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Australian Election May 2022


let me rephrase that... Fuck off
May 21st we have the Australian Federal Election.https://www.aec.gov.au/election/

I'm crossing everything that LNP go. Apparently polls have it that 25% won't be voting Labor or Liberal. The Greens are making promises, but it's hard to see how they'll be able to keep them.

Scomo threw a curved ball by doing a U turn and now supporting zero emissions.

Queensland should remain Labor, having said that my town is full of corflutes with photos of complete randoms on :hmm:

Plus Pauline Hansens One Nation just announced that they will preference LNP in Queensland. Which tbh is a bit scary.

I found this article which brought the 3 main issues down to covid/civil rights, climate and gender ( i didn't see gender becoming an Australian election issue for a few years yet tbh)

Hi ice-is-forming I am afraid I know nothing about present day Australian politics. Back when I was briefly there, 37 years ago, a bloke called Joh Bjelke-Petersen was premier in Queensland. He was very anti drugs which led to a poor Dutch buddy of mine getting strip searched on arriving on a flight from from Thailand.

Hitchiking about I did notice a lot of racism against aboriginals from white Australians, and against the British also in many Aussies. This led to the joke that Aussies walked with a very balanced gait, having a chip on both shoulders! :)

A lot of the middle class Aussie youth I met wanted to go backpacking in Asia, but the exploits of a certain Charles Sobhraj served to make them cautious. One mum I know bought the book, "The life and crimes of Charles Sobhraj" for her son and made him read it. It rather damped his enthusiasm for foreign back packing :(

Where I stayed in Victoria for a few months they were mainly interested in the wool price and anything that might affect it.

I did get a lot of positivity from my six months down under, in part because if something broke on the sheep station I worked on (from a tractor to a truck or Ute) you had to fix it yourself because there were no repair men you could call on.

So I came back to the UK much more resourceful and enterprising than I had been when I left. There was a culture down under of a fair days work for a fair days pay, and you really got the understanding that you could do whatever you wanted to. I hope that hasn't been lost in the years since my visit.
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Election Day today. Cunts gonna cunt.

The liberal party is mass texting Australians a breaking "news alert" telling them ABF has intercepted an illegal boat trying to reach australia. It links to voting instructions for the liberal party. @abcnews AEC says it appears properly authorised

Guessing this is Crosby at work. What better world we could be living in if he’d been drowned at birth.
Looks like we're heading for a hung parliament. ScoMo will pork barrel the independents to hang on to power.
Looks like ScoMo is a gonner after all. Will the Libs go for burn victim lookalike Peter Dutton and similarly abbreviate his name?
Didn’t he have a bit of a ‘bad war’ with Covid? Fuck them anyway, racist filth.

Health is a competency of the states and territories not the Commonwealth so ScoMo was in the position of having to slag off the response of the Labor states (WA, QLD, VIC) and talk up the efforts of the LNC states (NSW, SA). This meant there wasn't a coherent message and he couldn't take credit for the successes.

Even our division, which used to be one the safest Liberal seats in the country as it's full of rich people, has succumbed to the teal bath and elected an indepedent.

This was the Climate Change/Culture War election and it looks like Australia didn't like the Liberal position on either.

This was my first election as a citizen. Voted Greens in the HoR and Animal Justice Party in the Senate.
My place in Brisbane went Greens. Heaps of people with Greens signs had them stolen, some repeatedly. I told my neighbor, whose Greens signs were stolen 3 times that this was a good indication of the Libs insecurity.

The day before the polls closed the Lib guy, J Simmonds packed up his office and left. It was around the corner from my place.

I think it was a total rout around here, sorta inner Brisbane..
I can't claim to be any sort of expert on Aussie politics but this seems really interesting - the "Teal" independents on a platform of climate change action and scrutiny of the state, the Greens, and Labor all making gains off the Tories Liberals, do I have that right?

The Teal thing is really interesting, crowd funded, simple to understand platform - wonder if we could get something similar in the UK?
Teal/Climate 200 is political vehicle finely calibrated to decapitate the Liberals in seats Labor and Greens could never win.

It's controlled and partially funded by Simon Holmes à Court who was, until recently, a Liberal donor and fund-raiser. He was very close to the just ejected Finance Minister Josh Frydenburg until they had a massive falling out. On one level it's a rich man's incredibly elaborate vengeance project. Like that episode of Curb where Larry opens a coffee shop next to another coffee shop that has annoyed him.

Non of that really transfers to the UK. Also, a UK version would inevitably have the SWP getting involved and fucking it all up.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad scumbag has gone, but what kind of system delivers the winner of the popular vote 20 less seats than the one who came second?
The Teal lot seem a bit Lib Demish, professional people like Doctors etc, posh enough to appeal in wealthy areas. Dunno if Australia is like the U.K. where green issues carry well with the middle classes, Attenborough fans etc.

I know there’s still a lot of anti-green reactionary bollocks in Australia that’s seen things like cycle lanes getting ripped out in Sydney. Very car-orientated with multi-lane roads through the middle of residential area, and a backlash against anything that challenges the privilege of drivers.
Can I just say how fucking wonderful it feels to actually have humans in parliament again. A sense of relief is slowly washing over people as we see the LNP disappearing into the distance.... There's a lot of shit that needs sorting out after they and their friends have had their snouts in the trough for ten long years, we still have huge socioeconomic issues. But I feel like I can breath again most days.
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