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BBC announced collapse of WT7 before it happened!

Barking_Mad said:
Yet another 9/11 thread there dozens of people claim not to be interested in a stupid conspiracy yet keep posting.:)

I just discovered this funny game.
But then... My head is about to explode, I can hardly breath, all my muscles hurt and I thought I need the distraction.

Can't we make a creative thread to write
The Ultimate 9/11 Conspiracy Story,
preventing the conspiraloons (I like this word) to contribute until the combined efforts of urbanites finally made public the Only True Plot?

I wouldn't say he has, although i'm sure you'd all like to get on with your bonding bully type stuff. But anyway, in my opinion it may be that wires got crossed but it's still a bizarre twist to the story and it may of course be evidence of a conspiracy, but on it's own i don't think it 'proves' anything.
beesonthewhatnow said:
See other thread. 100 or so pages of Jazzz digging hmself a hole so deep he's almost reached Australia.

Sorry to be pedantic, but if you dig down starting from London (which I'm making a massive assumption that Jazzz lives there) you'd actually come through the 'the other side' of Earth somewhere South-East of New Zealand, as shown by this delightfully pointless website: Dig! ;)
Crispy said:
Looks like it's gonna
It's gonna
It is
It has

only takes 4 steps of chinese whispers.
... but I've been posting up the very same stuff myself - like the video with the firefighter's saying 'that building's gonna come down'.

You miss the point entirely. :rolleyes:

...how the fuck did they know?

Not only know but be so sure that it was coming that reports got to the BBC so that they reported it as fact (which is still a bit beyond chinese whispers). No such building had EVER collapsed in such a way before.
Jazzz said:
... but I've been posting up the very same stuff myself - like the video with the firefighter's saying 'that building's gonna come down'.

You miss the point entirely. :rolleyes:

how the fuck did they know?

The BBC?
Jazzz said:
... but I've been posting up the very same stuff myself - like the video with the firefighter's saying 'that building's gonna come down'.

You miss the point entirely. :rolleyes:

...how the fuck did they know?

Not only know but be so sure that it was coming that reports got to the BBC so that they reported it as fact (which is still a bit beyond chinese whispers). No such building had EVER collapsed in such a way before.
Because they could see the amount of damage the building had suffered? Are you seriously saying that all those people listed upthread were in on it?!?
Jazzz said:
... but I've been posting up the very same stuff myself - like the video with the firefighter's saying 'that building's gonna come down'.

You miss the point entirely. :rolleyes:

...how the fuck did they know?

Not only know but be so sure that it was coming that reports got to the BBC so that they reported it as fact (which is still a bit beyond chinese whispers). No such building had EVER collapsed in such a way before.
Oh do fuck off you tit, buildings fall down all the time when their supports are destroyed. Just because you chose to ignore the damage to the building doesn't mean it isn't real.
Jazzz said:
Not only know but be so sure that it was coming that reports got to the BBC so that they reported it as fact (which is still a bit beyond chinese whispers). No such building had EVER collapsed in such a way before.
Well, there was the twin towers that had collapsed a few hours earlier. That may have been fresh in their minds.
Jazzz said:
...how the fuck did they know?
Maybe the fact that they were highly trained professionals with an extensive knowledge of what happens to burning buildings had something to do with it?

Oh hang on, I forgot, you ignore the opinions of qualified people.

Maybe we can get the people from prisonplanet to put out fires in the future, I bet they have a much better idea of how to do it.
Jazzz said:
... but I've been posting up the very same stuff myself - like the video with the firefighter's saying 'that building's gonna come down'.

You miss the point entirely. :rolleyes:

...how the fuck did they know?

Not only know but be so sure that it was coming that reports got to the BBC so that they reported it as fact (which is still a bit beyond chinese whispers). No such building had EVER collapsed in such a way before.

Gosh. Because Firefighters would recognise the sounds and signs of a building under stress and in danger of collaspe?

