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Another potential impeachment coming in America

It's a bit tricky because they have got nothing. . . . but they don't care, all they really want is to say that Biden is also being impeached to use as political ammo for when trump is on one of his rants.

I'm not sure how it will work because they don't really have anything to hang an investigation on. They are pretty much impeaching him to start an investigation into what they can impeach him for.

The Hunter car loan stuff is all accounted for. Hunter has also said he will happily answer questions in a public inquiry (so that nothing he says can be twisted or lied about later) but the republicans say no, they will only investigate in private behind closed doors. . . which is just really weird and has been a quite difficult spin. I think they are currently saying they don't want to do it in public because Hunter "Just want's the spotlight" and "wants to look good".
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This is the problem with blatantly political prosecutions--two can play at that game. The Democrats should have thought of that before levelling their ridiculous charges against Trump. Biden will receive scant sympathy now.
impeachment with no evidence but a laptop full of pictures of his son's dick

should be interesting
they released the footage then the speaker off the house had to blur faces as 2 many republican voter were getting identified

You think that the speaker of the house blurred the faces of the rioters because too many of them were Republican voters?
hmm anyone remember the attempts to impeach Obama for gender neutral bathrooms or for not being born in the states

damn petty democrats
hmm aye the people kicking in the doors of Congress were just enthusiastic tourists :hmm:
Indeed, the claims were not baseless or without merit. Even 10 republicans voted for it.
In trumps second impeachment case there were several clear accusations.. They have nothing on Biden, nothing linking him to anything at all. They don't even know exactly what they want to link him to. They just want to investigate in general and hope they find something. . . which is a really weird way to hold a criminal investigation. To compare and equate the two proposed impeachments is blatantly idiotic.
I doubt anything will come from this apart from House Republicans looking like even bigger clowns than they already are, though maybe the impeachment inquiry's not such a bad thing if it sets the precedent that presidents can expect to have their business dealings and those of their family members put under the microscope when they take office
Indeed, the claims were not baseless or without merit. Even 10 republicans voted for it.
In trumps second impeachment case there were several clear accusations.. They have nothing on Biden, nothing linking him to anything at all. They don't even know exactly what they want to link him to. They just want to investigate in general and hope they find something. . . which is a really weird way to hold a criminal investigation. To compare and equate the two proposed impeachments is blatantly idiotic.

all this idiotic they have no evidence that biden are benifted in anyway from hunters supposed crimes

they just trying to deflect from trump mounting court cases.. like most maga shit it all about Whataboutery
the whole world watched it more or less live
but we have gobshite like dywer playing the useful idiots trying to say it was not maga

this women was FBI in Phil's mind

Two facts are undisputed: (a) Groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were heavily involved, and (b) Both groups were led by FBI informants.

Two facts are undisputed: (a) Groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were heavily involved, and (b) Both groups were led by FBI informants.

of course every racist group that appear to be tying itself to trump banner was really a deep state plot to take down your glorious leader

or maybe FBI infiltrating domestic terrorist organisations is part of their fucking job description
or maybe FBI infiltrating domestic terrorist organisations is part of their fucking job description

They're doing more than infiltrate such organizations, they're leading them:

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