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Assange to face extradition

Do people really think the US enagages in these crude expression of power over people like assange? If so,they're years beyond you in political sophistication. Come into the new century.
Now it is you who is being naive. For over a year they have effectively tortured Bradley Manning in the hope that he would break and testify against Assange. The US has shown itself to be extremely revengeful. It wants a scapegoat for the leaking of huge amounts of its data and for revealing the extent of its war crimes. They have already called for his assassination and killing and virtually declared war on him and wikileaks. I can't believe I am having to have this conversation. Of course they are engaging in an expression of power over Assange. And they will get him while idiots like you stand by and watch
Now it is you who is being naive. For over a year they have effectively tortured Bradley Manning in the hope that he would break and testify against Assange. The US has shown itself to be extremely revengeful. It wants a scapegoat for the leaking of huge amounts of its data and for revealing the extent of its war crimes. They have already called for his assassination and killing and virtually declared war on him and wikileaks. I can't believe I am having to have this conversation. Of course they are engaging in an expression of power over Assange. And they will get him while idiots like you stand by and watch

Now, what's the difference between BM and Assange? Think about it and answer seriously. (I like the way you easily slip into 'they' btw) You're always going to be used dylans. You are having to have this conversation because people don't agree with you, they don't agree with your logic, your conclusions or the larger assumptions that they rest upon. People who in the round agree with you politically. That's what's called politics. Back to the 70s with you.
Now it is you who is being naive. For over a year they have effectively tortured Bradley Manning in the hope that he would break and testify against Assange. The US has shown itself to be extremely revengeful. It wants a scapegoat for the leaking of huge amounts of its data and for revealing the extent of its war crimes. They have already called for his assassination and killing and virtually declared war on him and wikileaks. I can't believe I am having to have this conversation. Of course they are engaging in an expression of power over Assange. And they will get him while idiots like you stand by and watch

You're why people laugh at or despise the left btw. You crudely reduce complex issue down to the idea that it's one person against another motivated by typically human feelings (anger,revenge,jealousy).The US can and will swallow anything happening to assange short of extradition because he did nothing at all to them. They don't care. If Coulter pulls your strings that's your lookout.
BA your posts are so cryptic, and by cryptic I mean badly written and incomprehensibly expressed, that it is hard to know what you are talking about. Are you seriously suggesting that the US government does not seek the extradition of Assange, you know the MAN, the PERSON in order to indict him for espionage or that the motivation for this extraordinary vendetta is the fact that the organisation he created leaked virtually every single document of US activity in Iraq since 2003 and in doing so embarrassed the US government and military or that it seeks his extradition in order to demonstrate to others who may think of leaking or facilitate the leaking of US documents what will happen to them if they do. Or that it is torturing Bradley Manning in order to facilitate the future prosecution of Assange?

Through all the dense, really badly written, barely readable shite that are your posts above, you seem to be saying that it is crude and unsophisticated to suggest that the US government behaves in this way and your spectacularly cryptic post only falls down on the fact that this is exactly what the US government is doing as it has done to others such as Daniel Ellsberg. I guess his prosecution wasn't a politically motivated attack on an individual either?

(sorry in advance if I have got hold of the wrong end of the stick but perhaps you could help me avoid that in future by writing in something that approaches comprehensible English not a Times crossword puzzle)

3 across. If Coulter pulls your strings that's your lookout
4 down. The difference between BM and Assange
6 across Back to the 70's with you
7 down. that repetitive crabbed post
answers on back page
I get told off after that repetitive crabbed post of yours? Really?

My point is clear, there is nothing to suggest that he is being sent to Sweden as part of a longer term plot to be extradited to the US - it's harder to be extradited to the US from there. The US doesn't need to and will not pursue Assange. States don't act like and are not motivated by poster type individual motivations. He did them no harm (this is where you confuse commentators with 'them'). They have other ways of dealing with this sort of threat.

Unless of course, what's happening is because everything is part of some larger plan, that's part of a larger plan.

Oh no, embarrassment.
Of course Sweden would never extradite someone to the US. It's inconceivable. After all they didn't illegally rendition people to be imprisoned and tortured at the behest of the US did they...Oh!.

