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Assange to face extradition

I don't know. Much as I detest Galloway I think he'd stand a good chance of winning if he sued.

For him to be a "rape denier" it would have to have been established that Assange had raped someone, and that's not the case.
No, the claim is about what legally constitutes rape. He hasn't a leg to stand on.
For him to be a "rape denier" it would have to have been established that Assange had raped someone, and that's not the case.
No I don't agree with that. There is a clear description of rape which Assange is accused of - Galloway says it is "bad sexual etiquette". That's rape denial imo, regardless of whether it actually happened (and we don't know that because Assange faced a trial yet.)

E2A: And just to recap, Assange is accused of holding a woman down with his body weight, holding her arms by her side, and forcing his cock into her. That's rape, not poor sexual etiquette.

just found this, seems apt
I should imagine the daytime occupants of the Equadorian embassy are starting to get a mite irritated on ariving at work to smell the aroma of Assange's socks drying on the radiators. Perhaps there will come a time when their patience has worn too thin and they might just send him out for the pizza!! :)
On the radio they have just said it has cost the met over 1 million pounds to guard the Ecuadorean embassy since Julian Assange took refuge there. I thought every embassy in London had police officers on duty 24/7 :confused:
Assange still in the Equadorian Embassy then?
What is it about guests and three days, something like fish stink on the third day!!
Bet Assange really stinks now!

/my six monthly status check
Julian Assange reveals GCHQ messages discussing Swedish extradition

Authorities at GCHQ, the government eavesdropping agency, are facing embarrassing revelations about internal correspondence in which Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is discussed, apparently including speculation that he is being framed by Swedish authorities seeking his extradition on rape allegations.

The records were revealed by Assange himself in a Sunday night interview with Spanish television programme Salvados in which he explained that an official request for information gave him access to instant messages that remained unclassified by GCHQ.

A message from September 2012, read out by Assange, apparently says: "They are trying to arrest him on suspicion of XYZ … It is definitely a fit-up… Their timings are too convenient right after Cablegate."

The messages appear to contain speculation and chatter between GCHQ employees, but Assange gave little further explanation about exactly who they came from.

The WikiLeaks founder, who has spent the past 11 months in the Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid arrest and extradition to Sweden, claimed GCHQ had been unaware that it might have anything on him that was not classified.

"It won't hand over any of the classified information," he said. "But, much to its surprise, it has some unclassified information on us."

"We have just received this. It is not public yet," he added.

A second instant message conversation from August last year between two unknown people saw them call Assange a fool for thinking Sweden would drop its attempt to extradite him.

The conversation, as read out by Assange, goes: "He reckons he will stay in the Ecuadorian embassy for six to 12 months when the charges against him will be dropped, but that is not really how it works now is it? He's a fool… Yeah … A highly optimistic fool."

"This is what the spies are discussing amongst themselves," Assange told the Spanish television presenter Jordi Evolé.

The Cheltenham-based agency said: "We can confirm that GCHQ responded formally to the subject who made the request. The disclosed material includes personal comments between some members of staff and do not reflect GCHQ's policies or views in any way.
Kid Eternity's thread had a link that gave us a lot of information about Assange. He hides the truth in plain sight (6hour interview); he will provide information, but it may not be all the information and it may be provided by stages; he uses freedom of information to alter courses of events and dominate; it could be a social experiment but he acknowledges the business potential.

Edit: I would have him killed and quickly, but that's just me.
The records were revealed by Assange himself in a Sunday night interview with Spanish television programme Salvados in which he explained that an official request for information gave him access to instant messages that remained unclassified by GCHQ.
Er...no it doesn't. What do they even mean by official? It's a standard Subject access request. Ooh what hi-tech jinks!
I really don't like him.

But what he dıd wıth Wıkıleaks was extremely ımportant and unbelıevably courageous.

It certaınly scared the hell out of the US government--somethıng that badly needs doıng and that no-one else has managed to do for 30 years.
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