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Assange to face extradition

Guilty of something? He hasn't even been charged with anything. He is to be extradited to answer enquiries.

Answer enquiries about allegations of sexual assault. Presumably these enquiries will focus on whether he did it or not, aka his guilt.
Twat with a messiah complex, a nasty streak of anti-semitimism and a touch of the tinfoil hat. Possibly a sex case as well.

No I will not be contributing to his defence fund.

Same. Just IMO like.

Still, we should take absolutely no notice of this article at all (or of any others at all like it) because it's in the Guardian (or Private Eye, or any other bit of the media at all).

It's Assange Against The World, therefore the World must automatically be wrong.
I saw it on an SBS documentary that was otherwise reasonably sympathetic to him.

On 7th May Bradley Manning punches a female officer in the face. He is disciplined and immediately demoted. He is told that he is finally to be discharged from the army.
Oh for fucks sakes. So what. The guy is facing life imprisonment on 22 charges. For over a year he was held in solitary confinement 23 hours a day without so much as a blanket or pillow in conditions condemned by Amnesty international as cruel and unusual punishment, despite not being convicted of a single offence.

Let's remember what he did. He released footage of war crimes being committed by US troops in Iraq, specifically the murder of 12 civilians including 2 journalists and the wounding of 2 children. And you want to dismiss all this and say "fuck him" because he once hit a female officer? Get some perspective for gods sakes. Bradley Manning is a hero as far as I am concerned.
I saw it on an SBS documentary that was otherwise reasonably sympathetic to him.
Seems like the important fact in that quote is that he punched an officer, rather than the implication of domestic abuse that 'woman puncher' holds.
Oh for fucks sakes. So what. The guy is facing life imprisonment on 22 charges. For over a year he was held in solitary confinement 23 hours a day without so much as a blanket or pillow in conditions condemned by Amnesty international as cruel and unusual punishment, despite not being convicted of a single offence.

To be honest I was him the 'fuck him' camp well before he gave the female officer the 'Scottish Sunglasses'.
Do not buy into the whole Assange propoganda. I flirted with this idea, but really this is a guy that has showed the American State Department behaving like gossiping grannies and the military like a bunch of college drunks on spring break. What did you expect to happen?

This was the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan.

"Disagree with the war all you want, take issue with the policy, challenge me or our ground commanders on the decisions we make to accomplish the mission we've been given, but don't put those who willingly go into harm's way even further in harm's way just to satisfy your need to make a point. Mr. Assange can say whatever he likes about the greater good he thinks he and his source are doing, but the truth is, they might already have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that of an Afghan family."

The problem the esteemed General cannot accept is that some of the leaks actually imply the American government, or military, covers up a great deal of crimes (at the very least manslaughter) in order to portray an image of themselves which is completely contradictory to realities on the ground. So, a number of people cannot "take issue with the policy". They do not have full information.

The whole subtext to the Assange case is this.

We cannot know about the realities, which have resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, on the grounds that doing so "will cost lives". Oh, and an obscure case in Sweden suggests Assange, based on a claim years after the event, at a time when America are considering extraditing Assange, and after a bunch of documents have surfaced, might be a rapist. And if not a rapist, a misogynist. And if not that, an anti-semite. And if not that, a weird guy with blonde hair. Whatever, lets just let him rot in a cell somewhere, preferrably in America where we can crack jokes about him being raped in the inhumane conditions of American jails.
Whilst my theory of him being extradited to Sweden to facilitate his transfer to the U.S. was dismissed by t_t as 'too tinfoil hat' I still think it's possibility. It was being seriously reported in the New York Times in December last year:

A Swedish prosecutor raised the possibility that Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, could eventually be extradited to the United States in a statement posted online on Tuesday.
Marianne Ny, the Swedish prosecutor who asked British authorities to detain Mr. Assange and send him to Sweden for questioning about possible sex crimes, discussed the possibility of sending him to the United States in a statement posted on the Swedish Prosecution Authority’s Web site on Tuesday.


