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Assange to face extradition

Psychic Phil strikes again.

On a serious note, Either/Or categorisation really is moronic. People are perfectly capable of doing something very good AND something very bad, both in the same lifetime. Radical thought, I know, for those who like to fit people into little boxes.
He is completely innocent. I was right about Amanda Knox, and now I am right about him.

I believe he's innocent too, I just think he's played this whole process out - to the detriment of future similar cases of kind both here and in Sweden.
He is completely innocent. I was right about Amanda Knox, and now I am right about him.

Perhaps he is innocent, perhaps not (best to see what evidence is put forward before making judgements, surely?) but it seems right he go through the same legal process everyone else has to..

Have you donated to Assange's defence fund? Will you be?
Perhaps he is innocent, perhaps not (best to see what evidence is put forward before making judgements, surely?) but it seems right he go through the same legal process everyone else has to..

Bollocks. He's obviously being framed because he's pissed off some powerful people.

Have you donated to Assange's defence fund? Will you be?

I certainly will. I urge everyone to do likewise.
He seems to have turned into John Inman during that long incarceration in the Norfolk mansion.
fuck assange , its bradley manning i feel sorry for .


No sympathy for creepy rapey assange and his circus, he's so full of shit it's unreal, with his gangs of security, use of wikileaks funds for his own defence/self-interest, anti-semitism (yeah fuck off and all, dwyer) and his ridiculous uber-leak of cables and documents with tons of peoples names in uncensored, some of whom are probably in jail cells being tortured whilst we jabber away.

He's clearly infatuated with himself though, so it'll be interesting how the trial goes when he gets on his soapbox and tries to excuse his fairly predatory behaviour with a freeeeeedom vs the great satan rant...
Bollocks. He's obviously being framed because he's pissed off some powerful people.

My over-active imagination has, at times, allowed me to consider this posibility. It's attractive, captivating, plausible. But, the reality is that there is no hard evidence to suggest this is true. None at all. So allowing myself to believe such nonsense would take me into the realms of conspiracy theorist. Not a position with a huge amount of credibility, usually...

I certainly will. I urge everyone to do likewise.

He sold the rights to his biography for £1million, which, if he's already spunked it on legal fees (or getting close) then he doesn't seem like the sort of person who is capable of sensibly managing money. Same for wikileaks cash, which I understand he has dipped in and out of as he sees fit.
Twat with a messiah complex, a nasty streak of anti-semitimism and a touch of the tinfoil hat. Possibly a sex case as well.

No I will not be contributing to his defence fund.
My over-active imagination has, at times, allowed me to consider this posibility. It's attractive, captivating, plausible. But, the reality is that there is no hard evidence to suggest this is true. None at all. So allowing myself to believe such nonsense would take me into the realms of conspiracy theorist.

No it wouldn't. Any rational person can see that he is being set up and sold down the river.
Meaning what?
That I look at their website? Yes
That I'm a middle class liberal? - no.
And the relvance of that to the Assange case being what exactly ...?

The Guardian is leading the campaign to label Assange what you labelled him.

So I assumed you got your opinion from them.
It's interesting to see how folk's political stance can flavour their view of Assange - he's either the poster boy of tranparent governance or of treasonous spying. He's somewhere in between I think, but with a big dollop of ego which has a massive appetite.

Hmmm take the word of one of the UK's most respected organs against someone who seems to specialise in building the brand of Assange. Let me consider that for a while...

With a pile of these leaks there's one person who's been in prison for eighteen months in a US Marine facility (although recently moved) under constant survelleince, in his cell for 23 hours a day.

Few people could tell you his name though, well not without a sneaky google, and you're most unlikely to hear it from Assange's lips which is unusual - is it not? - for someone who professes to be about revealing the actuality.

Bradley Manning, he of little concern compared to Assange, would probably love to swop his current cell for a nice Swedish one. My pity lies with him...
I have to confess I’m puzzled about Assange. When you actually hear him talking on youtube or whatever he seems like a fairly sane individual, but as soon as he’s in private with journalists it’s all lizards and jews and bun out the chi-chi man (I may have made the last bit up). What’s that all about?
I wonder if assange contributed to mannings defence fund?

Still, no idea if j.a is guilty or not. will be following the trial, presuming it is reported (are they closed doors ovrr there?). Despite assange being a bit weird and narcissistic, he has done some good things, so it would be a shame if he gets wrongly convicted. If he did do it, then obviously thats another story.
Why do people think he is narcissistic? I mean he is the spokesperson isn't he? Isn't he supposed to be in the public eye?
I have to confess I’m puzzled about Assange. When you actually hear him talking on youtube or whatever he seems like a fairly sane individual, but as soon as he’s in private with journalists it’s all lizards and jews and bun out the chi-chi man (I may have made the last bit up). What’s that all about?

Hmmm..... let me see.... hmm.....no I simply can't imagine what can be happening.
Sweden's legal system does not - as far as I know - have a beastly reputation for unfair trials, stitch ups and dodgy sentencing, so I'm failing to see why there's such a fuss about Assange having to go back there to face these sexual assault charges.

On the face of that...you might be right..however i think that you and i know thats its got bigger implications
than ASS not putting a condom on his cock....if you think that there has not been backhand channels
to get him back to Sweden and a whole lot of pressure for that to occur...you must be mad!!!
I wonder if assange contributed to mannings defence fund?

Still, no idea if j.a is guilty or not. will be following the trial, presuming it is reported (are they closed doors ovrr there?). Despite assange being a bit weird and narcissistic, he has done some good things, so it would be a shame if he gets wrongly convicted. If he did do it, then obviously thats another story.
Guilty of something? He hasn't even been charged with anything. He is to be extradited to answer enquiries.
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