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Bands you refuse to listen to because their name is awful


Exasperated, not angry.
Inspired by a combination of killer b's comment on the atrociously named Working Men's Club and the fact that the Viagra Boys have just cropped up on a playlist. Why the fuck would you want a name that made you sound like an even shitter VengaBoys? People are weird.

Toad the Wet Sprocket might be in there, but I doubt I'd ever have deliberately listened to them anyway as everything about them sounds utter shite.

Anal Cunt is trying way too hard too.
Any band who's "clever name" is ungoogleable.
I just add "band" to this name. They set the domain up before or during their first album 20ish yes ago :


E2a oooo it's so shiny, I've not looked at it for YEARS :oops: :cool: 💿💾📀✨
I don't think there's any bands I'd refuse to listen to because of their shit name if the music was good, but I'm sure there's plenty of bands I ignore because the name makes me think they'll not be for me.

Working Mens Club is a good example. When I first heard the name I assumed they'd sound like Idles or Fontains DC l, so paid them no attention. Then I heard a song I really liked which turned out to be them and it was nothing like I expected.

A Winged Victory for the Sullen were another band I ignored where the music wasn't what I expected. Even after I saw a photo of them I was still expecting guitars, maybe a cooler Keane or something.

Infected Mushroom sound exactly like you'd expect, and that's plenty of reason to ignore them.
Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs

Ah, but if you listen to their stuff you'll see that they're actually quite a lot more shit than you'd expect from the name. They sound more like Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Gosh Aren't We Ever So Transgressive Chortle Chortle Pigs Pigs Nobody's Ever Done A Band Name Like This Before Pigs Pigs Alexis Fucking Petridish Will Eat It Up And We'll Be Rich Pigs.
Ah, but if you listen to their stuff you'll see that they're actually quite a lot more shit than you'd expect from the name. They sound more like Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Gosh Aren't We Ever So Transgressive Chortle Chortle Pigs Pigs Nobody's Ever Done A Band Name Like This Before Pigs Pigs Alexis Fucking Petridish Will Eat It Up And We'll Be Rich Pigs.
I'm not much of a fan of pigs x 7, but this is wildly wide of the mark - they languished in obscurity for a decade as various band members' joke side project before radio 6 mysteriously picked them up.
Hootie & the Blowfish
Catfish & The Bottlemen
I have always thought these two were the same band and I will continue to do so. They are the two that wholly fulfill the criteria for me too, I have never knowingly listened to them.

There have been various other terrible names mentioned, but they've not been quite bad enough to stop me listening.
I'm not much of a fan of pigs x 7, but this is wildly wide of the mark - they languished in obscurity for a decade as various band members' joke side project before radio 6 mysteriously picked them up.
Everybody suddenly going 'yeh I've always loved Sabbath 4 and Hawkwind' helped.
Everybody suddenly going 'yeh I've always loved Sabbath 4 and Hawkwind' helped.
It does seem odd that of all the bands from that scene - many featuring some of the same lineup - it was Pigs chosen for stardom. I guess they toured with Richard Dawson when he was also getting unexpectedly huge, which will have got them in front of a few of the right people... can't really think of any other reason though
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