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Assange to face extradition

For a start, I think the Swedes should get a wiggle on, and send their OB over here to stand on guard and bloody arrest Assange once he pokes his nose outside the embassy. I don't see why we should be doing it, and paying for it.
I'm listening to Ecudor by Sah on my Ipod - I want to blast it out at the embassy tomorrow and say thanks ECUDOR :))
For a start, I think the Swedes should get a wiggle on, and send their OB over here to stand on guard and bloody arrest Assange once he pokes his nose outside the embassy. I don't see why we should be doing it, and paying for it.

I assume that would be rather beyond the norms of extradition systems, not the sort of option that would become available just because someone decided to get a wiggle on, or one that doesnt happen simply because someone failed to get a wiggle on?

Fucking hell. What a crock of Manichean polemical shite. The author can only be USian, no? It's an example of something that's deeply broken in US culture and discourse...

It is difficult to think of anyone this side of Saddam Hussein who triggers this level of personalized, deeply ingrained hatred from establishment journalists. Few who spew this vitriol would dare speak with the type of personalized scorn toward, say, George Bush or Tony Blair

Do fuck off, Glenn Greenwald.

If a brief comes out with shit like that, you know their only hope of an acquittal is that the jury are mad.

And to play him at his own rhetorical game, only to show how silly this Manicheanism is:

Wikipedia said:
One of Greenwald's most notable First Amendment clients was Matthew Hale, a leader of the organization now known as the Creativity Movement.

Creativity is known for being "antisemitic, racist and...anti-Christian."[2] Ben Klassen described the organizational structure of the Church of the Creator as "monolithic and...authoritarian",[3] although the Anti-Defamation League noted an apparent hierarchy in the religion.[4] The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies its ideology as Neo-Nazi.[5]
I assume that would be rather beyond the norms of extradition systems, not the sort of option that would become available just because someone decided to get a wiggle on, or one that doesnt happen simply because someone failed to get a wiggle on?

I've long come to terms with the fact that what I think should happen, won't necessarily do so. Apart from the issues arising out of normal extradition systems, I know fine well that the Swedes don't generally get a wiggle on as I alluded to previously when mentioning their tendency to consensus decision making.

However, that's still what I think should happen. I don't think it will.

Although we could try invoicing them for the manpower.
I've long come to terms with the fact that what I think should happen, won't necessarily do so. Apart from the issues arising out of normal extradition systems, I know fine well that the Swedes don't generally get a wiggle on as I alluded to previously when mentioning their tendency to consensus decision making.

However, that's still what I think should happen. I don't think it will.

Although we could try invoicing them for the manpower.

How would you feel if he was made the subject of extraordinary rendition and spirited away to Guantanamo Bay?

The question being, how much are you prepared to see the rules bent in order to get Assange behind bars?
How would you feel if he was made the subject of extraordinary rendition and spirited away to Guantanamo Bay?

The question being, how much are you prepared to see the rules bent in order to get Assange behind bars?

I'd be furious if it happened before the sexual assault allegations were properly sorted out.

After that, well it would depend on what the reasoning was for any such extraordinary rendition. I'm not particularly attached to getting him behind bars.
Today, I was reading rubbish for a living. Practiced at skimming thoroughly, then.

I still took up smoking halfway through. I may sue :D

:D I admire your patience with it. When I started reading it, I had to double check the URL to make sure that it wasn't infowars.
I also think it's time for the Swedish government to take action. They're probably so busy trying to get consensus on it, that matters will come to a head in the meantime - here.
Why should the Swedish government make a move? They probably love this situation. They get to tacitly show they're on the same side as the US and UK, while also attracting support from Swedish feminists and Social Democrats. Likewise the Swedish judiciary don't want to lose face by giving in to Assange.
Why should the Swedish government make a move? They probably love this situation. They get to tacitly show they're on the same side as the US and UK, while also attracting support from Swedish feminists and Social Democrats. Likewise the Swedish judiciary don't want to lose face by giving in to Assange.

I agree.
No one comes out of this situation looking good. Sweden's ruling class is becoming less and less neutral by the week, and this is one of those moments that is going to shift world perception of Sweden solidly into the Nato camp. Likewise the UK ruling class has made it clear they are going to put disproportionate resources into chasing someone that has embarrassed the USA.

