Well-Known Member
UC is a negative income tax, which is slightly different to a Basic Income, but only in principle really, in terms of how much money goes into your pocket they can function the same. Most Basic Income proposals seem to assume that higher/mid range earners won't notice that they're just paying it all back in tax. A shit Basic Income set at the rate of the dole, vs an unconditional Universal Credit is barely worth squabbling over, all it will mean is yet more welfare reform and yet more chaos for the people caught up in it. Compass do talk about it being unconditional, thats a step forward, but instead of another grandiose project to keep everyone busy and try make politicians look clever why not just scrap fucking benefit sanctions.
However conclusive the evidence for a minimum income a politician in this country will always be on the back foot as the tabloids scream about the undeserving poor. Tax credits, negative income tax and child benefit all seem like variants of the idea but masking the concept to make it politically acceptable.