Regardless, Assange has not helped his cause at all with all the posturing and suchlike. I can only surmise the man has a bit of an ego and has surrounded himself with yes people.
Have you actually read what that statement says? It just talks about the legal requirements for extradition to the US under a euro-warrent to happen. It certainly doesn't beef up the set-up claims in any way.
Yes, I did read it, and in their words and mine it's a possibility. No more no less. Tbf I think they'd love to get their hands on him and just maybe they've considered this a viable option rather than the 8 years later they've been waiting for Mckinnon. I'm not 100% convinced, just speculating.
Whilst my theory of him being extradited to Sweden to facilitate his transfer to the U.S. was dismissed by t_t as 'too tinfoil hat' I still think it's possibility. It was being seriously reported in the New York Times in December last year.
No it wasn't. If you read that quote from Ny she was setting out all the reasons why an extradition to the USA would not be easy from Sweden. The NYT blogger (not the NYT itself) closes with a paragraph about the US 'rooting for Sweden' that doesn't follow at all from the factual info posted in the article itself.
I still wouldn't put anything past them though.
No indeed. But I'd say we should look at real ways that Wikileaks is being strangled - cutting off funding through boycott of payment firms. Imprisonment and near-torture of their info sources. Sexual abuse allegations against Assange are, tbh, not a real threat against Wikileaks existence itself. The only way they could be would be for him to be so totally identified with Wikileaks that it stands or falls on his personal reputation. And this is percisely the situation that Assange and his supporters are driving towards. Many lefties and conspiraloons really like figureheads, it seems.
If that's what they're driving towards they're killing wikileaks. It's been about private appropriation of dumps and the parcelling and sale of them for ages now anyway.
@ Random: All true. I'm not a big fan of figureheads or people who choose to portray themselves as such either. One thing I would add to you 'lefties and conspiraloons' is governments. They like to have a handy figurehead they can demonise and pillory should it prove necessary. One of the reasons perhaps why they are having difficulties dealing with the occupy movement.
No indeed. But I'd say we should look at real ways that Wikileaks is being strangled - cutting off funding through boycott of payment firms. Imprisonment and near-torture of their info sources. Sexual abuse allegations against Assange are, tbh, not a real threat against Wikileaks existence itself. The only way they could be would be for him to be so totally identified with Wikileaks that it stands or falls on his personal reputation. And this is percisely the situation that Assange and his supporters are driving towards. Many lefties and conspiraloons really like figureheads, it seems.
Oh come on. The US are after his head on a spike. The guy has been subject to open calls for assassination or for him to face the death penalty by media figures, military figures and political figures across the US who have been quite blatant about the fact that they are after him, not just wikileaks, but him personally. He humiliated them. They want to make a scapegoat of him. If they get their hands on him he will be subject to the same treatment as Manning. In fact the reason that Manning has been subject to such brutal treatment in prison is precisely to force him to implicate Assange.

I have no doubt that extradition to Sweden is part of a plan to get him to the States and to those who think the Sweden is not in the pocket of the US. They were one of the few countries to vote against Palestine joining UNESCO, along with Germany and the US the only countries to do so. I wonder why that was. Its really quite shameful that people are allowing their personal dislike for him or his ego (a dislike which I share btw) to allow them to go along with this quite shocking political persecution and obvious attempt at judicial kidnapping. We shall see who is right and who is wrong is a year or two when he is sitting in Guantanamo bay or a high security prison alongside Bradley Manning
Can those who think he will be extradited from Sweden explain why the US aren't seeking to have him extradited from Britain? Given, as I said before, our extremely relaxed attitude to extradition to the US.
And that he can only be extradited with the UKs agreement if sweden takes the preliminary steps (which it hasn't). I bet he'll be on gtimo on the moon soon.
Do people really think the US enagages in these crude expression of power over people like assange? If so,they're years beyond you in political sophistication. Come into the new century.
Can those who think he will be extradited from Sweden explain why the US aren't seeking to have him extradited from Britain? Given, as I said before, our extremely relaxed attitude to extradition to the US.
Who knows. Maybe the US figures the political climate is easier in Sweden than Britain and that public opinion in the UK would be too hostile to US extradition attempt. Maybe the US has stitched up a nice little deal with Sweden for agreeing to extradition. This is not as far fetched as it seems. We know for example that wikileaks revealed the fact that Sweden and the US have already made deals that bypass the democratic process and allow Sweden to give information on US citizens to the US.

They lied to us about the FRA law

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Former MP Camilla Lindberg: Had this been known had perhaps more dared vote against

Recently, there have been reports that the FRA is leaking information about ordinary citizens. Unfiltered data should have been disclosed to the U.S., and perhaps elsewhere. This means that information about common Swedish citizen e-mails, phone calls and social networking into the hands of foreign intelligence. We FRA critics warned of the consequences of this as early as 2008, when FRA law was passed, then the law means that the FRA will have access to huge amounts of data.
During the summer of 2008 lasted many long discussions about what the FRA would actually have to do with the information they collect. Again and again protested the Defense Department that we had nothing to worry about. Sweden would never disclose sensitive information about their citizens to a foreign power, it was said. Now it turns out that the concern we had was more than justified. The Parliament was misled

In November this year Swedish tabloids reported that secret negotiations for the extradition of Assange had already taken place between the US and Sweden. Sorry about the google translation

Swedish and U.S. officials have discussed the possibility of forward Julian Assange to the United States. The diplomatic sources said the Independent.

Julian Assange is being held in London on suspicion of, inter alia, rape in Sweden last summer. A court
must now decide whether he shall be handed over to the Swedish authorities. Julian Assange has been severely criticized by those in power around the world for Wikileaks publications of declassified U.S. documents.

Want prosecution for espionage

U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether it is possible to prosecute Julian Assange for espionage. Julian Assange British lawyer Mark Stephens fears that the U.S. will request that Assange be extradited to the country if he submitted to the Swedish authorities. Now comes evidence that Mark Stephens, the grounds for his concern.According to sources at the Independent, there have been informal talks between Swedish and U.S. officials about the possibility of disclosing Assange to the United States. The Independent's diplomatic sources, no request for extradition to the United States sent to Sweden before and if there is a charge against him from the U.S. States government, and it will not happen before the legal process in Sweden is over.


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