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BBC announced collapse of WT7 before it happened!

ill-informed (what's in a name?) you could try to read posts explaining the "time difference" .

And I repeat: I saw it reported as coming down long after midnight. Life on TV.
What more proof do you need it was all staged and filmed in advance in Hollywood, just to make people believe it happened?
Just think aobut it how this immediately gives credit to the claim that the buildings were blown up. Of course they were, what else could be done to make them go down after tricking the whole world with the Hollywood version?

Personally I think the whole thing started as one of these "disaster film" scenarios and the Bush Clan heard of it and found it such a good plan they stole the idea and forced the poor film makers to go along with it. Of course they were all murdered afterwards, put in the WTC just before they were blown up. It explains also why there were no Jews present at that time. They were still busy editing the left-overs of the film material.

ill-informed said:
And just one point, i realise there was confusion on the day, but has there ever, in the history of the world, been a story of a building falling down half an hour before it did. It just strikes me as utterly bizarre.
You've never heard of a news channel getting it completely wrong in the heat of the moment?

I suggest you reread the 9/11 thread on these very boards - it's riddled with inaccuracies borne out of news channels desperately trying to fill their coverage with rumours, hearsay and reports that later turn out to be false. That's the inevitable result of our demand for 24hr, minute by minute news.
Aldebaran said:
ill-informed (what's in a name?) you could try to read posts explaining the "time difference" .

My opening post was entirely correct with the times Aldebaran.

For posters who want a fail-safe check, I suggest the following neat trick: go to User CP/Edit Options and select

TimeZone = (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time
DST corrections always on

Now you can browse World Trade Centre [sic] in New York summertime, and the see the events timed as they are commonly associated.

and here's Nemo's post announcing the collapse of WTC7, timed at 4.55pm EDT - two minutes before BBC World announced it, and twenty-five before it happened!

Don't forget to change back ;)
Jazzz said:
and here's Nemo's post announcing the collapse of WTC7, timed at 4.55pm EDT - two minutes before BBC World announced it, and twenty-five before it happened!
So by your logic - Nemo must have been in on in too and must have been handed the same top-secret press release, yes? Was he tasked with spreading the back ops info via urban?

Or could it just be - and this may astound and astonish you - that in the heat of the moment someone mistakenly thought that the WTC7 had fallen and the BBC were just reporting on that meme?

No, silly me. That's far too simple!

PS Only a total fuckwit would use the timestamp on a bulletin board from five years ago as proof of anything. You've no idea if the time was set correctly, because I certainly haven't. As I recall, the server was all over the place that day, stopping, starting and pausing under the traffic.
Jazzz said:
and here's Nemo's post announcing the collapse of WTC7, timed at 4.55pm EDT - two minutes before BBC World announced it, and twenty-five before it happened!

Don't forget to change back ;)

Of course, Nemo's part of the conspiracy too...

Yes. Arguments about timecodes ARE POINTLESS. The building is behind the reporter. The only argument to be had is whether this was a slip-up by the well-oiled and many-tentacled conspiracy media machine, or the end point of one of the hundreds of games of chinese whispers going on that day.
zoltan69 said:
does anyone really care ?

Only those who stand to get found out: Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, the rest of the US government, the BBC, Nemo, a few tens of thousands of technical personnel, and, of course, their shadowy Jewish masters. I expect that unfortunate framed innocent, Osama Bin Laden, has more than a passing interest in the matter as well.
Groucho said:
Can't be arsed to read whole thread but in short the current theory is that Nemo did it? :confused:
Yes. Just like the BBC he went off script and announced the collapse of the WTC7 too early.

Or it might be that Nemo was spearheading and orchestrating the entire mission from these boards, with the world's media waiting for his cue.

Come to think of it there was something a bit suspicious about the fact that urban stayed online while most of the mainstream media's site crashed.


editor said:
Yes. Just like the BBC he went off script and announced the collapse of the WTC7 too early.

Or it might be that Nemo was spearheading and orchestrating the entire mission from these boards, with the world's media waiting for his cue.

Come to think of it there was something a bit suspicious about the fact that urban stayed online while most of the mainstream media's site crashed.



and now the truth comes out. you are the top lizard.
editor said:
So by your logic - Nemo must have been in on in too and must have been handed the same top-secret press release, yes? Was he tasked with spreading the back ops info via urban?

Or could it just be - and this may astound and astonish you - that in the heat of the moment someone mistakenly thought that the WTC7 had fallen and the BBC were just reporting on that meme?

No, silly me. That's far too simple!

PS Only a total fuckwit would use the timestamp on a bulletin board from five years ago as proof of anything. You've no idea if the time was set correctly, because I certainly haven't. As I recall, the server was all over the place that day, stopping, starting and pausing under the traffic.
No, of course Nemo wasn't 'in on it', neither were the BBC as I stated but you were completely unable to comprehend.

Heat of the moment? There had been no events for several hours, and well damn me if things can be confusing but there's no way I'd confuse a collapsed skyscraper with one that was still standing. It's really quite simple.

And then - even if one assumes that somehow a report on the collapse of WTC7 could materialise out of nothing, and get taken so seriously by the BBC that they report it AS FACT (not qualified like other reports that day) - what the fuck are the chances of that very thing happening less than half an hour later? :eek:

I mean, move over Nostradamus!

No, this was was stonking 'continuity error' for the 9/11 Movie. It should tell you that something is very very wrong with the story.

As for the urban75 server, well it might creak under the traffic but there's no way it could move backwards in time. :p
Crispy said:
No, very much so. It was a sad sight.
Oh come off it. You and TA both attacked me vehemently for saying that the core wouldn't stand up on its own or take the entire weight of the WTC and I comprehensively kicked your butts, managing to understand the NIST report and its DCR calculations far better than TA, and compressive strength better than MikeMMC - at least he had the ability to stand corrected unlike TA who carried on bleating that he was right :rolleyes:
ok, so now this thread is just going to be a re-run of all the old arguments where Jazz - using his degrees in metallurgy, aeronautics, civil engineering and philosophy - bangs on about the same old shit.

Jazzz said:
No, this was was stonking 'continuity error' for the 9/11 Movie. It should tell you that something is very very wrong with the story.
Wow. Now there's a huge claim.

Could you explain how this false information may have been propagated and explain the BBC's role in it please? Are you suggesting that the BBC were being fed news reports and willingly repeated them for 'The Man'?

Who was 'directing' this 'movie'?
Jazzz said:
As for the urban75 server, well it might creak under the traffic but there's no way it could move backwards in time.
Look, I'm part of the team that runs these fucking boards and even I wouldn't trust the date stamp in such circumstances.

But hey! I'm sure you know better, eh?
Dubversion said:
ok, so now this thread is just going to be a re-run of all the old arguments where Jazz - using his degrees in metallurgy, aeronautics, civil engineering and philosophy - bangs on about the same old shit.

Oh you thought I'd messed up my timezones earlier didn't you? :rolleyes:
Well, it looked like you had. But like I siad, the timestamp is irrelevant.
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