Ahmed Agiza was rendered from Sweden to Egypt by U.S. agents through Bromma airport. However the U.S. agents were assisted by the Swedish secret service. He was tortured in Egypt and sentenced to 25 years later reduced to 15. His lawyers sued in Sweden for damages and won. He was awarded 330,000 Euros--but is still in jail!

On another occasion a rendition flight was boarded and stopped BY THE SWEDISH MILITARY after it was found to have broken agreed rules between the Swedish government and the USA.

Anyone who thinks Sweden will not acquiesce in a US extradition demand is deluding themselves. As I posted earlier, they already have.

U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether it is possible to prosecute Julian Assange for espionage. Julian Assange British lawyer Mark Stephens fears that the U.S. will request that Assange be extradited to the country if he submitted to the Swedish authorities. Now comes evidence that Mark Stephens, the grounds for his concern.According to sources at the Independent, there have been informal talks between Swedish and U.S. officials about the possibility of disclosing Assange to the United States. The Independent's diplomatic sources, no request for extradition to the United States sent to Sweden before and if there is a charge against him from the U.S. States government, and it will not happen before the legal process in Sweden is over.

Just to be clear, this is the basic idea behind the "Assange was set-up" theory...?

Assange and wikileaks released documents into the public domain which hugely embarrassed the US government. Elements of that government sat down to think of a way to not only neutralise the threat of further such leaks, but to also completely discredit the figurehead behind them. Two women were convinced to make false accusations against Assange of serious sexual assaults. The Swedish government was also brought in on the plot, not only to facilitate the prosecution of Assange for the assault, but also to extradite him at some later date for espionage related crimes. This is a conspiracy permeating various levels of the Swedish establishment, including their police, their prosecution service, their diplomats and their elected officials. And two civilian "honeytrap" agents.

Correct me where I have gone wrong in the above, please.
Not wrong but forgetting the British legal system - fine and upstanding as it is. Of course ,the longer and more ludicrous the links in the chain the stronger it pulls for you know who.
Just to be clear, this is the basic idea behind the "Assange was set-up" theory...?

Assange and wikileaks released documents into the public domain which hugely embarrassed the US government. Elements of that government sat down to think of a way to not only neutralise the threat of further such leaks, but to also completely discredit the figurehead behind them. Two women were convinced to make false accusations against Assange of serious sexual assaults. The Swedish government was also brought in on the plot, not only to facilitate the prosecution of Assange for the assault, but also to extradite him at some later date for espionage related crimes. This is a conspiracy permeating various levels of the Swedish establishment, including their police, their prosecution service, their diplomats and their elected officials. And two civilian "honeytrap" agents.

Correct me where I have gone wrong in the above, please.
First of all these are not or at least should not be allegations of serious sexual assault. They are claims of assault that are taken seriously by a frankly barmy and extraordinarily intrusive legal system that is seeking to prosecute a man for engaging in consensual sexual activity and behaving at worst like an inconsiderate lout. Bad bedroom behaviour is nothing to be proud of but whether or not it should be the basis for a European wide interpol arrest warrant is another matter entirely.
Regardless of this, and in answer to your point. It doesn't need a complex conspiracy theory to see this for what it is. Who knows how it has unfolded. Perhaps the initial allegations were and are seen as simply a fortunate opportunity for the US to serve its own interests and pressure was placed to enact and continue with the extradition warrant when otherwise it may have been dropped. It is hardly a conspiracy theory to see that a small country could be pressured into pushing forward this case where common sense suggests it should have been dropped. It is not a conspiracy theory to likewise see that pressure will now be placed on Sweden to extradite him to the US. It is highly likely however that had this case involved joe bloggs and not Julian Assange, this would never have taken the high profile that it has and wouldn't have resulted in the extradition of a man who hasn't even been charged with a crime. I am reminded of Naomi Wolf's letter to interpol on this last year

Dear Interpol:
As a longtime feminist activist, I have been overjoyed to discover your new commitment to engaging in global manhunts to arrest and prosecute men who behave like narcissistic jerks to women they are dating.