And meanwhile all the dodgy "anti-imperialist" lefties are smoked out, scrambling to say that what Assange is accused of "isn't even rape, except in feminazi Sweden", and Assange himself reverts to the worst kind of 'enemy of my enemy' strategy, cosying up to Russia's elite, plus any other state that wants to piss off the USA.

With people falling into two neat camps over this it's easy to see how a greater split in the left, like in the 1920s and 1930s over the USSR, could take place.

I just hope that people like Matkidd12, who are skeptical of the Pilger-Galloway nonsense on this, don't end up abandoning basic leftism or anti-militarism entirely, as Hitchens did. The US and UK have been involved in the slaughter of thousands. They are still the main threat. But this doesn't either mean that anyone critical of them should be given a free pass when it comes to basic feminism or equality politics.
I thought the UK ruling class was putting resources into enforcing its judiciary wrt to extradition decisions, and jumping bail.

Edit: I'd also feel as strongly about the sexual assault allegations if those raising them were male, intersex or trans.
I thought the UK ruling class was putting resources into enforcing its judiciary wrt to extradition decisions, and jumping bail.
I doubt everyone avoiding a EAW get's personal attention from cabinet ministers. Why do you need to pretend that the UK state is somehow neutral in all this?
No one comes out of this situation looking good. Sweden's ruling class is becoming less and less neutral by the week, and this is one of those moments that is going to shift world perception of Sweden solidly into the Nato camp. Likewise the UK ruling class has made it clear they are going to put disproportionate resources into chasing someone that has embarrassed the USA.

And meanwhile all the dodgy "anti-imperialist" lefties are smoked out, scrambling to say that what Assange is accused of isn't even rape, except in feminazi Sweden, and Assange himself reverts to the worst kind of 'enemy of my enemy' strategy, cosying up to Russia's elite, plus any other state that wants to piss off the USA.

With people falling into two neat camps over this it's easy to see how a greater split in the left, like in the 1920s and 1930s over the USSR, could take place.

I just hope that people like Matkidd12, who are skeptical of the Pilger-Galloway nonsense on this, don't end up abandoning basic leftism or anti-militarism entirely, as Hitchens did. The US and UK have been involved in the slaughter of thousands. They are still the main threat. But this doesn't either mean that anyone critical of them should be given a free pass when it comes to basic feminism or equality politics.

I wouldn't worry about the anti-imperialists, they've been up to their necks in blood for decades, this is nothing to them - and we shouldn't have expected anything better from them. It's the people who you thought you could trust that have me thinking about where the hell they're actually coming from.
I doubt everyone avoiding a EAW get's personal attention from cabinet ministers. Why do you need to pretend that the UK state is somehow neutral in all this?

I don't need to pretend that the UK state is, and I'm not. I also don't think of the Swedish state as feminazi, but you seem to.
I wouldn't worry about the anti-imperialists, they've been up to their necks in blood for decades, this is nothing to them - and we shouldn't have expected anything better from them. It's the people who you thought you could trust that have me thinking about where the hell they're actually coming from.
People like who? Has Chomsky finally lost it?
But even so, I don't think you can boil down the rape accusations to issues of feminism and equality politics.
The whole case clearly involves lots of issues. But the people who dismiss the rape allegations, often as "not even constituting rape even if true" are clearly expressing views relating to feminism and equality politics.
I'm not convinced at all by that Chomsky interview as it goes.
Is it this interview: http://newmatilda.com/2012/08/17/assange-interview-chomsky ? Seems to be very little Noam at all, mostly the reporter paraphrases and drops in the occasional quote. Still, if he said this: "Everyone in their right mind knows that this is a stepping stone to the US." then I think he has lost it a bit. Even though he's correct that in the last 100 years Sweden's leant towards whichever power has been dominant. Still doesn't mean the government will defy its own Supreme Court and provoke a backlash.
The whole case clearly involves lots of issues. But the people who dismiss the rape allegations, often as "not even constituting rape even if true" are clearly expressing views relating to feminism and equality politics.

I don't entirely agree. Some of them are expressing views related to power, and its use/abuse.
I don't entirely agree. Some of them are expressing views related to power, and it's use/abuse.
If you keep on with the single-sentence posts on this it's hard for me to engage. I have to second-guess what you actually mean, and reply to that.
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