops:;)
What about the bloke who turned state? My recollection was that his touting wasn't enough to avoid being charged, or have I misremembered that? As for the state surveillance, whilst the CCTV may have been of some importance in securing convictions, it's equally the case that the participants' blyth disregard of the likelihood (certainty, in fact, if anyone had bothered to do their homework) of the station being camerad-up was what allowed the footage to be used in the first place. That degree of amateurism was something that was far from new to a couple of the participants - a fact which, whilst it might not have led to their getting lifted the first time around, may well have been a factor in their being on the radar in this instance....
the police were aware in advance that something might happen, this was in an intel briefing in the discovery. The police also harassed antifa people and their friends round the demo earlier in the day. I'll get back to you about it touting bit, I'll have to ask someone to confirm my recollection. Parts of the incident were amateurish - parts were blackly comic - and if there'd been the consideration given I'm sure the people involved would have acted with more circumspection.
From the RA social media account today.

Red Action was recently invited, via this page, to speak at a meeting of anti-fascist activists in London hosted by the Solstar Sports Association. Below is a brief summary and estimate of the meeting from one of the former Red Action activists who was in the audience...

"Interesting meeting. Solstar Sports Association are sound, with a good working class base and militant outlook at leadership level. They've had some difficulties with the middle class Left (who tried to insist on 'safe spaces' in a boxing club!) and have, effectively, excluded them.

"Some good working class activists in attendance including building workers & railway workers. Our speaker talked about Red Action's work in the Islington area ('the early years') and, clearly, this is still held in high regard by (very) young and experienced activists alike.

"There was a frank discussion (including some good contributions from the audience) on anti-fascism going forward with the following themes emerging, not really prompted by us: The Left has isolated itself from the working class; political correctness, dogma and identity politics are a serious threat; 'open borders' and 'freedom of movement' a problem for some; there is no possibility of honest discussion on the Left; the working class is up for grabs and can be influenced by the Right or the progressive forces.

"The discussion constantly returned to topics that are complete taboo in Lefty circles: various problems with immigration, even fascism within the immigrant communities. Very noticeable that experience is showing, people who have been around for a while have worked things out. Not suggesting that everyone agreed on all these points; there were some younger elements, active in the Labour Party, who don't know what betrayal is all about yet. Still very friendly towards us though. I was a bit surprised about that but I think we sometimes underestimate our standing and influence.

"We'll be staying in touch with Solstar."
Good to see you back BTW, you've been missed

Thanks. On the touting bit - my recollection is that there was one individual who gave a statement in return for reduced charges. Though it is also my recollection that the statement may not have been key in securing the others' convictions - which would account for charges being reduced as opposed to dropped. Also, is my memory right that more ended up charged than were initially lifted?
From the RA social media account today.

Red Action was recently invited, via this page, to speak at a meeting of anti-fascist activists in London hosted by the Solstar Sports Association. Below is a brief summary and estimate of the meeting from one of the former Red Action activists who was in the audience...

"Interesting meeting. Solstar Sports Association are sound, with a good working class base and militant outlook at leadership level. They've had some difficulties with the middle class Left (who tried to insist on 'safe spaces' in a boxing club!) and have, effectively, excluded them.

"Some good working class activists in attendance including building workers & railway workers. Our speaker talked about Red Action's work in the Islington area ('the early years') and, clearly, this is still held in high regard by (very) young and experienced activists alike.

"There was a frank discussion (including some good contributions from the audience) on anti-fascism going forward with the following themes emerging, not really prompted by us: The Left has isolated itself from the working class; political correctness, dogma and identity politics are a serious threat; 'open borders' and 'freedom of movement' a problem for some; there is no possibility of honest discussion on the Left; the working class is up for grabs and can be influenced by the Right or the progressive forces.

"The discussion constantly returned to topics that are complete taboo in Lefty circles: various problems with immigration, even fascism within the immigrant communities. Very noticeable that experience is showing, people who have been around for a while have worked things out. Not suggesting that everyone agreed on all these points; there were some younger elements, active in the Labour Party, who don't know what betrayal is all about yet. Still very friendly towards us though. I was a bit surprised about that but I think we sometimes underestimate our standing and influence.

"We'll be staying in touch with Solstar."

Interesting meeting. AFN and IWCA/RA/AFA sharing a platform. Along with Danish anti fascists.
Thanks. On the touting bit - my recollection is that there was one individual who gave a statement in return for reduced charges. Though it is also my recollection that the statement may not have been key in securing the others' convictions - which would account for charges being reduced as opposed to dropped. Also, is my memory right that more ended up charged than were initially lifted?
Yeh I think that's the case, and will try to give you a definitive answer tomorrow

(edited to make it clear what i was replying to)
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