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Assassination attempt on Trump, 13th July 2024

Biden had lost before this. He’s lost even more bigly now. Our best hope is Trump’s conspiraloon army takes the country to civil war before then.
One thing I don't get is, why didn't people get down? Even after the security where all over Trump people were still just standing. Was it shock or what?

I guess the gunshots had stopped by then and getting down in a crowd does not seem that safe either. You probably wanna be upright to hear what’s going on even if you can’t see it. This wasn’t a multiple shooters from multiple angles kind of thing.
I guess the gunshots had stopped by then and getting down in a crowd does not seem that safe either. You probably wanna be upright to hear what’s going on even if you can’t see it. This wasn’t a multiple shooters from multiple angles kind of thing.

Shots were coming from different angles, with the snipers getting in on the act
I dunno. Whilst I think it's much more likely that it was a real attempt, I wouldn't be that surprised if it turned out at some point to have been completely staged, with no bullets involved.

(I post this assuming that the family and friends of the victim in the crowd are not likely to be reading urban.)

So, you're more considerate version of Alex Jones.
That's why you're hoping America doesn't have a civil war? Seriously?
Sigh. That's such a silly question from an otherwise intelligent poster.

Am surprised it needs clarification but -

I don't want a civil war in the States because of the absolute terror and death it will bring. To untold numbers of innocent people. I've said this before. And yes, I'm including family and friends in my fears.
Actually agree with morgan here. WTF is Biden on about this time...

pretty sureif he come out and said it very common in the USA and trump has been fanning the flames of political violence throughout his campaign and his retoric on truth social

the same sort of cunts would be condemning biden for causing the assassination plot

so fuck it .. should of just come out and said don't worry Donny when it an official act from me you won't hear it coming :)
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Apparently this is the bullet that shaved his ear. He had just turned his head otherwise might have been on target.

They’re only as long as they are because the bookie is trying to balance petee’s bets on Biden.
The most recent polls have Trump neck and neck with whoever the Dems put against him. It's very likely that this election's result will come down to who most effectively gets their vote out in a handful of swing states, as it did the last two times.

President: general election Polls
I made some facetious comments about wanting Trump to die - and the truth is I don't know. There are potentially some very serious consequences to him being elected. Could he try and change the constitution and give himself further terms (genuine question - inform me), take the US down the line of being something like a theocracy or fascist-adjacent state, lock up rivals, make women's and minorities' lives very difficult, do disgusting things to immigrants?

If so, maybe a bullet in the head the least worst option. Or not, because as another poster said unintended consequences can bite very hard.

What do you think? all hyperbole removed.
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Im sure we can be assured that Trump will respond with his usual statesman like dignity and gravitas in order to calm the situation ... 😬😬

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.

We will fear not, but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families.

We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed.

In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand united, and show our true character as Americans, remaining strong and determined, and not allowing evil to win.

I truly love our country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our great nation this week from Wisconsin. DJT

<his most recent statement on truth social via the graun>

While Biden stumbles in that speech linked above. Yeah. I do not hold out much hope for the dems come the election now.

I mean when it gets away from his script writers and Trump is ad libbing, who knows. Who tf knows. But for now...
I will offer my full support to any other republican voter who wants to take shots at Mr trump

but can I offer one piece of advice

50 cal man when you absolutely got to kill a mother fucker :hmm:
I made some facetious comments about wanting Trump to die - and the truth is I don't know. There are potentially some very serious consequences to him being elected. Could he try and change the constitution and give himself further terms (genuine question - inform me), take the US down the line of being something like a theocracy or fascist-adjacent state, lock up rivals, make women's and minorities' lives very difficult, do disgusting things to immigrants?

If so, maybe a bullet in the head the least worse option. Or not, because as another poster said unintended consequences can bite very hard.

What do you think - all hyperbole removed?
Trump is a wannabe fascist dictator whose ambitions were to an extent thwarted by a functioning system last time. Even so, he managed to stack the courts in his favour (his biggest legacy), cut taxes for the rich and wreck environment legislation. The slack for this last point was taken up by many states on their own initiative, and I'd expect that to happen again.

Things in his favour this time? I'd think the major difference this time would be that he would already have stacked the courts in his favour. So the system will be tested even harder.

Things against him this time? He would have trouble garnering support from foreign leaders, save the handful of fellow travellers like Milei. There'd be no Theresa May equivalent to hold his hand. How that would play out, I don't know.
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