Or are you suggesting that dozens of FDNY workers and EMT workers are in on "teh conspiracy"
Crispy said:
Because they could see the amount of damage the building had suffered? Are you seriously saying that all those people listed upthread were in on it?!?
No such building had ever collapsed due to fire before. EVER.

If you are aware of anything structural failing before WTC7 collapsed, do tell me about it - as far as I know the collapse theory depends on all of its columns failing simultaneously.

We still don't have a finished version of why it collapsed, and apparently the still leading one was admitted to have 'a low probability of occurrence'.

The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on the premises contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue."[/I] FEMA source

Dr S. Shyam Sunder, NIST's lead WTC disaster investigator, said, of 7 World Trade Center, "We are studying the horizontal movement east to west, internal to the structure, on the fifth to seventh floors”; he added "But truthfully, I don’t really know. We’ve had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7". wikipedia

So we now have the extremely strange situation where every man and his dog was predicting the collapse of WTC7 before it happened.

But with the benefit of hindsight, no one has the foggiest about it! :rolleyes:

Or is there a better explanation, my conspiracy denialists? Yes there is. It was demolished, to destroy the evidence where 9/11 was planned (I need not remind you about the emergency command centre it featured). This was a 'loose end' in the movie and the idea was to get rid of it and draw as little attention to it as possible. You want people to forget about it (as indeed they did, some people still look blank if you mention the collapse of building 7). So, you sprinkle some gasoline around, set alight, and then make sure that everyone knows it's coming down because you don't want any human interest stories - deaths, heroics - or court cases to arise when it does. Get everyone out of the way and hope they forget all about it.
Jazzz said:
No such building had EVER collapsed in such a way before.
Yes they had. WTC 1 & 2 only a few hours earlier. Even I with short term memory loss would have been able to remember that.
Jazzz said:
No such building had ever collapsed due to fire before. EVER..
No buildings the size and the construction of the WTC had ever been intentionally hit by fuel laden passenger planes at high speed. EVER.
WouldBe said:
Yes they had. WTC 1 & 2 only a few hours earlier. Even I with short term memory loss would have been able to remember that.
...the funny thing is that if I say that about WTCs 1 & 2, you guys are always quick to point out that a plane crashed into them. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
Or is there a better explanation, my conspiracy denialists? Yes there is. It was demolished, to destroy the evidence where 9/11 was planned (I need not remind you about the emergency command centre it featured).
I'm beginning to think that it's time to put an end to these fruitloop threads if only for the sake of your health.

Your evidence-free theories get ever more ridiculous and desperate by the minute and your refusal to answer any questions just makes the whole thing a fruitless exercise.
Jazzz said:
No such building had ever collapsed due to fire before. EVER.

If you are aware of anything structural failing before WTC7 collapsed, do tell me about it - as far as I know the collapse theory depends on all of its columns failing simultaneously.
wtc 1 and 2 a little earlier. Nobody thought those would come down, but once they did, you can understand why people would get jittery.
So we now have the extremely strange situation where every man and his dog was predicting the collapse of WTC7 before it happened.

But with the benefit of hindsight, no one has the foggiest about it! :rolleyes:

Or is there a better explanation, my conspiracy denialists? Yes there is. It was demolished, to destroy the evidence where 9/11 was planned (I need not remind you about the emergency command centre it featured). This was a 'loose end' in the movie and the idea was to get rid of it and draw as little attention to it as possible. You want people to forget about it (as indeed they did, some people still look blank if you mention the collapse of building 7). So, you sprinkle some gasoline around, set alight, and then make sure that everyone knows it's coming down because you don't want any human interest stories - deaths, heroics - or court cases to arise when it does. Get everyone out of the way and hope they forget all about it.

Are you telling me that there were disinformation agents running around at the scene, whispering into firemen's ears "looks like it's gonna fall. best get out of here. you didn't see me, roight?" - You can't be fucking serious.

You are unbelievable Jazzz. I don't know how you manage to put your shoes on in the morning without dreaming up a ludicrous story to explain how they're 3 inches away from where you left them last night.
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