First intersubjective, then internalised
Bet you don't, you giant dork.
I love Dorking.
Bet you don't, you giant dork.
I don't. It's not something I know much about and it's made me think.
This talk of logic and knowledge reminds me of a paradox.
There's prisoner waiting to be executed and the guard says, "you'll be executed within the week, but on the day you won't know that that's the day you'll be executed."
The prisoner reasons: It can't be the last day of the week because then I'll know that I'll be executed on that day. It can be the day before that because I know that I won't be executed on the last and so I'd know that today would have to be the day of my execution... and so on. Eventually the prisoner realises that guard must be lying he can't possibly be executed and not know that today is the day. Surprisingly enough for the prisoner he was executed on Wednesday.
I think the moral of this paradox is: Don't treat "know" as a definite logical quantity like "provable" or "true".
I've heard that paradox expressed previously in terms of knowing that there will be a test in class.
It resolves because induction doesn't work forwards, only backwards. Like all apparent but actually false paradoxes, the solution is a lot more boring than the problem.
I don't quite get this. If you add something that isn't additive identity to something else, you can't come up with additive identity unless the thing you're adding to the initial quantity is such that it reduces that initial quantity to the additive identity. And that thing that you're adding to the initial quantity cannot be the quantity itself unless the initial quantity is itself the additive identity. In other words, 0 + 0 = 0 but you cannot add any other quantity to itself and produce 0. You can only add its 'anti-self' to it to produce zero.
Sorry, probably not expressing that very well - the thought seems clear enough until I start trying to write it down.
it's like analytical philosophy for super autistics.