What I'm saying isn't that the UK is becoming fascist - I'm saying it's becoming - gradually - more like the country you live in (which is also not fascist). And over the next period this process will - imo - accelerate, giving the impression among the more gullilble of "fascism" being around the corner but simply what's happening is that imo liberal democracies like the uk are getting more into line with the rest of the world rather than the goose steps and brown shirts making an appearance
many people would love their country to have the same freedoms as brazil - the right to protest - the right to strike etc etc etc, the same as many people would like their countries to be as free and democratic as say russia (which is pretty free and democratic compared to what it was)
im not arguing this is good - i'd be the first to say it wasn't - but hysteria does not pay imo
If we lived in a fascist state, believe me - we'd know