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Balliffs 1 Nick Griffin 0

Not necessarilly. And in this case there is no evidence that the firm concerned or its staff was pro-BNP, they just treated them as paying customers like any other.

There's doing a print-run cos you took the payment and weren't aware of who the client was until the proofs came in... And then theres allowing a far right shitpile to rack up a 50 grand tab with you. Big difference -fuck 'em...

And are you suggesting that 'Fash' sympathisers don't deserve employment like anyone else?

There are a lot of things i would suggest that fash supporters don't 'deserve' -employment would certainly be one of them... :p

I bet you wouldn't say that about the staff who print the Socialist Worker. Talk about the politics of the students' union!

But this isn't about the Socialist Worker, it's about nick griffin and co getting theirs and the epic lols that are a result thereof... :D
So you're glad that all those people lost their jobs? I don't agree with the BNP but I still would not wish a small British business to go under, especially in this economic climate.

Based in Belfast. Printing BNP literature. I think it is pretty clear they can go fuck themselves. Oh and they ain't British. They are are Irish as they are on Irish soil.
And since the fash (mainly EDL but they all piss in the same pot) have opposed anti-cuts marches they clearly believe in people losing their jobs.

So I'll second the "so fuck them"

Well done. Because of the above post, I've gone from an attacker of the EDL to having to semi-defend them. The EDL only opposed anti-"cuts" (my inverted commas) marches because mose of them consisted of people/groups who oppose the EDL. And if you want to band them together (Fash groups) the BNP have opposed the "cuts". In any event, as sad as it is people will lose their jobs: hopefully those who hold non-jobs with include in their titles 'diversity', 'recycling', 'outreach', 'cilimate change/global warming'.

You need to learn your facts old boy.
Well done. Because of the above post, I've gone from an attacker of the EDL to having to semi-defend them. The EDL only opposed anti-"cuts" (my inverted commas) marches because mose of them consisted of people/groups who oppose the EDL. And if you want to band them together (Fash groups) the BNP have opposed the "cuts". In any event, as sad as it is people will lose their jobs: hopefully those who hold non-jobs with include in their titles 'diversity', 'recycling', 'outreach', 'cilimate change/global warming'.

You need to learn your facts old boy.
tbh since most people oppose the edl it's no great surprise that most people involved with anti-cuts marches, as with most people who play real tennis, oppose the edl. and even the bnp have a policy of opposing the edl, even if that's honoured more in the breach than the observance.

i know someone who works in an archive whose job is to work with local schools to promote local history. her job title is outreach worker. do you think jobs like that are worthless?
Well done. Because of the above post, I've gone from an attacker of the EDL to having to semi-defend them. The EDL only opposed anti-"cuts" (my inverted commas) marches because mose of them consisted of people/groups who oppose the EDL. And if you want to band them together (Fash groups) the BNP have opposed the "cuts". In any event, as sad as it is people will lose their jobs: hopefully those who hold non-jobs with include in their titles 'diversity', 'recycling', 'outreach', 'cilimate change/global warming'.

You need to learn your facts old boy.

Down with cilimate change researchers!

It is amusing that you put cuts in rabbit ear dressing when even the people implementing them agree that they are cuts and call them so.
Well done. Because of the above post, I've gone from an attacker of the EDL to having to semi-defend them.

You don't have to defend the EDL at all...

The EDL only opposed anti-"cuts" (my inverted commas) marches <snip>

...why insert 'inverted commas'? Do you not believe the cuts are cuts? :D

In any event, as sad as it is people will lose their jobs: hopefully those who hold non-jobs with include in their titles 'diversity', 'recycling', 'outreach', 'cilimate change/global warming'.

You need to learn your facts old boy.

Jesus Wept :facepalm:
Right. Of course you have. You hated them when you came on this board, it's just the lefties have turned your head.

Same with the gypsies and abortion, except, er, the other way round.

I have argued against the EDL many times, look at my postings as 'Husting' on the BNP section of the British Democracy Forum. I don't hate Gypsies, just the way they behave. As for abortion, yes, I am very much against the killing of innocent unborn human beings. So what?
Well done. Because of the above post, I've gone from an attacker of the EDL to having to semi-defend them. The EDL only opposed anti-"cuts" (my inverted commas) marches because mose of them consisted of people/groups who oppose the EDL. And if you want to band them together (Fash groups) the BNP have opposed the "cuts". In any event, as sad as it is people will lose their jobs: hopefully those who hold non-jobs with include in their titles 'diversity', 'recycling', 'outreach', 'cilimate change/global warming'.

You need to learn your facts old boy.

Some more of those bothersome "facts" (ahem):

The EDL are a de-facto scab organisation (as pointed out a long while ago by other Urban posters), so it's hardly surprising that anyone of an anti-cuts persuasion isn't going to be wildy eager to rally round to the EDL's way of thinking anytime soon.
The BNP-affiliated Solidarity union (prop: Mr P Harrington) has backed in at least one court case the opposing side against it's members interests - ao much for "solidarity"!
The BNP, with it's "British Jobs For British Workers" sloganeering (nicked, funnily enough, from the Tyndall-era NF) has shown how much it supports "local" industry by, er, not paying up for services rendered - hence the Belfast business etc. Funnily enough, such jolly japes leads to people losing their jobs, no?
The NF have recently hassled/attacked union and anti-cuts stands in Newcastle on at least 2 occassions - presumably on the belief (oft-expressed on forums like VNN UK) that "they're all reds and commies".
And back to those damn unions, wasn't it the aforementioned John Tyndall, who during the height of the miner's strike, wanted the "state" to send in the army to "deal with" said picketers? Such concern for the working man there!

My point being here? Well, if you're going to (in effect) stand against the anti-cuts movement, you're going to have to choose more, uh, consistent bedfellows than the above-mentioned "patriots", who if nothing else, perfectly support and go along with neo-liberalist interests, in contradication to their so-called "radical" politics...
Well, at least you've always hated gypsies and abortion, that's not our fault. I wouldn't want that on my conscience. Not that the other part isn't bollocks but still.
Well done. Because of the above post, I've gone from an attacker of the EDL to having to semi-defend them. The EDL only opposed anti-"cuts" (my inverted commas) marches because mose of them consisted of people/groups who oppose the EDL. And if you want to band them together (Fash groups) the BNP have opposed the "cuts". In any event, as sad as it is people will lose their jobs: hopefully those who hold non-jobs with include in their titles 'diversity', 'recycling', 'outreach', 'cilimate change/global warming'.

You need to learn your facts old boy.
When have you attacked the EDL?
And if our goose-stepping chums are really against cuts then why do they/you feel the need to attack anti-cuts marches, strikes, etc even if they're "made up of people who attack the EDL". They're not attacking the edl AT THAT MOMENT, are they? theyre fighting against cuts
Based in Belfast. Printing BNP literature. I think it is pretty clear they can go fuck themselves.

And your evidence is....(the answer there came none!!!)

Oh and they ain't British. They are are Irish as they are on Irish soil

Daft sod: Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland...Northern Ireland, part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Meaning: Northern Ireland is part of one sovereign nation colloquilly called 'Britain'.
When have you attacked the EDL?

See my post above...

I have argued against the EDL many times, look at my postings as 'Husting' on the BNP section of the British Democracy Forum. I don't hate Gypsies, just the way they behave. As for abortion, yes, I am very much against the killing of innocent unborn human beings. So what?
Yes, belfast is in NI (which is a prt of the UK) but that doesn't escape the fact that the printer in question did 50 grand of printwork on credit to an organisation with well publicised links to the far right and domestic fash movement. So again, fuck 'em.
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