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Andor (Star Wars)

Not heard of this one before but looks good.

Obi wan is out tommorow as well.
It features Captain Andor and his ultra-cynical sidekick droid off Rogue One, set a few years earlier

It also covers the period of the SW universe I am most interested in seeing in greater depth- the birth/ early days of the Rebel Alliance, and blissfully Jedi-free.

Much love for the Jedi and sandy planets, but this is the "Wars" part of the franchise that has a lot of potential, even if it is hemmed in by the weight of what comes next. Certainly, the visuals are compelling and of the Rogue One variety. Onwards!
Rogue One is one of my favourite movies, and he definitely deserves a back story. I'm looking forward to this.

However - and this might be the wrong off-shoot to expect for it, but there don't seem to be any that are better suited either - I'd really like to see some glimpses of happiness. Literal glimpses would do. I want to see why they think what they're fighting for is worth it.
Perhaps they’ve thought the first cut was shit and decided to reshoot vast amounts of it, just like Rogue One. Which would be quite fitting :D
They'll have to be quick to get it ready for sep 21st :eek: :D

The origanel date in Aug was pretty close to the launch dates of house of the dragon and lord of the rings so maybe that is the reason?
The shark is getting ready.


I usually love these guys, but they got it really wrong where Rogue One was concerned. I still plan to copy the Netflix stuff I can't live without in the near future (far far away) and subscribe to Disney instead so I can watch all of this new SW stuff :thumbs:
I already knew Andor was filmed on location instead of employing the Stagecraft background screen that’s been used in all other Disney+ SW series (tbf it worked fine in Mando, but still…). But it is absolutely fantastic to hear they’ve prioritised practical effects over CGI, as well as no expense being spared to even build massive location sets, apparently…

Can’t fucking wait :)

I usually love these guys, but they got it really wrong where Rogue One was concerned. I still plan to copy the Netflix stuff I can't live without in the near future (far far away) and subscribe to Disney instead so I can watch all of this new SW stuff :thumbs:
Those guys are way past their sell by date.
Just reactivated disney+

First 3 eps out today :cool:

Unfortunatly i have to go out after work so might not get time to watch them today :( :mad:
For what is worth, just about every single reviewer so far has stated that the first two episdoes are slow, but shit gets real in the third episode, and then one realises that the first two were well worth the bother.
I'll watch it at some point before my subscription runs out. . . But I have to say this is all getting long past the point that I care all that much. I don't even remember him to any great degree in rouge one, (not even his name, I thought this series was about a planet call andor) . . And he was the lead!!! so I can only hope they concentrate a bit more in fleshing characters out.

I don't see anything exciting in that trailer, but I guess I'm not the target market anymore (and others here clearly still are)
Perhaps so, but that's not a good advert. Having to wade through two turgid episodes on the hope it becomes something i like
That's how I felt for about the first five episodes of Succession, the first two of Breaking Bad, the first three of The Sopranos... I've actually abandoned the Wire on episode six because it still hasn't done it for me despite the entire world and their uncle wanking off to it..
like the dirty lived in aesthetic of the first episode

sci fi in general has dystopia that look like someone's cleaning all the time
give me some dirty and grime

and yes AS will hate it as its not Space murder she wrote or Space Ca-bumbo
That's how I felt for about the first five episodes of Succession, the first two of Breaking Bad, the first three of The Sopranos... I've actually abandoned the Wire on episode six because it still hasn't done it for me despite the entire world and their uncle wanking off to it..
I have never watched any of those shows as they lack a) laser swords b) dragons or c) magic rings

Unfortunately my patience for tv and movies isn't what it used to be these days. I have Disney for the month, but I doubt i'll maintain it.
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