I see that Julian Assange is accused of having consensual sex with two women, in one case using a condom that broke. I understand, from the alleged victims' complaints to the media, that Assange is also accused of texting and tweeting in the taxi on the way to one of the women's apartments while on a date, and, disgustingly enough, 'reading stories about himself online' in the cab.
Both alleged victims are also upset that he began dating a second woman while still being in a relationship with the first. (Of course, as a feminist, I am also pleased that the alleged victims are using feminist-inspired rhetoric and law to assuage what appears to be personal injured feelings. That's what our brave suffragette foremothers intended!).

Thank you again, Interpol. I know you will now prioritize the global manhunt for 1.3 million guys I have heard similar complaints about personally in the US alone -- there is an entire fraternity at the University of Texas you need to arrest immediately. I also have firsthand information that John Smith in Providence, Rhode Island, went to a stag party -- with strippers! -- that his girlfriend wanted him to skip, and that Mark Levinson in Corvallis, Oregon, did not notice that his girlfriend got a really cute new haircut -- even though it was THREE INCHES SHORTER.
Terrorists. Go get 'em, Interpol!
Yours gratefully,
Naomi Wolf
Early judgment is in:

dylans said:
First of all these are not or at least should not be allegations of serious sexual assault. They are claims of assault that are taken seriously by a frankly barmy and extraordinarily intrusive legal system that is seeking to prosecute a man for engaging in consensual sexual activity and behaving at worst like an inconsiderate lout. Bad bedroom behaviour...
Penetrating some one when they're asleep (as if by a plan according you) is not 'Bad bedroom behaviour' - you've just put yourself outside you creepy fuck.
If you can spend ten minutes googling 'Sweden extradition US' you can spend 10 minutes reading what this euro-warrent is about. You don't care though.
Early judgment is in:

Penetrating some one when they're asleep (as if by a plan according you) is not 'Bad bedroom behaviour' - you've just put yourself outside you creepy fuck.
blah blah blah. Yeah Naomi Wolfe is a creepy fuck too I guess.
She might be, she's wrong on what he's being questioned for. You've fucked up massively by using that. I've got nothing but contempt for the appeal to authority as well.
Jesus, Dylans, I'm surprised at you. Want to rethink that statement? (I'll not quote it, out of courtesy).
NO I DO NOT and I will not be intimidated by this fake pseudo feminist outrage. The guy is not charged with a single crime and these allegations would never stand up in a British court. The Swedish law is extraordinarily intrusive and weighted against the defendent. Paying for sex with a Prostitute is considered rape and prostitution is completely outlawed for example. The two people who are accusing him were engaged in consensual sexual activity with him and strangely enough decided after engaging in consensual sex decided that some aspects of their consensual sexual activity didn't fit the bill. Do me a favour this is a recipe for state interference in every aspect of peoples sex lives which are complex and contradictory in many ways and if every person who behaved badly was prosecuted for loutish behaviour the prisons would be full.
NO I DO NOT and I will not be intimidated by this fake pseudo feminist outrage. The guy is not charged with a single crime and these allegations would never stand up in a British court. The Swedish law is extraordinarily intrusive and weighted against the defendent. Paying for sex with a Prostitute is considered rape and prostitution is completely outlawed for example. The two people who are accusing him were engaged in consensual sexual activity with him and strangely enough decided after engaging in consensual sex decided that some aspects of their consensual sexual activity didn't fit the bill. Do me a favour this is a recipe for state interference in every aspect of peoples sex lives which are complex and contradictory in many ways and if every person who behaved badly was prosecuted for loutish behaviour the prisons would be full.

One of them says she was asleep. This is definitely a crime in the UK.

There are 4 separate allegations of assault.

Consent was conditional on the use of a condom, which is alleged to have not been used.

Where are you getting your information from?
Fake pseudo? So real, then?
When the language of feminism is used to justify the extradition of a man on fake trumped up charges to serve the interests of a hidden agenda it is entirely fake yes. This is not a rape case, because no rape took place. If this had been anyone but Assange and if it had been anywhere but Sweden there would never have been an arrest warrant. You are surprised by my position on this? Frankly I am amazed by yours. The fact that people who should know better are virtually cheering a politically motivated attempt to set up a declared enemy of the US government is not only surprising but bloody depressing
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