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Assassination attempt on Trump, 13th July 2024

I don't support assassination attempts on Donald Trump.

I only support successful assassinations of Donald Trump.
Do you think a successful assassination attempt would make the situation better?
I can understand that fleeting feeling of him getting his just deserts, but how is it something to be applauded beyond that?
of course there are people who wish to bring things to a crisis point, for example

"adherents say they are preparing for, or seek to incite, a second American Civil War or second American Revolution which they call "the boogaloo" or "the boog"

Originally read that as the Juggalo Movement and got the fear that, come the revolution, we'd all be forced to listen to Insane Clown Posse albums.
Assuming it was deliberate, as opposed to disarray or a bit of shock.

Maybe a bit like some of the 9/11 photos - some of the opportunities were purely circumstantial and not down to some genius stage management by Bin Laden.

Edit: one Graun article suggests they knew the shooter was down at this point
I watched it half an hour afterwards and some agent says they got the shooter before Trump says "wait, wait" and raises his fist
NY Times reckon theyve got a photo of the bullet, post-ear

I’m not sure why someone who wasn’t going to vote for Trump is now going to vote for him because of this.

I think it will embolden the nuttiest elements of his existing base, though.

Sadly, it shows the prick to be virile and all that bollocks. It's not just Trump true believers who will lap that up.
Except if he had been standing a millimetre to his right it would have been the Big Adiós. Too many uncontrollable variables for this to be a flag of the false variety.
You guys don't watch enough Jonathan Creek.
Trump could have had a hole punch in his hand and nicked himself as he ducked.
Tbf being shot is a serious event for anyone, it will have a psychological affect on him and it will be interesting to see how he handles it . I suspect at least outwardly and initially in his usual bigly manner but the true impact may take some time to become apparent.
Yeah this increases the possibility quite dramatically of the realisation of our worst fears of a a second Trump term being marked by violent repression of political opposition.
Yep. Superb bit of PR and actually, admirable quick thinking given he'd just been shot.
Trump showed that he is only interested in himself.
He didn't and doesn't put the country first. If he had a grain of "statesmanship" in his body he would not have shouted "fight fight fight" ... its a weird response to a cut ear. I mean... who yells that? Except for stupid kids at a playground brawl. He is beyond thick. Nothing admirable about it. He is a narcissistic selfish twat.

Eta. His response was akin to an episode of the Simpsons.
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